Face the Music. - Comments

  • TheRibbonOnMyWrist

    TheRibbonOnMyWrist (500)

    United States
    Dribble Me a Drabble Contest: The layout is really pretty. The brown background, while not really an appealing color, matches the photo very well, and the sheet music border is perfect. I also adore Maya Angelou—she’s an amazing woman. That quote also has spectacular literary merit. My only complaint is that your title isn’t on the page anywhere. This could be a beautiful banner if you add the title to the bottom left-hand corner in some kind of fancy script. Otherwise, this was nicely done.

    I love this drabble. This was such a great idea. I had no idea what would be made of this photo when I added it to the contest, but you took it and really made it your own. I’m hugely impressed. A lot of people declare that music saved them at some point or another, and this sort of broaches that subject from the opposite side: music is a huge part of this girl, but she’s used it as an excuse until now—a shield. Your strongest suit is the incorporation and personification of music elements. That’s absolutely spectacular; I adore it. I can’t nitpick this at all. Well done.

    Requirements Met: 500 word cap, word count on summary, link to contest in summary/author’s note, photo in layout/author’s note, readable layout, grammar and spelling

    Brownie Points: creativity bonus, description, original layout
    January 22nd, 2012 at 07:06am
  • soRANDOM

    soRANDOM (100)

    United States
    I like this. It speaks to me, and for some reason, makes my insides smile. :]
    December 26th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • k i w i

    k i w i (100)

    United States
    this is actually really interesting, and I agree that it could do well in a poem format. I'm just confused as to whether she's forced into music and doesn't really want to be or the music is a metaphor for something else entirely. anyway, this is very original. c:
    December 22nd, 2011 at 07:57pm