The Last Man - Comments

  • Blackjack.

    Blackjack. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The summary piqued my interest. The questions asked were interesting, as is the idea of there being only one man on earth. I don't know why, but when I think of the end, I never think of it as a one man kind of thing- I tend to picture surging masses. So my first impressions are of eerie solitude (a sentiment reinforced by your layout.)

    The soil he stands on is a permanent copper, stained with the remains.
    I like that this statement is implicit rather than explicit. It's simple, but chilling, and makes an effective starting point.

    I love the use of the present tense. I did't really register it until The last man on earth is cold. The last man on earth is empty. Along with the repetition, it gives the piece a nice pace, slow and measured yet with underlying urgency at the same time, as though everything that is to happen must happen now. It fits your subject matter exquisitely.

    I like the end. It is ponderous and patient, as if waiting simply for what will come next.

    This is a really beautiful piece. I was directed (?) here through the comment swap, and I'm really glad that I was. I really enjoyed reading this. Your style is beautiful, and your subject is interesting and well handled :)
    Thank you very much!
    June 10th, 2012 at 01:35am
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    I just want to say, before I began reading this one-shot, I realized how creepy the picture you used was. But I have a feeling that it will somehow relate to the story and maybe reflect on the mood.

    This was pretty much amazing. I love reading about things about the last man on earth because the thought just interests me to no end. The whole thing was really sad, from the beginning to the end. But the thing I like most about this was how you explored the thoughts of the guy and how you didn't really explain about what happened in too much detail. You gave enough information, even though it was just a name, to indicate what happened to the people. Wonderful job!
    November 17th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • vices

    vices (100)

    United States
    I really love how this your one-shot shows the fragility of life and how people take it for granted. This was pretty damn intense, to me, and I loved it. I really love how you showed the loneliness of the man, I feel it made the story more real. Great entry!
    November 12th, 2011 at 10:15pm