You're My One and Only - Comments

  • sainted swan

    sainted swan (100)

    United States
    I really liked reading this as it gave me the feeling of being in that love she had. I am in that kind of thing right now and I completely feel that she loves him (or her) with her entire being.

    To me, you are the sun, the stars, the dark expanse of the night sky. You are the smell of fresh flowers at the birth of spring, and the crunch of fallen leaves in the autumn. You are my seasons, my day and my night. I don't know but I just got the chills there.

    She loves him (or her) and it shows in your writing. It was definitly cute and fluffy like The Color Abi said.

    I will definitly have this as one of my favorite drabbles. Thank you for giving me the chance to read it. <3
    (this is a comment due to entering my pre-writes, lame and late sorry)
    April 4th, 2012 at 07:08am
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    This is such a cute drabble. The emotion and love that flows through this piece gives me chills and makes me wish so much that I had the love she has.

    She’s madly in love with her boyfriend and how she seems to not really understand how she got to this stage of need for him. It’s cute, fluffy and makes me squeal with delight. The love around it all is amazing and ugh, I just want to hug this drabble forever and ever. I feel like this should have had comments way before mine and that everyone should read it.

    You’re a brilliant writer, honest!
    December 27th, 2011 at 02:54am