Limit to Your Love - Comments

  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    My intent has changed. I've changed. I can't continue with round 2. And part of me is really sad about that. But the other part knows that to continue is to tarnish. I'm no longer in the same space. I can't go back....with true authenticity. And if it isn't authentic than it should never be. That goes for all, for anything, in life.
    Thank you for reading.
    October 7th, 2013 at 03:14am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    I know right?! It's been ages it feels since I've turned my attention to this story, which I love because it is my very first baby. But another one came along and stole me from it. I'm almost done with said other one. And my intent is to come back to Limit once I am.

    Thanks so much for the interest! It actually sparked my enthusiasm for continuing it. :)
    August 21st, 2013 at 02:32am
  • Warrrning

    Warrrning (100)

    where is round 2 !?
    August 20th, 2013 at 06:30am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your honesty. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    And I’m very tempted to agree with you. For all intensive purposes….this story should’ve and could’ve ended with chapter 14. The great dilemma was resolved after all. With respect to Brandon and the course of his relationship with Nina.

    But Nina is as real to me as he is, or at least my version of him in regards to this piece of fiction. She didn't start out that way but she became so in the course of writing it. And it didn’t seem fair to her to leave HER so unresolved. Hence the next 2 chapters following 14.
    In essence, leaving it off at Chapter 14, which was my initial intent, felt……unsatisfying. Like the story was unfinished. And in all actuality, it still is.

    I’ve got one left on it. And I will get to it. Mark my words. But another project has swayed me horribly and it’s taken my attention off of my first baby. My head is elsewhere at the moment but once that lovely interruption is completed – and it has but a final chapter left - I will commit myself to finishing this one. You can count on it. I HAVE to finish Limit. There is no question about that. The only question is when. And so I apologize for the delay.

    I thanked you for your honesty. Now I’ll thank you for taking the time to read it, for loving it, and for commenting on it. AND for describing the movement of this story with such a beautiful analogy. But most importantly, for sharing what it's done for you, specifically. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think my smutty fictional love fest had the capablity to do anything more than perhaps entertain.
    So thank you. Sincerely. :)

    Oh, and because I love music as much as I love the written word, I wonder if you could find a piece of music that would adequately encompass the feel of this story. If you ever do....I hope you'll share it with me.
    February 4th, 2013 at 04:37am
  • CJWrites

    CJWrites (100)

    United States
    I actually think this story could have ended at chapter 14, but I don't mind the other chapters at all. This story has taken me on a ride that I've never experienced and made me question what I could be holding out on in the love perspective. Brandon, in your story, is so very patient with Nina. I won't lie to you, there are times where I want to slap Nina and tell her to stop punking out. What really makes me love this story is that it's almost like a melody, or a orchestra piece. It rises and falls, becomes complicated at times and then smooths out simply. It's never just plain and straight forward. That's probably why the story didn't end at chapter 14. I'll be waiting for the last chapter....I guess?
    February 3rd, 2013 at 08:30am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    Zooderbud, Wow...right back at ya. ;) Thank you for commenting on my story. It is so very appreciated! I'm kind of at a loss as to what to say regarding your feedback, actually. Except.....again, Wow...and thank you so very much!

    It honestly made me giddy because I could FEEL your excitement over my dirty drama filled lovefest here. And to know that the words and heart I've poured into breathing life into this fictional tale caused you to FEEL too, to FEEL it....well, I'm hard pressed to articulate what, and how much, that means to me.
    It's very much the point, when it comes to writing both fiction and non-fiction, I believe. To move people as you, the writer, have been moved by the very idea of whatever has your mind aflight and your fingers itching to get down, to make tangible. So it's hard not to feel like...YESS! I've it done right! lol
    And that is a wonderful thought and feeling. I'm kinda soaring right now. :)
    So again I thank you for sharing your opinion and for your insanely generous compliments on my ability. Which.....was lying dormant until the real life protagonist of my story became known to me.

