Save Me: The One That Could Change Your Mind - Comments

  • Yeahh.

    I highly doubt I have to really say how much I loved this one. It was effin' amazing...

    And not just because it focused on Matt and me either, xD.

    The way it started especially amused me. I mean, all that hostility and violence with no real explanation for it. It made me laugh. I mean, really... makes me kinda wonder what he could have done to piss me off so severely.

    And there's the sister being all concerned and sisterly... while I stand there and piss her boyfriend off to no end.

    *Glances in Matt's direction*

    Sounds more than a little correct since that seems to really be my specialty in this onee. Lol.

    Hehe... Jimmy seems awfully concerned about that mark on my neck. Clearly it's not Matt's and he's off to go and tell him to get his ass in gear.

    Well damn... if its not one man bugging the shit out of me, its another, huh? What part of 'Not interested' aren't they getting? I mean, seriously... you can't get much more blown off than having a girl say 'Fuck off' to you... which is what has basically happened with both of them (nevermind the gun that was just shoved in one of their faces) and they're still giving me shit?


    So. Fucking. Dense.

    Aww. That's kinda sweet of Matt. Watching out for me... sorta. I know its mostly because he wants to keep up with what the fuck is going on because it would not be good if someone else got to me before he did.

    Not good at all.


    That's awful balls-y of him to ambush me at my apartment after I shot him in the head. I'd like to know how the fuck it is that I'm not kinda freaking out though. I mean... he should be dead, by all means... and he's not. I should kinda be at least a little panicked by that...

    What the shit is with him and those stupid nicknames. He's lucky I'm not trying to kill him for that alone.

    Kiss of Death huh? I'm surprised I didn't make some snarky remark about dementors and ripping off JK Rowling. *grins*

    Ohh... Matt is sooo not happy to see him. Can't blame him really though. I wouldn't be very happy to see the jackass trying to nab the one person I was meant to be with either.

    What. The. Fuck.

    He just tried to kidnap me!

    Its a good fuckin' thing that I move quick otherwise everyone woulda been royally fucked.

    Well then... that's one way to get someone to listen to you... start beating sense into them. And yet I still kick him outta my apartment. Not surprising I guess... I mean... I am the skeptical sort, despite all the shit I've seen in this one.

    Of course the sister shows up now and is all 'Listen to him'. Like that's what I wanna hear.

    *Glances at beach scene*

    Obviously I had some time to think... and I gotta say... I think it turned out rather well.


    Yeah... Just... *sighs* yummm.

    Also... loved how the best Matt would dare to say out loud was that I was full of surprises where the tattoo bit was concerned. Can't really blame him though, can you? I mean, history shows that when he usually speaks it pisses me off.

    I can't believe that fucker tried to put all the blame on us... I shoulda punched him in the fuckin' face. No joke.

    Hehe... well Matt took that whole 'let's kiss the asshole' thing pretty well... I'm impressed.

    Haha... thank you for letting me throw his words in his face. I wish you woulda let me call him princess though.

    Would have made my day.

    Anyways... I fuckin' loved it.

    Can't wait to read the next one... so hurry and finish it.

    December 15th, 2011 at 11:17am