This Vegas Sky Is Tainted - Comments

  • Greg, Greg, my darling Greg. I love how powerful he is when he's pissed off, it's,

    makes me want him even more ;D

    Ooooh no you didn't just call my boyfriend gay, Hodges! I know that I can tolerate you more than

    any other member but say that he's gay and is hurting me?! You just stepped over the line. I

    should of let Greg punch you one to be even.

    Wow...I accepted the job...this is only going to end badly, and by badly I mean it's going to be the

    death of me. You wrote this so well, I love it. Shame that this was the last two updates, can't wait

    to see the start of the next fic :)

    Be nice little one, and post the first chapter for me, please?

    Love it, bestie <3 xx
    January 19th, 2012 at 01:09am
  • *Sigh* you make the moments between me and Greg sound so unbelievably perfect that I'm

    crying because it'll never happen!

    Also, if that was me right now in the lab, I have a feeling that I would have collapsed by now (I'm

    actually thinking that I will right now, the Relentless isn't helping either)

    Tut tut, Hodges, you poor boy - Steph doesn't mean to be mean, do you? Apologise to him right

    this instant OR I'll ban you from seeing Nick for a whole two weeks. That's right, you read that

    correctly so apologise.

    This update was absolutely perfect, I love mine and Greg's moments together <3

    Hope you update this again soon *hint hint*
    January 16th, 2012 at 01:07am
  • *Groan* what I would give to have that image of me and Greg laying in bed with his fingers

    running through my hair (though there's hardly much there anymore XD!) ...or even with a nice

    guy I could call my own. *Sigh* I suppose I'll have to keep on dreaming. I'll tell you what though,

    Eric and the All Time Low lads have given me such high expectations of guys, no one has a

    chance of meeting them apart from Eric and All Time Low themselves XD!

    Me? For Supervisor? Are you crazy?! I'm the worlds best procrastinator, I could never be able to

    do that job. I don't like bossing people about either.

    Tut tut, you need a big warning sign hanging abouve your head with the amount of times you get

    hurt, though to be fair if I didn't know you and i saw you in the street with Nick...I'd blame the

    bruises on Nick *nods*.

    I love this update, it's so well written :D

    Hopefully you'll have more of this up sometime soon *hint hint* ;)
    January 13th, 2012 at 12:13am
  • I've said it before but I'll say it again, Ecklie is a huge ass in this fic. I can't even give him any

    sympathy in this because quite frankly, he doesn't deserve it. Go Warrick for knocking him to the

    ground - what a hero my big bwother is :D!

    I'm glad that me and Greg get Brandon for the night, Greg is so cute with him :3

    You should of done more than given Ecklie a bloody lip - should of kneed him right in the garden

    of good and evil XD!

    This fic gets better and better with each chapter *nods*

    Hopefully this fic will be updated again sometime soon, it's awesome!
    January 12th, 2012 at 12:48am
  • You do realise that you've made Ecklie out to be this huge, gigantic ass, don't you? Which, I don't...

    Okay, I know that I usually have a dislike for him but as the seasons go on, he just appears to be

    a good guy. One that you could actually feel sorry for. But in this? I see no hope in him. You on the

    other should control your temper, there is a kid about! You can't go hitting people, doesn't

    matter if they're being an ass, you have to set a good example. -Shakes head- I'm going to have to

    take Brandon into my care until your temper issues are under control. Nick would be too concerned

    about you to be able to look after him too.

    I think that I prefer this update from the original one. It was better worded and it made a little more

    sense than the other one.

    Hopefully this will be updated again soon, and not making me work for it *glares*

    Can't wait to read more of this, and more of my Gregory.
    January 9th, 2012 at 01:35am
  • I've said it before but I'll say it again, Brandon is a little Angel <3 I wonder if he was actually like that

    when he was younger...I'd say so because he's such a sweetheart now :)

    I see some resemblance to this new case and the case from season one, you know the one where

    the girl gets one of her boyfriends at school to go to her house and kill her family apart from herself

    and her sister / daughter. Which is a good thing, you describe it better.

