Change of Heart - Comments

  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    The whole layout is just really cute and your plot is amazing. I was amazed just by the first chapter and really enjoyed it!
    December 26th, 2011 at 05:59am
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    I love how you're taking a plot that can turn out to be this boring play by play story into this actually awesome piece of work. I love how vivid you guys are with your writing! You usually don't see that very often with stories - especially co-writes now a days. Really wanna see how Lyric and Stella play out as more time goes on.
    November 14th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • AddyJade

    AddyJade (100)

    United States
    First of all, super cute layout...I love the picture with the owls:) I feel like the cuteness of the entire layout matches your story super well.

    Your summery is interesting and it grabbed my attention. I always like the story of the story of the underdog, of a person who is in love with someone and they think they have no chance. I really like those kinds of stories, so I was instantly drawn in.

    I was disappointed you only had two chapters up! I read them and now I want to find out what happens between the two girls! I love how you leave it having with...oh, I really shouldn't have said that, what's going to happen next?
    Plus, I love the name's sooo original:)

    I saw no grammatical mistakes, but there was an awkward sentence that could be fixed. I can't recall it word for word, but it's when Lyric says something like, "and it turns out she was sitting right in front of me..." or something like that. I only remember myself thinking that if you took out the "turns out" and shuffled a few words around, it wouldnt be so awkward. Sorry I couldnt give you more specifics on that one...I should have wrote it down, lol.

    Good job and great story so far! Can't wait to see more:)
    November 7th, 2011 at 02:32am
  • pink tape

    pink tape (100)

    United States
    oh i like the layout, it's cute :D

    anyways, i never really read this type of stuff, but this seemed alright. I think it's cute how shy lyric is with Stella, and hopefully you'll write a chapter from Stella's point of view. so, it was alright and whatnot, defiantly keep writing. :)
    October 17th, 2011 at 01:54am
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    I think the layout is adorable, first off. :D

    Anyways, moving on, it's a cute beginning I guess. It was a little short, gave me a little bit of insight on Lyric. Nothing really grabbed at me to keep reading, but it was nice. I think that there should be a little more of a reason why the school kids don't like her (people don't just like someone for no reason) that I think would make it a little more realistic, but I think it's cute how shy she is with Stella.

    It was short so I can't say much but it was alright. :)
    October 17th, 2011 at 01:24am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Sorry about getting back a bit late. :)

    The first thing I noticed was the cute owl and heart banner. It was so cute! <333 It made me want to huggle the two owls in it. :) The layout is beautiful. :) I loved how the summary tells us a bit about the girls, Lyric and Stella, without giving away too much.

    Chapter One
    For some reason, the way you describe Lyric makes me think she's one of those Emo girls or girls that wear dark colors, eyeliner, and make up. Sorry if that wasn't what you intended. ^.^" I was just picturing that but then again, her picture is different then what I had envisioned. :)

    Aww, Stella seesms so mean to Lyric and Lyric is just so darn adorable. :3 I like Lyric and you portrayed her emotions so well in this chapter. I just wish it were longer so that I could enjoy it more.

    I hope you write more soon because this story is cute! I will definitely be subbing!
    October 16th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • ailurophile.

    ailurophile. (100)

    United States
    for a comment swap

    Aaawww, the layout's cute. (: It gives a nice, innocent first impression to the reader, I think.

    Always had some boy around her neck, what was so great about her, anyways? Oh, don't forget that she was straight. After neck, you shoulder start a new sentence.

    I adore the last paragraph in the summary. <3

    Though I don't have a younger sibling, I do expect that Lyric's brother would be like living with the devil. xD His screaming at her while she's in the bathroom is very realistic, though. I love the visual effects you make.

    HA! He counted on his fingers. That actually made me laugh.

    Oh, can I ever relate to Lyric... I hate the bus too. >_<

    bu it didn't work out that way; You're missing a t c:

    OH GAWD I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS <3 I'm subscribing. This was adorable and I can't wait for it to be updated. Amazing, amazing job, love.
    October 16th, 2011 at 08:09pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    Your descriptions are very vivid and clear - you've definitely got a talent. The only thing that irks me is how you introduce Lyric. It was just a little cliche and typical "woe is me, tortured high school student because I'm totes different and hxc sceenie weenie." But I don't think that that will ruin the story by any means - I'm just particular. This was quite lovely. :)
    October 16th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • Merida

    Merida (120)

    United States
    I really like your descriptions. I could really imagine what she was doing. I also like the character names. They're really different.

    I will say I'm not a total fan of the layout. The background color doesn't really seem to fit the colors in the picture banner. Not that it has to be matchy matchy, but it kind of throws me off. I also didn't like that the Chapter title was so close to the picture and the story content was right there with it.

    I did enjoy the first part. I liked the whole bus ride part, it seemed as if near-fatal bus accidents were a possibility everywhere. - This was my favorite line. It just had me smiling for some reason. I don't know I just really liked it.

    I wasn't sure what the rating was to this, but it doesn't matter to me so I don't know why I'm putting this. Facepalm -laugh out loud- I'd like to read a good femmeslash and although it hasn't been totally developed yet, I think I will subscribe.
    October 12th, 2011 at 05:57pm
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    This is really interesting story so far; however, I have to mention that I'm not a fan of femmeslash so this comment might be a bit biased. Sorry >_< Anyways, I like that the girls are complete opposites. It gives this story a very different edge. I feel sort of bad for Lyric, going through what she has to. Poor thing. Your details are very nice and I could easily visualize everything you've describe. Very nice (:
    October 12th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    This was so amazing. I love her name!!!!!!
    October 11th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • MyBrokenRomance

    MyBrokenRomance (100)

    Omigawd I loved it!!! :3
    Seriously,you're amazing!!! :D
    Please tell me when there's more!!!! :D :D :D
    October 9th, 2011 at 03:50pm
  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    I love how the two girls are complete opposites<3 it's so adorable.

    You have a real talent of writing, young miss :3 I love your detail and how I could picture everything perfectly. The summary was also a real hooker as well as the first chapter. I will be checking on this frequently, hoping the next chapter is up! Great job :D
    October 8th, 2011 at 06:45pm