Bluffington Preparatory Academy - Comments

  • Beckaay!

    Beckaay! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okay so I don't have a full on review for you, but I'm hoping just telling you that I absolutely love the idea behind this, and I think these first couple of chapters work really well! I hope the fact that it hasn't been updated in 4 months isn't a sign that it's being left unfinished, because I'd love to see how this ends up :)
    June 9th, 2012 at 09:34pm
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    First of all, this idea and its accompanying layout are both fantastic. How did you do this? I wish I could make amazing story layouts like this one! I love how the characters are showing on the left; very original and beautiful. It kind of reminds me of those RP websites layouts, hehe. I can tell that this'll be a brilliant story. I'm excited to begin reading (:

    I didn't even begin reading it fully yet and already, each character already has his or her own personality. I find that absolutely astounding. I'm anxious to see how they all work together during their time at this academy. Anyways, enough rambling. Onto the review. I definitely like Aubrey's way of thinking, especially that Daddy's money can fix every little problem that comes through, which isn't always true. I already kind of like her, though she seems a bit like the stereotypical stuck up, rich preppy kid. I really wonder what kind of tricks she'll be up to here. This is lovely so far! :D

    I don't have time to read the rest of this, but I'll be subbing and will check back to read more when I can. Lovely job, all of you, and I wish you the best of luck with this great story <3
    December 20th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • Jessii Tara;

    Jessii Tara; (100)

    United States
    Okay I love this!

    First off, the layout is fantastic! I've not seen a layout that fits the story PERFECTLY and looked just as good. I hope that made sense. The layout is very easy to read, doesn't hurt my eyes or anything like that.

    Characters: WOW! I know this is a co-write and you all have different characters and personalities and such but the character development for each is amazing. You captured all their different personalities perfectly!

    Summary: Okay, very, very interesting. It doesn't give to much away and it really makes you wonder by the end of it which is good. It doesn't drag on or get boring which is also very good. I've seen and have written a summary or two myself that just seem to go on and on and before you even get to the end you're just like 'Shut. Up. Already.' or you just go back a page. A bad summary can shoo away readers but you did it well so good job!

    Chapter 1: I like Aubrey's way of thinking. :) For this chapter I think a read over would do it good. The author just left out one letter on a few words, it's not nothing that can't be fixed we all do that. :)

    Over all this is really well written. Other then what I mentioned above I saw no mistakes or anything like that. Very good job! I haven't read any farther than chapter 1 so far but this is really, really good. I'm going to keep reading and see where this takes me.

    Great job over all.
    December 19th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • chasing_circles

    chasing_circles (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love this story!
    December 6th, 2011 at 12:36am