A Lifetime of Pictures - Comments

  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    Dribble Me a Drabble Contest: Okay, so…I took a different approach to your story than the others I’ve judged so far. I was kind of bummed by the layout. Your story had originally been called Bam! so I was expecting something pretty out there! It’s not bad, it’s just sort of average. That’s okay. I was pleasantly surprised to see you changed your title to A Lifetime of Pictures. Bam! was okay, too, but I like A Lifetime of Pictures far better C:

    So I moved on to the story…and was speechless. Forgive my harsh prejudgments, but based on the layout I was expecting a pretty average drabble. This story was fantastic. That first paragraph reeled me in and hooked me like I can’t even explain. Your tone is great—very relatable—like a story told to a friend, or—as is more the case with this story—a woman reminiscing. The concept is great. I have several photography friends and I’m unendingly jealous of their creativity behind a lens.

    My nitpicky: In the first sentence you’re speaking in third person, but the rest is in first. Change that one bit and you’re golden. The one thing this drabble keeps me wondering is your speaker’s age. She doesn’t sound very old—she speaks much the way my friends and I do, actually—but she’s married with a child older than five. She could be a hip adult, though. Just something to keep in mind while writing your next story!

    Nitpickies aside, I really liked this C: great concept and well executed.

    Requirements Met: 500 word cap, word count on summary, link to contest in summary/author’s note, photo in layout/author’s note, readable layout, grammar and spelling

    Brownie Points: description, creative title, original layout
    January 19th, 2012 at 05:27am
  • WeasleyWizardWheezes

    WeasleyWizardWheezes (105)

    United States
    This was cute. :) It made me smile that her life so far is perfect, and that she married her highschool sweetheart.
    I feel you should have been a BIT more descriptive, but other than that it was great. :) I wish I could have said more but it was so short i can't really think of anything else. :o
    November 3rd, 2011 at 11:06pm