Crooked - Comments

  • "I knew you guys weren't professional bull-fighters."
    cassie dear, no. go kiss Niall and love his crooked teeth.
    sorry, thank you for updating on New Years! Just 10 minutes before 2012!
    I love this story, can't wait for the next chapter :D
    January 1st, 2012 at 05:50am
  • ahh, I love it! Very well written. Keep it up! <3
    December 31st, 2011 at 05:53pm
  • Review time:
    Okay so first of all, and excuse my language, but I fucking love this story. It's funny and very, very well written and I adore the plot. I loved why Louis was in jail. It was so like him. I like the way you described him as well as Niall. While I think his teeth are lovely, I like the idea of her liking him so much, yet hating him for something as small as his teeth. That being said, I really liked the summary. I thought it set up the story well. Also, the part about her best friend and wanting to go live with her, I really liked it for some reason. And I also like (not in a good way?) her relationship with her parents. Like, it sets up the main problem well is what I'm trying to get at.
    Anywho, like I said I love this. The layout is neat, the writing is fabulous and the story itself is amazing. I can't wait for the next update! c:
    December 30th, 2011 at 07:13am
  • WHAT.
    how could she hate his teeth :c
    well, I really love this story, because you see, I am quite infatuated with Niall Horan.
    Cassidy's family are all douches but Niall is a sweetheart. He paid her bail :"D
    I totally don't blame Lou for getting arrested, he wasn't completely nude.
    ~eagerly awaiting the next update.
    December 29th, 2011 at 01:54am
  • When I got the comment saying you updated I was so happy. I've been checking my subscriptions a few times a day since they never get emailed to me for some reason >.<
    Anyway, it was a good chapter! I'm actually quite surprised she called Niall but I guess you got to do what you have to do. I can't wait to see what he says and when the rest of the boys make their appearance :)
    December 28th, 2011 at 07:03pm
  • Ah, one thing that really stood out to me. It wasn't a fan girl-y summary. This girl really knows his flaws and I love how unique sounding it makes this band fic. Quite lovely. It was a nice length and didn't drag on. I've seen some summaries that are so long I don't even care to read them, so thank you very much for that. Lol. The layout is very nice as well. I'm not much for solid color backgrounds, but you made it work very well in this case. Plus, the banner is very beautiful. ;) <3
    December 19th, 2011 at 05:57am
  • I've been honestly checking my subscriptions a few times a day anxiously waiting for you to update. This is amazing even with just two chapters.I love how you have her fixated on his crooked teeth. It really makes the story different because most fan fics are very cliche(they go on tour with the boys and fall in love blah blah blah) but I can already tell that this is going to be great.
    I hope you write more soon! I'll be checking my subscriptions :p
    December 17th, 2011 at 05:18am
  • Summary: Oh, it's great. It's funny and a bit dark and I love it!
    Layout: I adore the banner, and the layout colour. I shouldn't because it's an obnoxious shade of yellow, but it works very well :)
    Chapter one: aha, a family of dentists would drive me mental! in Melbourne there was no such thing as sun in the winter time. Only clouds. And rain. And a whole lot of lightning. Never has a truer sentence been written ;) And art! ART! ART IS A LOVELY SUBJECT/PAST-TIME/CAREER CHOICE, SO YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, MR. CASSIDY'S DAD.
    Chapter two: Oh dear lord, she's in jail. She really does hate crooked teeth, doesn't she? Haha - that's really quite an original plot line, and I like it a lot. Aw, Louis. I love Louis. I love near-naked Louis ;) Her reaction to Niall was very, very cute and well-written. And he paid for her bail! Whatta gentleman. Too bad he's got dem crooked teeth. Can't wait for more!
    December 13th, 2011 at 08:53am
  • I love the simplicity of the summary. It really gives a sense of what the narrator's views of Niall is. And I love how you tie crooked teeth into the whole description. I love that you don't portray the male interest in this story as perfect. You include the flaw that your narrator is bugged by. I feel like that is a wonderful touch.

    It's also intriguing that you include that your narrator is infuriated by Niall. Because that doesn't seem like an ordinary situation at all. Who wants to love somebody that makes them angry? I think that is another nice touch. I'm not really a big One Direction fan, only because I don't really know who they are. But I am totally going to subscribe to your story, because the summary is intriguing. Hope you post the first part soon!

    PS. Is it weird of me to think that Niall looks like Tobey Maguire a little bit?
    December 12th, 2011 at 08:24am
  • I like this summary for a number of reasons :) First off, I don’t even have to know the person you’re writing about in order to enjoy it, and with the way it sounds, I wouldn’t even have to know who it is in order to read the actual story, so well done! I also like the way you tied in the story title with the description of his ‘crooked teeth’ – I’m not sure if that was on purpose or not, but it was cleverly done.

    I’m curious as to who your narrator is and how they’re connected with Niall, how they know him, why they have this love/hate thing going on. I think the ambiguity of who is speaking makes this an intriguing summary. Nicely done!
    December 11th, 2011 at 09:09pm