Scout's Honor - Comments

  • I like it.

    Your summary had me, it drew me in. The last line had me though. Its was short but enough to make me want to read more. I like the banner also.

    I should probably go read the other story as well, so maybe I will understand it better. But it wasn't to where I was at a lost with this.

    I like the relationship between him and his mother, I'm wondering if it will stay like that. Your details were really good. And like the other's said you did good on the image of what a teenage boy's room would look like. And I'll admit too I cringed as well.

    This is very good, I can't wait to read more :)
    December 16th, 2011 at 11:57pm
  • Hmmm....I like this. =)
    What I like was in the summary, as I read, the feel of the story was more innocent, like teen romance. But you managed to change the mood with just one line. It was really powerful, and it really had full impact. AWESOME!

    Oh but there was one line: ...of course she would do anything for her. ~is it supposed to be he?

    And ah, the first chapter...

    I really like the realistic relationship between him and his mother. Though we only saw a glimpse of her, the little tidbit you had in there showed enough of the motherly character.
    Also, I think it's great that you got a good image of what an average teenage boy's room would look like. XD The details were great; I won't lie, I cringed when he was rummaging through his room, and mentioned the food...eww. >_<

    And the last line? Oh, I giggled. XD I think "Bad-ass Boy Scout has a ring to it. =P

    Looking forward for more. =)
    December 13th, 2011 at 04:18am
  • and a pair of sneakers he's owned since middle school that still, in some miraculous way, fit.

    I have a pair like that. Vans. The old skater types. They're my babies. Lol. 

    Your layout is nice. :) simple and dark, which is something I prefer looking at. And your summary, man, your summary, I was like, DUDE. I HAVE TO READ MORE. 

    And so far, I'm not disappointed. 
    Isn't the saying, needle in the hay stack?

    Just as he grabbed his backpack, someone outside beeped their car's horn.
    *car horn. 

    Ha, ha ha. That failed. He didn't want her to know he was a boy scout but she found out anyways. 

    Is he Mexican?? . . . Most Mexicans are Catholics. Just saying. 

    Anyways, that was wonderful. I don't trust this Deanna chick. Obviously. Lol. And I want to know who dies. Or who's supposed to die. You write beautifully. Good job!
    December 13th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • I really like the layout and the picture really caught my attention, it really matches the sort of thing you've got going on in the story. Awh, Lucas sounded like a nice innocent boy that you would bring home to show your parents when he was in high school but eh, it shows what people would do for love, which I'm assuming he's doing it for and the premise sounds really interesting :D

    You have a really good writing style and your words just flow smoothly and with ease. You have a good choice of words and the dialogue between Lucas and his mom, and Lucas and his friends sound really natural and exactly how teenagers would communicate with each other. I'm guessing Deanna is the undoing of Lucas, the second last paragraph made me laugh at how he swore he would change his image for her, it made me giggle. He's coming across as a slightly horny boy who would do anything for a chick, and I wonder how murder ties in with what seems like a drama-filled but innocent plot.

    You're off to a great start so far, well done :D
    December 13th, 2011 at 01:16am
  • So, Luke is a typical teenage boy it seems. The type I'm not really into but this was admittedly humorous. I really did laugh when he saw Deanna in his seat. I like his mother and their relationship as well. I might not have to read the first story but I probably will so I'll fully understand what's going on. You know, just to ease my mind a bit.

    At this point I don't know where your story is going but I like it. I'm gonna subscribe to see what happens. (:
    December 13th, 2011 at 01:14am