A Daydream Away - Comments

  • jcov

    jcov (100)

    United States
    Awww poor Tay. I mean, sure, Josh didn't get a chance with her, but their friendship is ruined. It is not fair for Josh to lay everything out on her and not giving her a chance to figure things out before walking out on her. Is the sake of a relationship really worth breaking off with your best friend? Anywho, I thought it was cute how Josh sang songs for her. I just don't like his attitude toward the end where he kind of blamed her for not finding it out. He can't even be sure if she ever liked him or not. (Sorry for the Josh-hate). But I love the song and I guess any girl would be lucky if Josh sang it about her. :)
    Love the story and hope you don't take my Josh-hatin' seriously or to the heart.
    November 17th, 2011 at 10:02am