Dust - Comments

  • bashful

    bashful (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is stunning.
    First of all, the layout. It's rather simplistic but I absolutely adore the colour for some reason and it's easy on the eyes too, something that Layout Makers sometimes forget to think about.
    The story itself, though, is what makes this truly wonderful. Just in the first three sentences, I've already found a quote that I love: 'I don't move to get out the microwave that is my car'. That is one of my new favourite simile-like quotes! The description in general was just beautiful.
    I really liked the way you fitted the scenario in with the story and how it wasn't really the main big 'oh my God, no, my car broke down! The end' thing which I was worried might happen with this scenario, so well done on that!
    Then the big massive twist, oh my, that was brilliant! And really quite touching. The transition between the possible hallucination and the cop finding Shane was seamless, too.
    The sentence structure and wide range of vocabulary was amazing, it really helped make the story and I think your writing style is very professional and readable, for lack of a better word.
    The ending, too, was rather superb.
    Overall, a gorgeous piece of writing that I very much enjoyed reading. Keep posted to find out the results, good luck! :)
    November 2nd, 2011 at 05:16pm