The Thunder of the Drums - Comments

  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    Again, Seven outshines me. She needs to knock that shit off. lol. But, as it is, I know I told you that I'd do this this morning, but I slept late and was late working at the store, so I got coffee after work and headed straight home to comment, so that has to earn me points somewhere. lol.

    I have to say, his life, his history, seemed to breed him for this. If that makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised if his parents did set him up to get him arrested. It just seems very probable. I'd probably be more surprised if they didn't. The more important question is why they did so? He was involved in gangs, so maybe they just wanted to keep a closer eye on him, and what better way to do that then in the 'family business'. But maybe they realized just how valuable he could be in said business.

    I'm with Seven on the notes. It just seems like a pointless risk to have those files. I mean, if it got into the wrong hands, that just spells disaster. He should probably do that entire, burn after reading. Take the time to memorize all the files, and destroy them.

    That being said, I'm wondering how he isn't suspicious of everyone. I mean, come on. It's very possible that his family got him arrested to put him in the position to join and all that. And if you're not trusting of your family, who can you trust? Honestly. I would be suspicious of Fox too. Then again, I don't trust anyone anyway. lol.
    December 2nd, 2011 at 05:07am
  • Seven.

    Seven. (100)

    United States
    I wasn't quite expecting the intensity of his history. I knew that there had to be something that wasn't perhaps on the up and up with his past. I think it would be rather naive to think that anyone in the story is completely innocent or unscathed. Not only because of what they've managed to live through with the forced apocalypse, if you will, which no one will come out clean but because those who were already members beforehand had to have a reason to go in unless they were sociopaths. Either way, that doesn't exactly bode well.

    The notes thing, while I do understand that it is his job, would make me severely uncomfortable. I think it's more of a security thing. We know that upon entrance, your entire history is erased from the internet chapter in the original story and here dude is resurrecting all of that for their records or even his own personal records. If anyone was to get a hold of that, it would only spell disaster. It's putting everyone at risk.

    And the thing about him joining freaked me out. You have to know that they had something, if not everything to do with that. With the corpse, the identification of it, yadda, yadda, yadda. They wouldn't had taken him in unless they knew that they could cover him up as well as any exposure that came along with him and in order to do that, they would have to have had the power do these things. They would not had taken the risk and he would had been turned away immediately, family ties or not which took me back to what the Tailor said... O.O
    December 1st, 2011 at 05:36pm
  • winter soldier

    winter soldier (100)

    United States
    I get the feeling that Shadow's sister is either dead or we will possibly end up meeting her soon. At least, I hope we get to meet her. She sounds interesting. I like reading Shadow's perspective. Mostly because we find out more about him. I think you should update the drabble occasionally, give us a little more perspective on some things.

    I also liked reading Scribe's stuff. He's pretty interesting too, especially when you read his back history. You know how horribly awkward I am at describing things and shit like that for chapters. xD. But I'm excited to read more drabble when you have it.
    December 1st, 2011 at 03:36am
  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    Now I'm curious. I agree with Seven, as much as it pains me, because she's always out shining me by posting before me, and taking all of the things that I was going to say. lol.

    Any who, I'm very curious about his sister. I mean, she's not mentioned much. His mother intrigues me as well. And I'm wondering why she was so distrusting of her husband. Maybe I missed where that was explained? I don't know. But I'm curious now. Which means, of course, that you must write another drabble. Like now. NOW. I'm curious for all the characters drabbles. Because you should do all of them. Because I like them so much. XP
    November 28th, 2011 at 05:52am
  • Seven.

    Seven. (100)

    United States
    I pace a lot actually. I have no idea why I wanted to inform you of that other than the fact that he is pacing but I did. lol. Now, onto things that have real importance.

    I think that his sister intrigues me more than he does. Obviously, it's mostly in part to the fact that there isn't much about her other than the fact that he finds her cold and emotionless so, my curiosity is piqued. I think that it's also because of that. That the learned apathy is so ingrained in the two of them that it appears to each other that they aren't affected by whatever happened so, in turn, of course, they can't go to each other like normal siblings would for support.

    Another thing that I found interesting is their mother obviously didn't trust their father. It sounded almost as if she was only with him for his power or his position of power. And I don't even think that it was for her. Like, the Damien effect almost but without the swapping. lol. This powerful man needed heirs to his empire and she could give them to him while also simultaneously creating little assassins to follow in her path as well. The best of both worlds. Giving the assassins advanced placement through birth, if that makes sense. I think I've gone off into a weird tangent again...
    November 27th, 2011 at 06:38pm