Courage - Comments

  • Pier in the Sky.

    Pier in the Sky. (160)

    United States
    Lately I've been reading depressing stories and fanfics that after you get done reading them you feel like you need to take a bottle of antidepressants so this was a nice change of pace for me. It was short but so beautifully written and definitely caught my attention for the period of time it took me to read it.

    "....and butterflies exploded inside their stomachs."

    My most favorite line that also made me giggle. As soon as I read it I pictured actual butterflies shooting out of them. Oh, sleep deprivation. It'll do things to you.

    As stated up above, absolutely love the fact that you put in Blaine's pink sunglasses. Those sunglasses ARE Blaine. Amazing touch to and already amazing fic. Loved it. <3
    March 28th, 2012 at 10:22pm
  • Discontinued

    Discontinued (1350)

    United States

    It's short, but so sweet. I like this a lot. The signature pink sunglasses was a nice input.

    I like how you actually have their ages right. Other writers have Blaine as the older boy when it's actually Kurt.
    December 10th, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • The Color Wini

    The Color Wini (300)

    United Kingdom
    This honestly is the cutest thing in the world. It makes me smile and want to find my very own boyfriend. It's really had to find a good Klaine that doesn't go into graphic details of them having sex so...

    Also, one other thing: Mibba guidelines that we have to space our stories out like this:

    Blaine didn't want to waste any more time. The way the boy next to him looked into his eyes, it was doing something to him. His mind was spinning, the butterflies in his stomach were flying around and he just wanted to pick him up, twirl circles with Kurt in his arms and kiss his lips in the most delicate way he possibly could. He loved him, and he wanted him to know.

    “I love you,” he kissed his soft lips. He could feel how Kurt smiled surprised, and kissed him back instantly. Blaine rolled on top of him. A soft, delicate kiss soon turned out into a rough make out session. Hands were going everywhere, moans were shared and butterflies exploded inside their stomachs.

    October 13th, 2011 at 09:34pm
  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    It was a normal, sunny afternoon - Normal for six billion people scattered around the world. It was special for two teenage boys.
    -This is a nice opening; I like how it takes a general description, a broad focus and narrows it to the personal level that this drabble is actually set. It's like setting the scene, and then zooming in and focusing on the characters.
    Blaine stroke through his lover's soft hair, a smile on his lips and his pink sunglasses on his nose.
    -Pink sunglasses. :3 (has a squeeing fangirl moment)

    So, finding good Klaines on Mibba is kinda my mission lately. As such, I would like to thank you for writing and posting this drabble; it made me really happy to find it and read it. The only complaint I really have is that it feels like it builds up so quickly and intensely just to end so soon and so abruptly, but on the other hand I do really like how you ended it because I like those sort of open endings (plus it's pretty easy to imagine what will likely ensue from here anyway.)
    All in all, well done. :)
    October 10th, 2011 at 02:23am
  • northern lights;

    northern lights; (150)

    United Kingdom
    I love this. It's beautiful, well done :D
    October 5th, 2011 at 09:47pm