Hurricane Boy - Comments

  • cosmonaut-

    cosmonaut- (100)

    United States
    Phew! That was the longest entry yet! I appreciate that, it means you certainly made the right effort. Now, onto the grading, hm?

    The idea and the way you mixed in the elements you were given was nice enough, very well coordinated. For a tip, I would have made them less obvious of intrusions. For example, the glasses could have been more of a passing thought. The way they were written in made them seem out of place, and though that wasn't really the idea, I think you did a pretty nice job.

    I liked the layout--it was simple and sweet, and very easy to read! That's not always the case. I also prefer lighter, simpler colors to bright and blocky ones. That was good.

    I might also mention that the way you write is phenomenal. Really spectacular imagery and grammar and all that. I think I only spotted about three or four mispellings. But, wow, that was just great. I really got the tone and the setting of the story. You sent that message loud and clear. And just. Wow. Your imagery!

    I firmly believe that this would have turned out 100% better if there had been more time and more thought given. But since there wasn't, I think your quality and development was great. It started out perfectly, but you started to go a little fast at the end. It seemed a little unreal in it's pace come the last two installments. Otherwise, very good. Marvelous.
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:57am