The Things That Happen When We're Alone - Comments

  • hmmm, i have never read slash before, so this was interesting. interesting as in good writing, but not necessarily my taste. as in, it is not my favorite thing to read, but as a story, i found it interesting. the style is nice, the layout is cool. aside from the spelling, (which i am okay with, as i spell stuff wrong all the time.) it was my first slash, so i dont really have anything to compare it to. so that makes it the best i read.

    all jokes aside, even if it was not my cup of tea, it was a cup of tea i might not enjoy to often, but it is outside the norm, and that i am way cool with.
    May 8th, 2012 at 04:29am
  • That was really good! I have to admit I think I like Wincest now :P there's a couple spelling and punctuation errors, but otherwise great job. I enjoyed it a lot.
    April 3rd, 2012 at 01:59am