Save Me: Living's a Wicked Dream - Comments

  • Just finished them :) Can't wait for Brian's ;)
    December 20th, 2011 at 08:15am
  • Mmkay...

    So after I got over the mild panic attack you gave me while you were writing this, I really did love it.

    All that business between Matt, Sixx, and I, however? So not cool. Well... other than me finally getting to call him 'Princess'. That was effin' rad.

    Made me smile. Tons.

    I still can't believe Zack didn't get laid in this one... I mean, sure, there are references to it and all... but no actual sex.

    Poor guy.

    Anyway... it was rad.

    Except that part where Matt almost died and all... Not cool. Not cool at all.

    Can't wait to read the next onee.

    December 16th, 2011 at 08:30am