Honestly - Comments

  • Like seriously.

    I don't even know what to say here.

    I really don't... mostly because while reading nine wasn't so terrible until the end, ten? Yeah that was fuckin' awful.

    I still feel sick when I think about it, and I literally thought I might vomit while I was reading it the first time. That's actually never happened so I don't know whether to be pissed about it or congratulate you... I'm kinda leaning towards the first option though. Mostly because you and I both know how much I hate vomiting.

    All I can really say at this point is... I wanna get to the nice part of this.

    There is still a nice part coming, right? Because I'm starting to wonder quite honestly (pun totally not intended).

    Maybe update it soon?

    I'm still not sure I want it...

    December 5th, 2011 at 11:16am
  • Well then...

    This one wasn't so bad. Well not for me anyways.

    Which was a nice change of pace, seriously. I needed the break.

    Besides you and I both know that it's not gonna stay even semi-calm for long so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can.

    Update it soon-ish.

    November 29th, 2011 at 10:40am
  • Godd.

    I feel so bad after reading that one.

    Okay so honestly, I really didn't feel terrible until the end of it because he definitely had some type of injury coming his way after the last chapter.

    I mean, after he knew that I knew about him cheating he could have come clean about it all. But no, he didn't so yeah, maybe he didn't deserve a concussion, but that's what fuckin' happens when you aren't truthful with red headed girls who aren't completely in their right mind, shit gets thrown at you.

    First time around it was wedding rings.

    This time I opted for something a little more weighty.

    Maybe now the lesson will take.

    The end though, yeah it just made me feel extra guilty, so you know.

    At least he's not giving up... Lol.

    Update soonly.

    Or rather get some more of this pre-written so it can be updated soon.

    November 27th, 2011 at 06:46am
  • *Stares*



    I just don't even know what to say about this one... Like seriously.

    Well other than the obvious I could effin' kill you for it.

    I mean, seriously. It was just one horrible thing after the other wasn't it? I guess the only thing I can really say is that at least I feel terrible about all of the shit I'm doing in this one. Then again, I'd have to be both morally and emotionally bankrupt not to.

    I mean I basically just used Brian because I was pissed at Matt. And in Matt's bunk no less.

    And for the record, that sick feeling I have throughout this chapter. Sooo not just morning sickness.

    Not at all.

    Aww man. They all just had to be there when I confirmed the whole 'I'm knocked up' thing, huh? I'm surprised I didn't have to turn right back around and puke my guts out some more after hearing that.

    Hehe... I do like my theory that since I'm miserable everyone else should be too. Maybe I'll feel bad about being such a bitch later, but for now that's the least everyone can let me have.

    Oh fuck me running.

    She just had to follow me didn't she? And then she goes and spills the beans about it being two weeks, not just the one night I thought it was...

    Matt has nooooo idea what is coming his way.

    None at all.

    I almost feel bad for him.

    Then again after that revelation, he sorta has it coming.

    Not entirely sure I want the next one but let's just band-aid it off...

    November 26th, 2011 at 11:49am
  • Well...

    I'm glad we got that over with. Better to do it quick like a band-aid.

    Seriously though, I just don't know how Matt and Brian are gonna get through a set without trying to kill each other. Or more accurately, Matt trying to kill Brian. Its just gonna be soo fucking ugly after this chapter.

    No. Noooo. Why, why, why did Matt have to be the first one on the bus? Why? That's just not fair to anyone, least of all him.

    Poor Matt... he just had to overhear that didn't he? I feel horrible now, thanks for that. Lol. I still don't see how the fuck Brian and I didn't hear him though, sex or not. I'm not arguing with it though, because just gives me an excuse to feel a teeny bit less guilty, and I need all of those that I can get.

    And I feel I should tell you, even though I wish the smut was with Matt, it was still pretty effin' hott.

    Jussayin', it was.

    Ohhh. Matt is exceptionally pissed off isn't he? Can't say I blame him. I'd be exceptionally pissed too if I were him. Not only did he have to just hear what was clearly the woman he's in love with getting laid, but it was in his bunk and now he's got the woman he blames for losing her telling him she's sorry for her part in what happened? Yeah, I'd probably react the exact same way as he did.

    God this whole thing is getting ugly, so very quickly.

    And yet I just can't stop reading it.

    Update soon.

    I think.

    November 26th, 2011 at 11:08am
  • Hehe...

    Well that one was fairly painless. At least for me. Lol.

    Seriously though, it was awesome. I love how my bitchy mood has completely transcended to include everyone save for my kid. I mean, even Johnny got hit with it. Kelly too, and she didn't even really do anything, she's just friends with someone that I basically hate. Not that I don't have reason to, because I think we can all agree that I have every right in the world to feel the way I do.

    Brian better stop fucking elbowing me. I'll cry spousal abuse. xD

    It doesn't matter that I kinda do deserve it.

    *Looks at the end of chapter*

    And that makes three pregnant chicks and one very uncomfortable tour.

    I loved it...

    Update it soon...

    I'm gonna need my fix of absolute trainwreck, lol.

    November 26th, 2011 at 10:16am
  • Well...

    Wasn't that a terribly nasty confrontation. Nevermind a rather unpleasant way for Matt to find out he has a kid which he knew nothing about.

    Also, I like how Brian is at least trying to act normal around the kid, rather than being an absolute asshole about everything, which he really has every right to be. I wouldn't blame him. But he's not, he's at the very least pretending that everything is fine around the kid because really she's so little that she wouldn't understand what the fuck was going on if suddenly her parents were all like 'don't come near me'. Goes to show what a good guy he really is in this one (at least thus far, since I've no idea what you have planned for later) he is in this one.

    It also makes me feel like a total bitch.

    Well even more so than I did after the last chapter.

    Oh boyy.

    *Glances at the end of conversation and then at the end of the chapter*

    And the so the games begin.

    Update it.


    Very soon.

    November 26th, 2011 at 03:37am
  • Man...

    I feel like a terrible person now because of the end of that one. Seriously. Poor Brian.

    I did feel pretty good about getting to throw the phone at Matt's head though. He's had it coming, obviously.

    And poor Zack, that's a terrible way to find out you're going to be a father, especially when its the result of a one night stand that you were hoping to forget ever happened. No such luck now...

    Update it.


    I know it's possible.

    November 24th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • Well...

    This first one wasn't soo terrible.

    I guess its too bad that I know what is to come and... yeah. I'm just gonna shut my mouth and not ruin it for everyone else.

    Update it soon, yeah?

    I get the feeling this is going to be my next 'Everything' type fix.

    We shall see though...

    November 22nd, 2011 at 04:49am