Wall Pretties - Comments

  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, girl, this was fuh-reeky. I mean, totally chills-down-your-spine and lock-the-freakin'-door kind of freaky. This is so amazingly written. You can see everything so clearly, feel everything so clearly. It's like you're actually one of those girls nailed to the walls and I feel this horrific anxiety coming over me just thinking about that. Being at one place for a prolonged time does that to me, lmao. Anyways, I seriously have no other words to describe this. It's literally perfect in every sense of the word - though, I agree with Tiffy when she says that there could be a tiny bit more details - and I'm just speechless right now. Amazing, amazing, amazing job! I really hope that I could see other gems like this one day in my local bookstore! Great job c: <3
    February 29th, 2012 at 07:46am
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    I'll admit this had me a little worried at first, aha. Not because I thought it'd be bad or anything - no, you're an amazing writer, I know this. <3 - but because it seemed kind of scary, aha. Though it was a nice, elegant and readable layout, the banner seemed kind of scurry. o: </3 But I'm sure it will be a very, very well written and amazing story. Your stories are always amazing, Nanner. :3 <3

    P.S. I like the little title thingy. c: It's a nice touch. <3

    Psssh, girl. This didn't suck at all. It left me feeling kind of chilled. Like, the way I feel after I watch an hour long documentary on someone imfamous murder or something, you know? The only difference is instead of getting into the mind of the criminal, I'm getting into the eye sight of the victims. Into the actual events or mindset - the actual time, you know? I'm probably not making any sense, aha, so I'll stop babbling and such. <3

    Really, this is an amazingly written piece, Nanner. <3 It was chilling and stunning and just, mmf. <3 The only thing I would've maybe asked for was a bit more detail, you know? But other than that, this was perfect. :) I've missed your amazing stories so.<3
    November 21st, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    This was amazing. It was creepy, and horrifying and epic all at once. I love this little chant you conjured up and made this creepy, bony girl sing, it was so eerie.

    After reading this amazing materpiece, I am still puzzled at what happens after. Because you wrote that chant at the end, I could only think the evil people who pinned up the women, pinned the police and *cringes and starts to cry* the poor pup to the walls just the same.

    If you had any ideas for what you were, if you were, going to write after?

    This is amazing, i love it!
    November 12th, 2011 at 08:55pm
  • morrow

    morrow (100)

    United States
    This was so good! The title, I have to say, is extremely intresting.

    I liked your descriptions, and how everything happened. I was just imagining these poor girls being stuck to walls and slowly dying, you know? Rotting away. I imagined those nails, those fingers that were pushing away from the wall... and I imagined Alice as barely more than bones, chanting.

    The way you rewrote the little Nightmare on Elm Street song went perfectly. I loved this.
    October 27th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • so sedated.

    so sedated. (105)

    You write as fucked up shit as I do. I like it. :)

    And I love the song/chant Alice was singing. When I first read it before I read the authors note, I was like 'that sounds familiar..' and then I read the author's note. But I like what you did with it. It worked well for this story. And I generally like it considering it's not something you normally write, it turned out in your favour. Me gusta.

    I also didn't see no mistakes missy. :3
    October 27th, 2011 at 05:35am
  • gar-bage

    gar-bage (300)

    United States
    I LOVED LOVED LOVED IT. I loved your spin on the story and it honestly creeped me out. Wall Pretties. That is perfect.

    You did amazingly. You descriptions frightened me and you complimented the picture just wonderfully. I saw no mistakes and loved every second of it! Thanks for entering!
    October 27th, 2011 at 05:30am