The Taste of Ink - Comments

  • falling not flying

    falling not flying (100)

    United States
    I loved this sooo much. I realize I'm a bit late on the untake, but I really really love your stories. :)
    June 2nd, 2009 at 08:07pm
  • sketch.

    sketch. (355)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I absolutely adored this.

    "His brown eyes a light with a fire of hatred as he stared down onto his own son. I was glad to say the feeling was mutual. " - i really like the description of the father here. It helps paint a picture of the life Quinn is living, which can be difficult to understand sometimes in oneshots.

    "I could see her silhouette moving behind her cream curtains, like a dancing cloud, only, a cloud could never be as elegant as her."
    "Her aqua orbs danced along the back yard, slowly trailing up me and back up into the sky, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her – she took my breath away every time I saw her."
    - Quite simply, beautiful description.

    "“They have, baby, they really have. I have you, I have my best friends, and now I’m about to set off into the world… I’m going to be a guitarist in a successful band. I’m gunna show kids that their world isn’t just on their door steps – I’m gunna show them that it’s wherever your heart takes you.” I got lost then. My mind had begun to ravel off ideas too complex for my brain to divulge, instead, I just let them twist and bend into colourful dreams, the dreams that would be coming true in…" - That was just... wow. I don't quite know how to put into words what that did to me whilst reading it. It really does capture the essence of The Used in the early days.

    "“Don’t worry, you’ll get yours later.” He winked and walked back inside" - The dialogue between Quinn and Bert made me laugh. You can tell how comfortable they are with each other.

    My favourite part of the whole story is “We’ll walk, it’s no big deal.” How we were supposed to walk to a destination none of us knew was beyond me, but we needed to reassure him, and Bert’s words seemed to do that."
    - You realise here that this means the world to the characters. That they mean everything to each other, and would do anything for each other, even walking miles and miles.

    I don't know if i've managed to put into words how good this was, but i guess you get the idea (:
    March 8th, 2008 at 01:56pm
  • t'lema

    t'lema (150)

    United Kingdom
    I just found this (stalking people on The Used thread? Me? Never) and this is really beautiful. I just wante dto say that it is so well written, the whole reality of it, Quinn's desperation to leave and the friendship between all of them was really believable.

    Great characterisation, Quinn's I'm stopping this before Bert gets a hard on was a really good line. The friendship and willingness to joke with each other and that little bit of a rough edge seemed really true to them.

    Okay, I suck at commenting, just know that I loved it.
    March 5th, 2008 at 08:20pm
  • Jimmy Urine.

    Jimmy Urine. (150)

    LOL, 'tittle'

    LOL, Bert's short.

    LOL, Jeph's lovers' tiff.

    LOL, Mel and Quinn are super cute (if only in this story xD unless we find squirrels cute, that is... ) =]

    LOL, you're such an amazing writer. If only I'd been able to write as well as you when I was the ripe ol' age of 14. And if only I could now.

    (I only got marginally better cause I know what a complex sentence is these days, and have discovered the joy of porn writing.)

    I love you and your stories, even if your original rating was way off :hand:


    Drunkards. Smiley

    (Lol, tittle)

    Lol, I said lol even when I didn't need to then. Lol.
    March 4th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • Quinn Allman.

    Quinn Allman. (150)

    ^Constable Emilee, ftw.

    This is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.
    I love it.
    Thank you, babe.
    March 4th, 2008 at 11:05pm
  • Bert McCracken.

    Bert McCracken. (150)

    United Kingdom
    This is the comment box, right? Well anyways. I like your Twilight fic. Esp. the tittle, drew me in.
    ...I don't have a Twilight fic.
    And this is the comment board for my story.

    Please don't comment if you haven't read my story...
    March 4th, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • orange-almond

    orange-almond (100)

    United States
    This is the comment box, right? Well anyways. I like your Twilight fic. Esp. the tittle, drew me in.
    March 4th, 2008 at 10:52pm
  • Bert McCracken.

    Bert McCracken. (150)

    United Kingdom
    A present for my Quinn.
    Love Bert.
    I hope you like it, hoser.

    Comments are love, too.
    March 4th, 2008 at 10:46pm