Adam and Eve - Comments

  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    chapter one

    I really like the beginning of the first chapter, where the main character thinks about him/ her being dead and how it doesn't feel like it. It just makes the character seem so real since, if I was in that person's position, I'd be asking the same questions.

    Your description is magnificent! In the beginning of the chapter alone amazed me. I like how beautiful things are described amongst the ugly and bad things that this person is seeing and going through. I find it to be a perfect balance of beautiful and ugly. But I think I like it more because you add both to the chapter instead of just having the bad. You know what I mean? Instead of just going on about the environment around the person, little details are written in along with other, not so bad things to describe everything else.

    I can someone or something moving around above me until the friendly patterns of dust above my head are broken by the shadow of boots beneath the door.
    This sentence seemed to confuse me but only in the beginning. Is there suppose to be another word after I can? The sentence just bothered me a little bit and I thought that I'd point it out to you.

    The man that came to pick her up, Cain I think his name is, seems like a really jumpy and talkative person by the way he bounded into where she was, and the way he talks to both her and the person in the end, which I’m guessing is Juliet.

    There is so much mystery in the end of this chapter that it's killing me. Well, not literally of course, but it really makes me wonder what they're talking about, who's talking, why they have her and so many other questions.

    chapter two

    they only take girls called Eve, like thy only take guys called Adam.
    I think thy is suppose to be they.

    Oh my goodness. These people are super crazy! But I guess that explains their weird behaviors and whatnot. For some reason, I like the idea of them only taking people with the names Adam and Eve. It’s interesting but just a bit weird, and maybe obsessive. But oh my gosh. I wanna know who they are talking about when they say that they’ll find them. Is it just a person in their head or someone real? The suspense is killing me!

    Adam seems like a decent guy since he was trying to help her out. And I can understand why Eve would be mad at him for being so calm.

    When Eve was stabbed, it sort of took me by surprise but I sort of expected something that bad happening to her since she was basically not following what the other’s told her to do/ not do. But it still took my by surprise! Goodness gracious.

    Anyway, I am completely in love with this story so far! It is eerie, which is something I don’t read that often, but completely captivating at the same time! Each and every chapter makes me want more and leaves so many questions unanswered and guessing on what’s going to happen next. I am definitely subscribing!
    January 7th, 2012 at 12:53am