A Haunted Halloween - Comments

  • Norman Reedus;

    Norman Reedus; (100)

    United States
    I just read this story for the first time and I have to admit I did not see any of it coming! I had no idea he was dead all along! And then you killed her off! Definitely a different story line one you don't hear of very often! Great job with coming up with such a unique idea! And the fact that the following halloween she used the fact that she was dead to scare children was quite funny!
    March 14th, 2014 at 04:05pm
  • JimmySullivan

    JimmySullivan (100)

    United States
    HOLY EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF judhweiudweuihdweudwieudfuwehduiewhfd oh my god for real i had no fucking idea what was going to happen next. At first, I thought it was Jimmy XD coming to scare me and then i thought I was going to scare him back, and then I was like wieodhweuidhuw why did i die???! and omg whats he going to thinK!!!!?? and then im with him and then im scaring other kids!!! auwidwqeui what the hell!!!!! that was one of the best stories I've read in sooooo long, probably one of your best omg omg omg~!!!! thank youuuuuuuuu !!!! <3 I LOVE YOU WIFEY!!
    November 1st, 2011 at 02:30am