Let Me Dance - Comments

  • CarryOnWanderer

    CarryOnWanderer (100)

    United States
    whoa I was surprised to get your entry in that quickly but kudos to you! :D

    Since it's only 500 words don't expect too much for a critique cause it's usually pretty hard to write a long, detailed one for such a short story. But I will do what I can to give you some constructive and beneficial thoughts on my part :)

    Layout- I think it's very well put together. The colors in the background compliment the banner really well and the font is readable.

    Intro: Can't go wrong with "I will survive" lyrics :)

    Story-wise: I like the story overall. It was simple and to the point without being too direct or flat and emotionless. In fact I think it holds a lot of potential but minor errors deducted from the story. A little bit of polishing could fix that though (I wrote down some suggested edits as I was reading but I won't post them on here; PM if you'd like to receive them though and I will send them over). I liked the characters and I wish I could've gotten to know them a little bit better but it is what it is.

    Ending comments: I want to thank you for joining my contest, getting your entry in so early, and the best of luck in this and any future contest you may join ^.^
    October 12th, 2011 at 05:34am