Sharing Ashes - Comments

  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    LOL, you are not getting a bajillion comments, and I think the only reason for that is people like me are so awe-struck by your writing that it seems like our comments would turn to stone just in the face of your talent. c:

    I mean it though. <3 You have been, for years I think, (or at least avery long time) such a huge inspiration to me. And so much of your writing is natural deftness, and the rest is from all of the experience you've had, but you are truly an amazing author: perfect in your style, and appealing to virtually any reader I could imagine. Your language skills are so fucking beautiful. "A hand in my pocket and yours around the neck of a bottle." You trick your words into two meanings, and you do this often, where you manipulate one word to have multiple definitions, one physical and one relative, and this word relationship is so important. And also not an easy thing to always do. But you do it SO well. Even in this one example, it has such sexual undertones for such simple verbs, and at the same time, the bottle itself feels personified; meaning to represent the 'other' person in a small way. And I can think for hours about what it means. (A bottle, a canister of substance, countered with a lonely being, who is drained, and he is being drained by this other person, until the substance is gone and loneliness remains. Or, maybe you mean for the liquid to BE loneliness, and the other person is diminishing the amount of it? I'm just... thinking... <3)

    The title of this has so many possibilities, and it is so poetically wonderful, and visual. Ashes means so many things. As does sharing. And the story elaborates on it. And you relate to it as the wind carries away his/her flash of ideas, as easily as if they had become the ash that brought these two characters together. You amaze and inspire me, and you have become such a creative and deep and endless writer. I love every thought that you put into words.

    And if I, or anybody else, does not tell you this... it is only because we are still recovering from you.
    October 23rd, 2011 at 05:32am