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  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, I understand. That's fine; don't feel pressured to write for it, I just wanted to leave some honest feedback. :)
    I hope you're able to find that inspiration again. If it happens to be with another AG story, let me know, I will definitely check it out. :D
    I've just been on a kick of reading those lately, aha. :P
    May 28th, 2015 at 10:08am
  • niccisayshello

    niccisayshello (200)

    United States
    @ Nanook
    Thank you so much for you comment :] Honestly, I have lost my inspiration for this story because I got bored with it. I still have the outline for it but I can't relate to her anymore. Have Faith in Me was my baby and that character is so much more relatable to me than her in the sequel. Alex and Autumn's story is complete and I don't want to drag it on just to create unnecessary drama. I also had to stop writing for a while because of school.

    I have a few new ideas that I'm outlining right now but I'm not sure if I will finish them. Who knows what will happen but I won't stop writing. I just need to find the right inspiration. I need a character I can connect on a deep level with.
    May 23rd, 2015 at 09:30am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    So I just sort of randomly found this story and its prequel and may I just say that I adore both. You are an amazing writer.
    One thing I want to point out that I really enjoyed, particularly with the prequel, is how you put the title in one line of the story, and it just related to the whole thing. The whole plot line of the story.
    ā€œIā€™m not going to drop you, have a little faith in me,ā€ he smiled, he let go of me for a second before catching me once again.
    I love when authors do this, and it definitely makes you like more of a pro at it. Because I feel like I only ever see actual published books do this but you proved me wrong by doing it yourself. I've come across it before on here, but it's rarer than you'd think. So I love when I find a story that actually does it.
    I realize it's been a while since you've updated this, but I have hope that you will continue. I would love to see an end to this story, even if it's a quick wrap-up. It really had a beautiful story line starting with the prequel and I'd love to see an end for these two. But... I can also understand if you don't continue. I definitely understand losing inspiration or even life just getting in the way and preventing writing time. That is what's happened to me, or really just losing inspiration because I have been on here to read more recently. But as for writing stuff myself I haven't really been able to do it.
    But I just wanted to leave a comment to let you know I will be here if you do continue, and to let you know that people are still stumbling across these two stories and enjoying them. :)
    Once again, you're an amazing writer. :)
    May 19th, 2015 at 05:01am
  • niccisayshello

    niccisayshello (200)

    United States
    @ BeautifulBreakdown
    thank you :] it was one of my favorites but I lost inspiration for it for some reason, but I do want to finish it because it's one of my favorites along with Have Faith in Me (finished) and Neverland (in progress).
    November 1st, 2012 at 04:40am
  • BeautifulBreakdown

    BeautifulBreakdown (100)

    United States
    I don't know how this doesn't have any comments. I know it's a little old and im a little late to finding this but I wanted to comment and let you know I think this is a great story and if you ever wish to continue it, I would definitely read it. :)
    November 1st, 2012 at 12:20am