Shotgun K - Comments

  • This is the first K-Drama story I have ever read and it was not a disappointment. Each chapter is well written (especially chapter 11) and leaves the right amount of mystery to draw the reader into the next chapter. I actually found myself saying 'I wonder what is in the box?' The box alone drew me in.
    I think you have blended other languages into the story well. I have read some stories that have hints of other languages and they over explain the translation, however, this story has the right amount of explanation.
    I will definitely continue to read this one :)
    January 21st, 2012 at 10:49pm
  • This is is amazing!! :D
    I love this story! Sorry that I didn't comment on the other chapters, I was just getting so into it. :)
    I can't believe that the girl who died was the girl who tried to get Jae's attention. I was definatly surprise that someone gave Jae her heart. Oh that was digusting ... this is getting better and better!
    P.S. I love a good mystery! :) :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 05:10am
  • Oh no!
    What is the cold box?!!
    I am really enjoying your story! :) :DD
    January 20th, 2012 at 03:33am
  • Wow, he thinks that he is 'all that'. *rolls eyes* lol.
    I guess he is because he is making BIG news.
    Really? He isn't eating? Hmm, well I won't be surprised if he loses weight and he can't eat a burger again. Sorry, I don't mean to be picking on him but he kind of is annoying. But, he is funny. :) haha
    Going to go read chapter 3! :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 03:21am
  • I just read the first chapter! :)
    Oh my gosh! I am really enjoying this story!
    And I don't see any grammar problems or anything so far. :)
    I'm going to keep on reading!! :DD
    January 20th, 2012 at 03:15am
  • I like the layout, very much. I think it's different to see this guy so egotistical than other people, specifically performers. Like, he plays on the peoples reactions and likes to get a rise out of them I don't really know what K-drama is but I still get what the stories main plot is. Great job though, really. (:
    January 16th, 2012 at 03:38pm
  • Holy fudge. You're story is beautiful.
    I can say that korean singers are hot. VERY HOT.
    January 13th, 2012 at 11:47am
  • I really like this so far.
    Which, I need to read more but I promise I will when I've the time!
    I only read thhe first chapter along with the summary, but I do want to read more.
    I love your writing style, and I've subscribed
    Ha..I love how egotistical he is :3
    Update soon, yeah?
    January 13th, 2012 at 12:38am
  • Wow, this is simply amazing! Like seriously. I have to ask: is this fan-fiction, like based on a tv series or book or something? cause if not, I think you could get this published. Your writing style is great, you give enough detail that I can visualize everything, but not too much that it drags-just the right amount, and your characters have depth, something some stories on Mibba are lacking. I love spy stories, so maybe it's just me, but I love K, she's amazing. I have a spy story in the works also, so she reminds me of my character, only nicer, which is good that she has a soft side too. When she saw that pain killer to the guy who was trying to shoot her I was like, "awwwww! that's so sweet!" Am I sensing a romance between those two? =) I haven't read the rest, only chapter 11, so I'll have to subscribe and read the stuff before and after. Either way, this is really good, and you certainly know how to write action scenes, something I'm not too good at, but I'll have to take some tips from this. =)
    January 10th, 2012 at 01:31am
  • I've only read the first chapter but this is very interesting. I really like how egotistical and full of himself this character is. It's a different outlook and much better than the 'shy' performer who doesn't really want to be like this but finds he has no other choice or something stupid like that. The only suggestion I really have is to not break after every sentence like you do in the center of the chapter. Otherwise, great job.
    December 19th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • Chapter 1 only:

    I enjoyed this but I can't stand the character. He's a brat. My only hope is that someone beats him up at this point. I love the writing though. The writing is what's keeping me here. You use a lot of descriptive words and mature words, which works very well. You also make a lot of it believable. I usually don't read fiction that's not based in England or America strictly because of my lack of knowledge in other places. But this wasn't bad. I enjoyed reading it and felt like my lack of knowledge is okay. Good job!
    December 13th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • As I started the first chapter, I found mysef amost giving up on keep reading. I couldn't stand Jae's personality. Well, I've been warned on the summary that he'd be an arrogant celebrity but really? He sounded so plain and shallow. But well.

    I decided to give it a chance. And as the story progressed I felt happy I did so. Cause the plot grew even more interesting, Jae started revealing new sides to him - ie. the guy who works really hard and has a really tight schedule -may look obvious, but a lot of writers, specially in fanfiction forget about it, and then everything sounds not so realistic- and this idea of following him around in his life "backstage" through photoshoots, interviews and so on was really great. Specially cause you portraited it all accurately.

