Revolution of the Heart - Comments

  • I found this update to be absolutely adorable. It seems like both Grant and Robert are ganging up on Elizabeth, and her frustration was very funny and cute. I laughed a few times. :)

    I also love it how even though Elizabeth wants to help out her own side, she's still developing feelings for an officer on the other side. I also love the chemistry between the two of them so far, and how they're starting to click together.

    As for the writer's block, the readers really wouldn't know it. This was a fabulous update, and I'm happy that Elizabeth and Grant have finally met and had a conversation, even if it was for a few minutes. And I loved the historical fact about the first American female soldier, just loved that. :)

    December 8th, 2011 at 01:51am
  • I've been trying to find a story like this for so long now. I love this so far!
    December 7th, 2011 at 10:50pm
  • Bahahahaha so, to me at least, it seems like dear old Williams is slowly confessing his affection and attraction towards Elizabeth. Sadly though, it seems like she doesn't want any of what he (will more than likely) be offering to her. Poor man, but that's what happens when the woman you love doesn't love you back.

    Anyway, I'm kind of curious as to see how the officer escaped. Makes me wonder, and I'm going off on a limb with this one, if Elizabeth was in fact the one to help him escape. Even though she's anti-British, and wants to break away from the Mother (which I don't blame her, because the English have persecuted my ancestors), she still has strange, slowly developing feelings for him. Again, I know it's completely off on a limb, but it was something that crossed my mind.

    Even though it was a filler, I still enjoyed it. :) Got to love those pesky filler chapters, not. And I also must say that I'm a little sadden that there was no historical fact, I actually really like those. :)

    As for updating, that's completely fine, and understandable. I'm currently working on an update for one of my stories that hasn't been updated since a week ago this past Sunday. How I'm doing lol.

    December 1st, 2011 at 04:07am
  • I found it absolutely sweet that after she and the officer encountered each other and he was in the medical tent that she couldn't get the image of his eyes out of her mind. Just proves that she's starting to develop feelings for him, even if they are lusty ones at first.

    I'm interested to see where the interrogation will go, regarding with how the officer, and Elizabeth, will take it. It'd also be rather interesting if she is the one asking him questions, instead of someone else, because that would also be a little insight into how their relationship will develop. I'm assuming though that you will be going this route, because of the summary and all that, but still, you could be a cruel writer and make us wait regarding that part of the story.

    I would also like to say it was no trouble leaving the previous comment. :) I do it all the time on other stories that I read, and I'm also happy that I boosted your confidence. I always love receiving comments on my stories, so I return the favor by commenting on others stories. :)

    Sorry if this comment doesn't make that much sense. I've sort of had a bad day and I'm exhausted, and I tend not to make any sense when I'm tired.

    November 29th, 2011 at 02:20am
  • This is really interesting, and something that I wish was on this site more often, instead of the overrated band-fiction. Probably because not many high schoolers actually enjoy history, or parts of it anyway. Oh well, but I always look at it as there lose.

    Anyway, onwards to the story. I've enjoyed what you have here, and I must say that your short summary (the one that appears under the story title on the story page, I can't think of what it's actually called at the moment) was what hooked me. I have a thing for forbidden romances, and I just love history. I also must say that the historical backdrop for this story is amazing, because the American Revolution is also one of my favorite areas of history, and one of my favorite revolutions (in both world, and American).

    Even though the story is at the beginning, I'm really excited to see what will happen regarding the two main characters. The prologue was wonderful, and I'm also interested to see how their relationship will evolve once they meet each other.

    On a side note about the length of the chapters, don't worry about length. I'm a lengthy writer, and won't update anything unless it's over three thousand words. And I'd rather read a long chapter than a short one, but that's just me.

    November 28th, 2011 at 04:03am