The Lotus Theatre - Comments

  • EmbraceMyAwkward

    EmbraceMyAwkward (100)

    United States
    I am amazed at this story. Your detail, grammar, even your layout and summary are near perfection. I love this!
    I like how you gave enough information on Lotus to let us know whats going on but keeping the suspense at the same time, that is what keeps a reader interested. Great job, I can't wait to read more :)
    January 5th, 2013 at 10:35am
  • magz15

    magz15 (100)

    United States
    Hey there! Comment swap brought me here! And I have to say, I’m glad it did. I really like the name Lotus. She’s a character that really interests me.. she’s really mysterious and intriguing. I hope that we soon find out why people are afraid of her and why she is so intimidating, because I really want to know. I almost feel kind of bad for Lotus.. I mean what little we know about her. I mean, she doesn’t have a family and she doesn’t know how to have feelings? That just makes me really sad.. but in a good way! If that makes any sense at all.. haha. What I mean is that the way you write really hits home, and makes people FEEL. It made me really feel, anyways. “Names hold power, they are dangerous. To know my name is to say that you know me, which you most certainly do not.” I really like that quote. It is almost foreshadowing that they will get to know each other better.. so I hope they do. AS for your grammar and spelling, I didn’t notice any mistakes. And I also love your layout. Its simple and yet it really captures my attention. I want to find out more about this mysterious Lotus girl, so please update soon!
    January 5th, 2013 at 03:16am
  • Daunting

    Daunting (100)

    I really like your righting style, it's very unique :)
    This is a great start to to your story
    December 16th, 2011 at 02:06pm