Dreams can become nightmares. - Comments

  • Emotional Wind

    Emotional Wind (100)

    this starts of perfect, but its TOO fast. readers LOVE little details described vividly. Here is what I do when getting the scenery ready for my characters entrance. I describe it from a distance, then I describe it up-close, and last but not least I describe it from my characters POV. So if I am describing snowing mountains from a distance this is how I would do it.

    Pale blue shark teeth bite the distant horizon. The crowd of mountains that gather together not far from my village are blocking the new morning sun as usual. But without the mountains there would be no stream passing through the village. From the village the mountains look calm and beautiful, something you’d only see once in your lifetime, but from where I stand I don’t have much life left. The mountain shrieks and blows at us with such incredible force. My beard is sprinkled with snow flakes and frozen spit that uncontrollably dribbles from my lips. I wish I’d never thought of climbing to the top of the mountain.
    i hoped this helped you you finish this book!
    October 26th, 2011 at 12:39pm