The Little Drummer Boy - Comments

  • Lately I haven't been in the Christmas mood; it just hasn't felt very... Christmas-like to me.

    However, after reading this, I am. This was so simple and lovely, and it just completely made me smile. I have nothing to criticize because you've done a flawless job. Thank you for commenting on my journal; I'm so glad I read this.

    A pink blush swept over David's cheeks. Never in his life had he felt so accomplished – so proud, so...happy.

    My favorite bit.
    December 15th, 2011 at 04:59pm
  • This has to be the cutest one shot, or story for that matter, I've read on here.
    The layout made me go found the cutest picture of the cutest little boy ever! Not even exaggerating.
    I really liked how you put this timeless story out there with a fresh look. I've heard the story of the drummer boy every Christmas, and this is one of the best retellings I've ever come across. I didn't see any grammatical or spelling mistakes either, which is probably due to the fact that I was so engrossed with the story I wouldn't have noticed if there were any :)
    This made me want to check out more of your stuff, thanks for making me go aww:)
    December 12th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • Awesome job. Sorry I can't really point anything out that needs to be changed. It's not my best quality when it comes to writing/ reading. But really good job, ands I'm defiantly going to read the sequel thingy (:
    November 30th, 2011 at 02:27am
  • woman behind of him.
    Doesn't need the of. =]
    He face was
    He should be his.
    It made of a very fine wool
    needs a was after it.
    Before she could think anything through
    Through should be though.

    Ok. I'm sorry for nit picking...I can't help it though.

    But the story was so sweet, and heart felt and warm and touching and just... wow. You did an amazing job. I loved everything about it. Not just one thing in particular, but the way you wrote the entire story, and how well the words just seemed to flow together was magical.

    You did an amazing job with it.
    November 30th, 2011 at 02:16am
  • This seems really interesting (: especially since you mentioned it when you commented on my profile. I cannot wait to read it!:D
    November 28th, 2011 at 06:01pm