Somewhere Out There - Comments

  • Ronnie Mac

    Ronnie Mac (100)

    Hi, I'm the new judge for You Already Have It (Pre-Writes) under Mibba's Contest Revival and this is me judging your entry. Thank you for your patience! I comment as I go, so if it's a little disorganized, I apologize (although, I am making an attempt to keep the comment organized).

    This was written beautifully. I can only imagine what happened to him that caused her so much pain, but ohmylord, it must’ve been hard to find the perfect way to write this without revealing that. I applaud you.

    I unfortunately cannot see your layout but I do like the image you chose as your banner. Quite fitting.

    And I love that you didn’t turn this into a story about a girl who’s finally decided to move on, to leave and never look back. No, you made this story about a girl who thought she could but wasn’t strong enough yet to let go.

    Thank you for not making this a cliché story.

    Good luck in the contest! (:
    January 14th, 2014 at 04:14am
  • laredo.

    laredo. (100)

    United States
    Wow. I really liked it. It was almost haunting. I liked the idea that she realized she wasn't very strong enough and did everything she could to get the necklace back. Beautiful.
    October 29th, 2011 at 04:22pm
  • d0wn the rabbit hole

    d0wn the rabbit hole (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    What I really liked about this story was how rather than leaving it as the cliche of 'i need to move on now' yada yada, you made it that she realised that she wasn't strong enough.
    I think it was a bit confusing at points, was it originally longer and you cut parts out? It felt a little like that but that's just me
    I thought the layout was very pretty and it was overall a surprisingly chilling story
    October 23rd, 2011 at 02:40pm