    In the 4th chapter, Jae managed to make me let out and "Awww" when he commented on that girl who "attacked" him on his way out of the promotion event. I melted for a second and then thought he could be only pulling it off to look nice. Seriously, at this point he's turning more complex by the chapter and I'm expecting anything from him.

    There are little details about him: he said girls are scaring, that he doesn't like people being nice to him, he has his fears and anxieties. Yup, he's developing as the story goes, and now I'm even taking a liking on him! ^^

    Well, I'm not done with all the chapters you have up till now, so I just dropped here to let you know I enjoyed this read so far, that I'm subscribing and will keep reading and commenting. Your writing is great, and I'm really hoping you'll keep up your awesome work!
    December 12th, 2011 at 06:48pm
  • Chapter 2

    Nice bits of detail about his average life. As well as hints of a break up, I wonder why she left him. Either way the break up still appears to bother him. Is it why he's become so self centered, or is that a pre existing condition xD

    lol I love how Koreans rarely dress in color, yet look so good in black :>
    Another good one will be back for more
    December 11th, 2011 at 12:34pm
  • I'm actually a rather big Korean Drama fan, so this story looks very much my style.
    The summary was intriguing, while it reminded me of a drama I finished a few months back [where the bodyguard was a spy whose mission was to marry the star actor]
    I look forward to seeing where you'll take the idea ;)

    Cute that you name the chapters 'Episodes' ^.^

    The centered text was a little disconcerting to read..

    It's really easy to grasp onto Soe Jae-Sung personally. Spoiled and arrogant.
    I actually felt sorry for the manager, and it wouldn't surprise me if he was perhaps behind the person trying to attack Jae-Sung.

    I did start to feel the responses of the crowd got a bit repetitive. You'd think you'd at least here some "I LOVE YOU JAE-SUNG" ect, ya know?

    Hmm, Mr. Park seemed different in the car compared to earlier when he was nervous about the warm water. Again, I have my suspicion :D
    I love the story so far - already subscribed - will be back for more :D
    December 9th, 2011 at 11:03pm
  • Pretty good so far!

    So when is K comming out again?

    I know, I Know, I'm being annoying but I want to see K again!
    December 9th, 2011 at 09:16pm
  • So you told me to read the last chapter and I did. And RUSSIA. So we're in Korea no more, huh? Anyway, it's clear you did your research, you used Russian names and you made references to real places and the language and even though you don't know an ounce of Russian, I still appreciate that you made research because that's what all good authors do ^.^

    Omg what? When I read about the jab to the neck, I was like, "Ohmagawd, is he gonna be kidnapped?" or something and reading about the Professor surprised me, because it was such a dramatic shift from Korea with Jae Sung to this professor. But your descriptions and stuff were fantastic and the scenes where the girl was talking to Alexei seemed so dramatic, as if it's come out of a movie, ahah. Why do I have a feeling that his new job would be with Jae Sung? :P

    Again, wonderful work!
    November 27th, 2011 at 03:21am
  • Wow. You still can surpise me, even longer chapter than the usual!!! I totally could imagine I'm in Russia :DDD
    I love the idea how you gave a whole chapter for K to present her character, she is such a tough girl! I'm so excited about how she'll react when she finds out what her next job will be. I'm also curious about how she'll act around Jae.
    Scenes with Alexei professor seemed so real, like an action scene fresh out of a movie!
    *Ps.: can we talk in private about where can I get a laptop like that? Ok jk.*
    I'm not sure how you're doing it but u totally won me for the hundredth time.
    November 27th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • Wow this is awesome! You show how Jae Sung's life style and fame effects his personality perfectly!

    The summary is very good too and it doesn't give to much away and it kept me interested.

    Layout: I really love the layout it doesn't hurt my eyes and it's very easy to read. It fits the story well. The banner also fits well to the story and the guy in the picture is hot! :D In the first chapter the part where he gets mobbed by one of the fan girls was awesome! You did a really good job of explaining Jae's reaction. The descriptions and details are nice and each chapter is really well written. I especially liked how you actually had the mail that he got in the third chapter. I don't think I saw any grammar mistakes so that's good. I really like this consider me subscribed! I hope updating goes well for you and good luck!
    November 26th, 2011 at 09:14pm
  • Thanks, big sis. =P

    P.S.---stop harassing me for updates.
    November 26th, 2011 at 06:09pm
  • OMG. K has finally came in! It was so awesome! K is soooo cool!!!
    Good Job Little Sis.
    Loved the fight scene and K's Personality.
    Can't wait for the next chapter!
    November 26th, 2011 at 01:51am