    One more thing. I'd love to believe it's perfection. But have you not spied the million and one grammatical errors scattered about? LOL! Impossible to get them all. So for that I apologize to each and every single reader thus far. Periodically I go back, re-read, correct, sometimes revise and add a smidgen more here or there. As I've just done with the very last chapter I posted. In my haste to share it I left out something I feel is kind of important to my characters. And I'll admit that it's difficult to define my version of Brandon as a character....I truly tried to stay true to my idea of him...the one I've gleamed through his lyrics, his prose, his interviews and such.
    Anyway....I've rambled enough.

    Thanks yet again and stay tuned. may take a while to update, time is not particularly kind to me lately. But wild horses can't and won't keep me from putting this baby, my very first literary baby, to bed.
    August 28th, 2012 at 03:07pm
  • Zooderbud

    Zooderbud (100)

    United States
    I just have to tell you, this is one of the most amazing stories ive ever read! Notice I said story vs FanFiction. Because it was just, truly well written. Every single detail and imagery you created for me, I literally saw it and FELT. IT. Oh my god when he was angry at Nina and starting telling her she was a whore and stuff even though I knew he didn't mean it, I literally started freaking out. I was like "BRANDON. WHYYYYY. WTF. STOP. STOP. STOPPP." And I know you're not finished, but I just tuned in only about a week ago so this is the first time that i HAVEN'T had something to read and I'm going through withdrawl :((( Jesus its just so amazing. The best part, personally, is that I have a man in my life (who... coincidentally looks like Brandon Boyd...) who I love more than anything. And everytime you explained Nina through Brandon's eyes, it was just so relieving! It was like I knew what he felt and how deeply he felt for her because I've felt for someone like that before. Wow you are just an amazing writer. Everything that I have ever though about this man that I couldn't say with words, you just like, spelled it out for me but in girl form. :P I know that doesn't concern you but it just made the story that much better for me. I felt like I was in his place. Christ I just like totally connected with this story. Your terminology is so sophisticated and, hell, appropriate. it explains everything so perfectly. See, even right now I can't find the words to describe how perfect this story is and how great of a writer you are! (Bet you could though, lol) -- Also, now that I'm waiting for the next chapter, I was prepared to go back on my browser to pick out another BB story, but I stopped myself. Because... The thought of Brandon being with ANYONE else but Nina<3 like, broke my heart. I just simply, cannot imagine it. It's a great feeling, but also kind of sucks. Because once this story is done, I'm gonna have to let go and read some other stories :( I just don't want this to ever end! Though I know it will eventually. Point is.. You and your story are great and everything that I was looking for when I searched for BB stories. It's just perfect. Thank you for being you and writing like you do!!! Keep up the fantastic work!!!!
    August 28th, 2012 at 01:25am
  • KimBlasianSue

    KimBlasianSue (100)

    United States
    Of course ;)
    August 4th, 2012 at 12:20am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    It's all good, Kim. I dig strange more than you can know. And thanks for the ever so lovely compliment. :)
    August 3rd, 2012 at 06:09am
  • KimBlasianSue

    KimBlasianSue (100)

    United States
    No, no it's fine. I love Rebel Girls. Your writing is very, very eloquent and melodic even. I'm currently writing a story as well, but it's a little difficult for me to write about Brandon for some particular reason. I think it's because I never took the time to think about him sexually, or physically. It's strange. But I'll definitely keep reading your story!
    August 2nd, 2012 at 02:31pm
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    Haha! I meant Rebel Girls.
    Revel girls or girl is something else entirely for me. Though lately they've become synonymous. If that makes absolutely no sense to you...that's ok. It's a private joke between me, myself, and I. ;)
    July 31st, 2012 at 04:54am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    Thank you Kim! I'm glad you're enjoying it. And I'm also glad that particular scene invoked that bad ass song for you. I agree 100%. In the Company of Wolves is pure loveliness. And it is a sexy song despite the fact that its content really isn't sexy at all...but his delivery IS. No doubt about that.
    While writing that I actually envisioned a song he's not yet created. Something along the lines of Stellar and Revel girls and Echo and Here in My Room all mish-mashed into one. A delicious sultry mix of all of those.
    But seriously...I'm stoked beyond words that MY words can cause you to reference his work at all.
    Thank you kindly. :) And I hope you keep reading!
    July 31st, 2012 at 04:50am
  • KimBlasianSue

