You Said Forever - Comments

  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, here as the new judge for the "Do Whatever You Want" contest!

    Yet another that's saturated in such loss and emotion. For a moment I was on the verge of tears. This might've been an original but I know it's about Jimmy and his death, which makes it more sad. The way you've written this also gives more impact, with how it uses 'you', as if she's speaking to him or writing a letter to tell him everything that she's feeling as she has to watch him be buried and ultimately confirm that all the promises that'd been made are now broken beyond repair. That forever wasn't the forever she'd had in mind.

    I like the repetition about promises. After all, when someone makes a promise you don't expect them to break it, especially not so soon afterwards, and most definitely not when that person means an awful lot to you. And while breaking the promise was beyond his control, the betrayal is still ripe because you need something to blame, something to take all your pain and suffering out on, and the fact that the promises have been broken just gives an opening for all that pain to be focused on that.

    "I wanted our forever." - this bit, along with the line after, further enforces the loss that's been felt, while also contemplating how the promise could be kept.

    Two pieces that deal with his death is enough for me tonight. I can't handle anymore emotion like that. XD
    July 1st, 2016 at 07:06am
  • early_graves

    early_graves (100)

    United States
    Aw. It's not like Jimmy knew he was going to break the promise... But I liked this. It's full of emotions and it made me sad!
    December 3rd, 2011 at 05:02pm