Teethmarks and Wolf Pelts - Comments

  • Roserietta

    Roserietta (100)

    United States
    I love it!!! Can't wait for more chappies!
    (P.S, I'm your friend from FB btw. Thanks for the link!)
    December 30th, 2011 at 06:03am
  • different.

    different. (100)

    United States
    I took a look at your character page and I was soooo excited to see a Beau there. That's the second story in the past day with a character that has my name. :3

    Onto the story! I only read the prologue because that's how long mine was, but when I get the time I'm going to come back and finish reading this. :)

    Your layout is beautiful. I absolutely love the wolf. 

    I noticed this:
    when you know your being watched.
    It's you're. Sorry, it kind of bugs me to see that. 

    I got up as quietly as possible and made my way to the window, undid the lock
    Maybe unclasped would be a better word here?

    lifted it up until it was all the way up.
    The repeated up disrupts the flow. Maybe take out the first up?

    "You're trust,
    You seem to be mixing up your possessives. Your is something one owns; you're is "you are" smashed together. That word just loves to bug me. Sorry if I seem like a prat. 

    narrowing my eyes and peering into his eyes.
    Maybe take out the second eyes? When you repeat words it disrupts the flow. I feel like the sentence could be better. 

    Overall, it was really well written. I love the story, your description, what little I've seen of the plot... And I'm so excited to learn about the characters. Honestly. I just. Baismbdkansiaks I love this story bro. I really do.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 09:16am
  • SweetCyanide93

    SweetCyanide93 (100)

    United States
    Sorry for your lose
    Update when you feel like it
    Ps love the chapter
    December 21st, 2011 at 05:44pm
  • demure.

    demure. (100)

    Hong Kong
    Your writing is too amazing >_< oh my gosh lol. This is really the first werewolf fic I have ever read and I'm glad to say that it's a really good first start.

    We laugh. I would have kept laughing but when I steal a glance at Felix's face, I notice that the gash on his forward is nothing more than a pink line now. – forehead Chapter 3

    That's one error I could pick up on, but I think there's like 1 or 2 more lol. I didn't remember to go back to it because I was so caught up in the story XDD!!. I subbed c:
    December 21st, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Crazy_Peep

    Crazy_Peep (100)

    United States
    I've never read a werewolf story but I really like this one. :) I love the banner and the layout. Oh and the spit with the hand, that was really creative. Like Robin said, it's not cliche which is nice.
    December 20th, 2011 at 12:50am
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    Hello. I'm alone in a dark room reading this story. I read chapter two and I'm officially creeped out. lol. That's a good thing. It means that your writing is amazing. Great writing. You have good skills dude. I like this so much.

    It's not a cliche story. I was thinking Twilight at first but when I started reading it it was good. Great job again. I already subbed. Just keep writing.
    December 19th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I really like your title :)

    And you were right I do like this. I will admit it being a wolf story or something I didn't think I would like it but you change that for me. The way you describe is really good. Your writing is really good. I also like your banner.

    I'm not fan of these kind of stories so I don't read much of them or find the good. But this one has change my mind on that. Its different and I like that. I know I only read the first chapter but I will be reading more :)
    December 16th, 2011 at 06:55am
  • SweetCyanide93

    SweetCyanide93 (100)

    United States
    DON'T DO ANYTHING to the title! I love it the way it is!
    December 15th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • Inked Art

    Inked Art (200)

    I rather like this! I'm always cynical of any story nowadays involving vampires or werewolves, so it's refreshing to find a good werewolf fic. I feel quite sorry for Priss - Connor doesn't talk to her for 3 months; re-appears only to disappear for another month, and gets her involved in all this mess! I liked the text messages, though I did wonder if he was in danger, would he really have time to text her? A voicemail would be more likely - he could call whilst running. But I don't know what's happened to Connor so yeah. I like Felix, a lot :)
    Some things I noticed whilst reading that I think you may want to fix:
    I finally came to grips that it was the kind of chill you get when you know your being watched... Should be you're.
    You're trust, faith, and..." Should be your.
    ...I break the treelike...., is there a word missing there?
    ...and unload it's contents... should be its
    and in 'necklace boy' you say Felix has brown eyes, but in 'bullets' you say they're green and amber.
    But besides that, it's great, and I'll definitely be coming back for more!
    December 14th, 2011 at 01:10am
  • the power of justice

    the power of justice (100)

