Calories and Cuts - Comments

  • Broken_Freaks

    Broken_Freaks (100)

    United States
    Hey? I adore your story and if you've still stuck around on mibba would you update? This story is so mesmerizing.
    July 10th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • Broken_Freaks

    Broken_Freaks (100)

    United States
    Hey? I adore your story and if you've still stuck around on mibba would you update? This story is so mesmerizing.
    July 10th, 2014 at 06:23am
  • MistahKevlar

    MistahKevlar (100)

    United States
    I miss this story D:
    June 22nd, 2013 at 04:17pm
  • Mew Aqua

    Mew Aqua (100)

    United States
    Keep updating this please! :)
    I really like it.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:32am
  • BillieJoePopsicles

    BillieJoePopsicles (100)

    United States
    I really like this story! I'm very impressed with the way you created each character. I find myself actually relating to Emerson even though he is a guy and I'm a girl. There are quite a few thoughts and feelings of Emerson's that have gone through my head in exactly the way you portrayed them. I really like this story and I will be waiting excitedly to see what happens in this story. Will someone read Emerson's journal? Will his mother decide to take initiative and confront him about his weight loss? Will Kristen ever be within Emerson's reach? What will happen when Emerson's father returns home from business? I can't wait for all of these questions to be answered as you create this masterpiece of a story for us to read! Haha I love it so keep the updates coming!!!
    June 19th, 2012 at 09:38am
  • onexlookxcanxkill

    onexlookxcanxkill (100)

    United States
    hmm very interesting to see a boy in this position instead of girl. Emerson is a great character and you really bring him to life. I feel sorry for him though. I hope he gets some help though poor guy. He seems really sweet. I really love this story and I didn't really notice any spelling errors or grammar errors. You have done a lovely job so far. It is beautifully written. Keep up the good work and good luck with your story! Have a wonderful day :)
    June 10th, 2012 at 12:27am
  • crediamo

    crediamo (150)

    United States
    I really love this story because Emerson is so real. He's honestly believable. That's important to characters. I also love your layout, it's so beautiful and really makes me continue reading because it's not obstructive.
    June 5th, 2012 at 04:37am
  • crediamo

    crediamo (150)

    United States
    This is really amazing. I am in love with Emerson's character. Keep up the good work.
    June 5th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • xmydecemberx

    xmydecemberx (100)

    United States
    I am so glad that I happened upon this gorgeous story <333.
    The descriptions of what he does on a daily basis and his thoughts are so disheartening and somber that they clench my heart. I really wish that Kristen, love the name by the way, would turn around in his seat, look for just a small bit of time and get the boy some help. I cannot wait to see where you take this and where this beautifully detailed story will go :))).

    Oh, and I adore the layout. The flower border on the side makes it seem like more of a journal entry than a regular layout would have and I also like the flower picture with the girl in it. I think that it is one of those types of pictures that if you stare at it long enough, it will add a hidden meaning to the story <333. Really gorgeous job, keep it up :D.
    May 31st, 2012 at 11:03pm
  • Livelaughlove1221

    Livelaughlove1221 (100)

    United Kingdom
    I love the layout and the summary. Perfect fit for the story. It's so sad that Emerson has to starve himself to get Kristen to like him. Beautiful <3 Love journal entries.
    May 18th, 2012 at 02:42am
  • Inked Art

    Inked Art (200)

    First off, I love the layout and summary. Gorgeous. The summary made me a bit sad, but I like Emerson a lot already. I have a few friends going through the exact same thing, so the story hits close to home even in the summary.

    This is very, very well written - you write anorexia/weight-loss struggle better than I ever did.
    I like the idea of the 'past' journals, and I like this whole story idea. I only really had two complaints - 'electricity' in the first chapter should probably be 'technology' as it aptly describes computers and tv and whatnot, rather than lightbulbs etc, and the journal journal entries don't seem to be that, exactly. The 'past' ones are - a recount of the day, but the overall entries seem to be a narrated story. Does that make sense? Probably not ._.
    Anyway, I really like this. Well done and good luck with it.
    May 10th, 2012 at 02:59am
  • Camille Rose

    Camille Rose (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, I'm going to admit to feeling light headed when read about him cutting himself. I'm usuallu quite good at handling blood in real life, but for some reason I couldn't breathe when I was reading about him cutting himself. Oh my gosh.

    I can only image how tiny that boy must be - he's 3-4 pounds tinier than I am, and I deem myself pretty thin. I can't believe how many cuts he has too.