    KimBlasianSue (100)

    United States
    July 25th, 2012 at 05:55am
  • KimBlasianSue

    KimBlasianSue (100)

    United States
    July 25th, 2012 at 05:55am
  • KimBlasianSue

    KimBlasianSue (100)

    United States
    This is great! When you wrote "nabashed mix of sexual imagery combined with breathy, melodic vocals... replay of their night together," I though of In the Company of Wolves. Such a good song. Keep up the good work!
    July 25th, 2012 at 05:54am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    Annamolly, Annamolly....You humble me, to a severe degree. Sincerely.

    Hmmm.....a story about bacon, huh? I'm not so sure I could pull such a story off in a brilliant fashion. But thank you so for the vote of confidence. I'm almost tempted to try. ;-)

    And if Brandon Boyd read a smidgen of this story I think I'll take up residence in a deep, dark cave. The liberties I've taken. Holy! The mere thought makes my face burn and my mouth feel like I've swallowed a pound of sand. He's liable to sue me, for Christ's sake! lol
    But your belief that he'd enjoy and be impressed by my smutty little love story revolving around him is too lush a thought to entertain. Makes me giddy to be quite honest, since he's such a source of inspiration for me.
    And I've no doubt he'd be unnerved by my authentic, relatively speaking, portrayal of him. Shit, it unnerves me sometimes. You're right when you's insane.

    Please know that it brings me such satisfaction, such joy, such happiness to know that your heart is happy over this story and my ability to channel the Boyd. :)
    I can't thank you enough for the compliments you've bestowed me, or for taking time away from your life to read and provide this amateur tale weaver with your feedback. It lights me up. It fuels me. Thank you so, Annamolly. :)

    And Kitty. So happy that you were happy and loved it. Thank you as well. I will update it for sure. But it might be some time before I can. Gotta get back to the real world. Yesterday was a surrendipitous being able to commit the time necessary to finish that chapter. Hope you hang in there. Thank you again. :)
    July 24th, 2012 at 07:56pm
  • the kitten

    the kitten (100)

    United States
    you updated! soo happy!!! i LOVE IT!! please update more!!!!!
    July 24th, 2012 at 04:33am
  • annamolly

    annamolly (100)

    United States
    Wordyyyy, you little genius. I adore the way you write. You truly have a gift. This little story is only a peek into such a creative mind. You could write a story about bacon and it would probably still be brilliant and I'd adore it. If Brandon read even the tiniest excerpt of this, I know he'd be beyond impressed and perhaps a bit unnerved at your ability to slip into his skin so easily as a writer. Of course, it's a beautiful love story but the part I've enjoyed most is the character study. I've idolized this man for years and reading your portrayal of him made my heart happy. So unbelievably spot-on, it's insane. . I can't wait to read more of your work. Your mind, it is original :)
    July 24th, 2012 at 03:38am
  • Colormewordy

    Colormewordy (100)

    United States
    I will, kitty. I promise you that. I'm about 3 pages in to the next chapter but my time for creative smut with a heart is severely limited these days. It's slow goings....but its going. I appeal to your patience. Thanks for letting me know you're interested in an update. Maybe it'll light the fire under my ass and force me to steal some time. :)
    June 16th, 2012 at 06:40pm
  • the kitten

    the kitten (100)

    United States
    update?! yes pleasE!
    June 13th, 2012 at 06:28pm