Everything's An Illusion - Comments

  • Yay, comment virginity. Your layout is very nice, simple but very nice like I said. XD Your summary is also quite intriguing, rather than giving us a mini back story, you've included an excerpt and reading it gave me chills running down my spine, I swear. XD From what I could rather from the summary, there's definitely a sadistic person in the story and I'm interested because I like fucked up characters.

    Ooh, this is in the past. I dunno way, but I love it when there's a time frame in the story. It really emphasises the amount of time that has passed and I dunno, it just evokes a nostalgic feeling in the reader. :D I like the way how the dead person is more of a thing than a person to him before he died, because honestly a lot of deaths are like that. You hear about someone who died but you don't really know them, but when they die, you realise they were a living, breathing person. I get a feeling that Dustin was the person trying to choke the person in the summary, but that's just a guess. It's very intriguing so far, well done :D
    October 31st, 2011 at 04:07am