Dating Dario - Comments

  • a n g e l.

    a n g e l. (100)

    United States
    The title: It fits the story well, obviously, and it is kind of sweet, too.
    The layout: It was really easy to read, and it was simple.
    The summary: There was not much of a summary, but since this is a contest entry, I am perfectly fine without a summary.
    The story: When I first saw how long it was, I thought it was just going to be random and sloppy. But as I continued to read, it was much better than that. You have an insane amount of detail, I love it. I did not see any spelling and grammar errors, there were a few spots where you forgot certain letters, though (ex. ca instead of car) It was fine, though, I had no trouble making out what you were trying to get across.

    Overall, good job. I cannot wait to see where you place with the other contestants.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:34pm