    Your layout is gorgeous, it's very clean and simple and your summary is most intriguing, you just kind of get a forbidden sense of danger and it just makes you want to read on which of course, I would be doing :D

    I like how you started off the story with descriptions and imagery right from the start, it just kind of throws you into the midst of the action. Your description of Connor sounds adorable seriously, but it's pretty obvious he's hiding a mysterious secret and coupled with the banner and the title, I'm guessing he's a werewolf :3 The narrator comes off as very headstrong and I'm guessing her personality and her love for Connor is going to be tested throughout the story which seems very interesting, heehee. Hmm, I don't know why but I could have sworn Lewis was part of Connor's wolf tribe or whatever, haha.

    You have a bit of inconsistency with your 'you'res': "...We know he's you're best friend... This was in the second chapter and 'you're' should be 'your'.

    Other than that, there weren't any mistakes that I could see and you're off to a wonderful start here <3
    December 14th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • MatchStick

    MatchStick (105)

    :) This has got to be one of my favorite stories now, i love everything about it! Your a talented writer so please keep updating :D
    December 13th, 2011 at 09:32am
  • casual affair

    casual affair (100)

    United States
    This is SO interesting! I rea llly want to know where Connor is. And why he sent her those text messages. I like all the mysteriousness of the story. Definitely subscribing to this! Cute
    December 11th, 2011 at 09:54am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    This is alright. You start off well, and your introduction is fine, but I find the premise of the first chapter a little implausible. It's a lot of drama for just asking a friend to lie. The rest of the plot picks up after that, but don't fall into the trap of hamming something up for effect without ensuring that you actually have a drama-worthy thing to ham up.

    In terms of style, I think you could be more descriptive at times, but what you have gets the job done. It would also flow better, in my opinion, if you broke up just a few of the paragraphs. Sometimes you've got a line that works better on its own, or a piece of dialogue that really shouldn't be with a block of text, and so you could space that out.

    There weren't really many errors. I did notice this one at the start:

    "You're trust, faith, and..."

    Generally, though, it looks proofed.

    Overall, it's not the kind of thing I'd choose to read, but I think you do a decent job of it.
    November 30th, 2011 at 03:08am
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    This is magical. <3 Ohmygoodness gracious. You told me you have no talent? You're crazy. This was amazing. My heart was thrumming that entire first chapter simply because your words had me there. Had me in that story and feeling everything and really, your words are just beautiful. You weave them in a fashion that my mind cannot fully comprehend, but my heart adores. <3 You're a fabulous writer, and I have got to read the rest of this before I go to bed, gigglys. <3 It's just not an option. I've only read the first chapter, but you see what you did to me? You hooked me, sir. You're amazing and I enjoyed reading this very, very much. c:
    November 29th, 2011 at 07:03am
  • ocarina.

    ocarina. (100)

    United States
    The layout is gorgeous, first of all! <33 But I mean I'm sure you already knew that, hehe. And the summary too, my god does it ever pull a reader in! Makes me all excited, gah~

    I really like your descriptions and imagery in the first few paragraphs- especially the cricket part and the chilly part because I know exactly what you're talking about. I think it's really cool of her that she doesn't let a boy walk all over her, she has a backbone, but you can tell she still cares about him. The balance there is perfecto, seriously, I don't know how you managed it but I already really like her. Though, all admit, not many girls I know would outright call themselves beautiful. Pretty, cute, sure they'll find redeeming qualities but I don't know, that part got to me a little bit. Otherwise you have really lovely descriptions without bogging down the action. :3

    Which, by the way- awesome! Hehe, definitely have my intrigued. I'm so excited to see what happens next!