    I really, really hope Kristen helps him or something! Or his mom speaks up! This poor boy is making me sad ):

    Anyway, this is very well written. Awesome job, honestly (: it's very good.
    May 3rd, 2012 at 04:33am
  • yournightmareXO

    yournightmareXO (100)

    United States
    I love love LOVE this story already. How you describe the things, get into details but still manage to make it enjoyable like I could keep reading it all day long and never get bored of it. I adore Emerson charachters already, can't wait to find out more. I'm also really curious about the little things like what's up w Emerson's past, and I'm still trying to figure out her mother.. So greatly written. I just crave more and more of this story! And wahhh it was such a great idea to link pics to the characters I kinda imagined them exactly the same :D and dang your chapters are so long (comparing to other mibba stories, but it's definitely a good thing) <3
    May 2nd, 2012 at 04:21pm
  • stencil heart.

    stencil heart. (100)

    United States
    First off, I like that you have pictures, it’s nice to have a visual, but I think you might have too many. It’s important to not rely on pictures in stories, you have to be able to describe and all that.
    I really like the way you started it, and the fact that it’s a boy. I think it brings a new perspective.
    “I was one of the few in my generation who didn’t allow myself to be hypnotized with electricity.” That is a great line. And I wish I didn’t allow myself to be hypnotized with technology XD
    I am loving the way you’re describing. Not too much, but not too bland either.
    “Why would someone want a giant hole in their ear?” Exactly what I think.
    Ah, sarcasm. Beautiful. I like how he addressed the fact that he was writing in a journal.
    I love that he has Christmas lights in his room, I used to. And it was wonderful.
    I find it a tad creepy that he has pictures of him on the wall though.
    I wish that skinny and I could co-exist together? A little bit confused on the question mark.
    I’m not going to comment on the cutting because kinda sensitive about it. You wrote it well, that’s all I’ll say/
    Emerson is really relatable. He’s just. He’s such a good character, I’m jealous, honestly. And the describing is great and dfldsklfjd you’re doing so well. Subscribing!
    April 29th, 2012 at 01:11am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    I like the picture, it's very suiting and very attractive, but I don't think the red backgorund goes with it. Also, the name was a great pick. It's catchy and I know it will draw some people in.

    The summary was nice, detailed enough and interesting. You could probably make the disclaimer a little smaller as I confused it for the summary when I looked first, and amaking it smaller will also sperate it from your summary content making it look a bit more professional.

    I liked the detail in the first chapter. It was raw, as previously mentioned and it was a sad chapter. While you used a lot of detail, I think you used a bit too much detail and sort of simplistic language. Sometimes less is more. You could practice writing a scene but getting to the point using more grammar; lot's of nifty little words, come punctuation; I think you need to work a little on sentence structure and flow.

    Otherise I think this story has potential and I do feel bad for Emerson looking like that. It msut be extrememly disturbing for the mother watch as her only son slowly vanishes before her eyes, and he doesn't even realise it.
    April 28th, 2012 at 11:40pm
  • iron and graphite;

    iron and graphite; (100)

    United States

    It's absolutely gorgeous. The background's color is just--awesome. I love the shade of red. The banner is amazing, too. I love how it's just so dark, and depressing looking. It matches the story very well. Also, I love how the banner and layout are kind of long ways- oriented, instead of the typical horizontal. Overall, just an amazing layout.


    I just wanted to say first, that I loved the title. For some reason, it just seems so short, and catchy, almost. It's absolutely perfect for the story.

    The summary was genius. It was short, and gave away just enough. After reading it, I was very excited to read the first chapter, it gave me a sense of suspicion, that was just magnificent.

    I adored the first chapter. It was long, detailed, raw, and so real. I love how she feels so strongly about her insecurities that she makes a list of why she's fat. The cutting scene in this was very-well written. It wasn't over- detailed, but it was just really awesome. It described it very well, without going into very deep details.

    Overall, I think this story is awesome. I see a lot of stories that are centered around self- harm, and eating disorders, and they usually are so cliche, and annoying. But this is so great. It's unique, impeccably detailed, and very awesome. I'm excited for an update, now!

    I'm going to sub, update soon, please!

    Great Job! (:

    April 28th, 2012 at 11:28pm
  • spencer hastings.

    spencer hastings. (350)

    United States
    I love the layout of your story. And the plot seems really cool. I can't wait for you to update!
    November 23rd, 2011 at 06:16pm