    Oh, I know what she means. I remember stuff for a test and then when it's done- poof! It's all gone. xD I think it's nice that she worries so much about him even if he did ditch her. I don't like Lewis so far, he seems... well, unsettling. Maybe I'll grow to like him but for now, no way Jose.

    I think the devilishly handsome boy grinning devilishly sounds awkward, though. God, she really is a good friend, he scares the bejeebus out of me! And stalking her around like that too, sheesh, what a group of boys. But damn, I really am starting to wonder about Connor since they're so keen on finding out where he is, and they don't seem to happy about him. Gah, too many questions! xD

    Her mom's nice though, she seems like someone I can find myself liking throughout the story. Lewis is just being damn creepy getting everyone to follow her, oh my god. And the shadow! What was it? I'm so scared for her! I hope nothing bad happens and damn it, where's Connor!?

    Oh my god, Lewis is horrible! I can't believe he'd do that to her! Full out attack her even though she really doesn't know where he is! I knew it, I knew no good would come from Lewis! But Felix! he is so cah-yoote! <33 I vote more Felix! He saved her, went against his own friends for her. He is so sweet! C:

    Ouuu, things are getting good! I still want Connor to come back but Felix is looking mighty cute! And Lewis, bah do not like him at all. I'm so excited for the next chapter! :3
    November 22nd, 2011 at 04:16am
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    I just now read the first chapter but I'm gonna read the rest right now. I'll comment as I read so I don't leave anything out. Anyway, the first chapter was extremely interesting. I have an idea of why he's leaving but not a big one. I like this. I didn't spot any grammar mistakes which is completely rad. I also love the layout. Like I've said before, I have a thing for wolves. I think they're cute and if I was an animal I'd want to be a wolf.

    You prove to be an amazing writer. I think I'm gonna check some of your other stuff out. Recommend any?

    I love this. I mean, you describe Connor to me in such a great way. I don't get to know much about the lead character. I know that she cares much about Connor. She seems alot like us teenagers. Anyway, great story. I subscribed. Write more?
    November 21st, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • I'm A Renegade

    I'm A Renegade (100)

    United Kingdom
    Jo Jo, This Is Really Good And Im Only On Chapter 1 Awesome Job!
    November 21st, 2011 at 08:57pm
  • SweetCyanide93

    SweetCyanide93 (100)

    United States
    Don't change the title, I like it the way it is. Also I loved the update keep it up. :)
    November 21st, 2011 at 03:12pm
  • Skylight Madness

    Skylight Madness (100)

    United States
    I'm totally gonna subscribe and that's just 'cause I read the summary. I loved it. Really, I did. Your image didn't work though, the gif (whatever it may be). I'd take a second look at the code.

    Whoa, this was an amazing first chapter. Definitely got my attention with they mystery revolving around Connor. I really loved the way you described your main character, just a passive description where you know what they look like but not so detailed like "with small pink lips and angry topaz eyes" or something like that. I like how that wasn't a real big focus. I noticed that you change tenses every now and then and go from past to present, just a little editing can fix that. Other than that this chapter was impeccable (:

    Damn, what little creepers. I would have called the cops to be honest or come clean out of fear. I'm scared easily though. I like that your character is nothing like me haha. She's stronger and much more brave. Lewis is such a cute name, all I think about when I read it is a little nerd for some reason. I like that he's actually far from one though haha. You're doing so good in the present tense, I fail epically at that. I'm definitely going to be one of your frequent commentors (:
    November 18th, 2011 at 01:36am
  • Draco.Malfoy

    Draco.Malfoy (110)

    United States
    Mr. Pussly ....just, I can't even. laugh out loud.

    I am actually really into this and I can't wait for more. I want to know what's up!
    November 18th, 2011 at 12:05am