    Honestly Nick, you're at work, keep your grubby hands off of my sister, I'll shove you down the

    nearest sewage hole and see how you feel then, maybe you won't do all that lovey dovey stuff at

    work. Your soon to be boss, has spoken. *Nods*

    I really like this update, can't wait to read more!

    (Oh, and it was a longer update than the previous one)
    January 7th, 2012 at 11:37pm
  • I don't think that Brandon should be blaming himself, it wasn't his fault that we had a gun pulled on was mine. Which is why I feel so bad about it, and why Greg doesn't exactly want to look at

    me, which I totally understand.

    I can't imagine putting Brandon in the line of fire, that's just something that should NEVER happen!

    But, he is so adorable with Greg though, makes me confident to know that Greg (Eric in general)

    would make an absolutely terrific father :D (Can he please be mine?! - I still say that we should have

    went to Paris to find him!)

    I wonder what your reaction would be to all of this? Hmm...I have a feeling that you would blame me

    too...though it would be well deserved.

    This is an absolutely amazing fic, can't wait for more!!
    January 5th, 2012 at 06:50pm
  • *Gulp* I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well...but you are very accurate when it comes to

    me knocking into people, I don't do it intentually but some people do get in the way a lot. Couldn't the

    people in the airport see that I was in a hurry?!

    I'm glad that Brandon decided to back off a few steps, I wouldn't want anything to happen to him...or

    Greg for that matter, they both mean a lot to me :3

    You and Nick fighting by any chance? If so, I hope you knocked him out XD!

    You don't know how much I would LOVE to be with Greg like that in this chapter, it's just

    PERFECT! Gregory Hojem Sanders is absolutely perfect <3

    Speaking of perfection, you couldn't of written this update any better! You are absolutely amazing!

    Such a little genius you! And I still warn you, pick on my Greg again and their shall be trouble

    missus, I'm talking Sister Wars :P

    REALLY hope that you update this again soon! Absolutely adore this fic! <3 xx
    January 4th, 2012 at 01:33am
  • Aww, why did you do that to my poor Gregory?! He shouldn't have to step out of the showers in all

    his glory and be faced with multiple cameras, especially as it's Nick and Warrick - jeez, they'll

    torment him so much that he won't want to go into the shower / locker room on his own again, he'll

    most likely be waiting for me to get there and latch himself onto me...the poor baby *cradles him*

    It seems that I shall be hearing of a lot of things...isn't that right? But know this now, you play

    another trick like that on my poor Greg, and oh boy the revenge that I'll have for you will be so sweet,

    you won't know what's hit you XD! (And when I say that, I mean locking you in a tiny cupboard with

    your most favourite person of the team for the whole entire shift, Hodges. *nods*)

    At least the outcome of this is that it made Brandon laugh and I really hope that the photos weren't

    of a dead body and I seriously hope that he wasn't in the shower / locker room when Nick and

    Warrick were embarrassing my poor Greg.

    Can't wait to read more of this, it's becoming a very good fix for me :D

    Hopefully another update tomorrow after I get about...50 words done on my essay? *Looks hopeful

    but knows that it probably won't reach that without a lot of head banging on the desk*

    Keep it up! <3 xx
    January 2nd, 2012 at 03:20am
  • :O Bribing little Brandon with new things already?! I would of thought that it would have taken longer

    or that Nick would have done the bribing (he is however the one with the lollipops). It's nice that he

    likes his new room and I can tell that he's going to settle in fine.

    Greg is going to have so much fun releasing his inner child when he plays with Brandon - I can just

    picture him running around the park and climbing on the frames, hanging upside down and screaming

    'I'M A BAT, LOTTIE, LOOK!' which would indeed make me look round to see if I can see another

    Lottie that he's screaming at. (Brandon would be playing nicely on the swings, whilst Gregory is

    acting like the silly idiot that he is and in which I love).

    It shall be sad to say goodbye to Anna, though it shall be harder for Brandon, bless his little heart.

    You know what you should of done when you saw Nick sat on the sofa in the blanket? You should of

    went over to the kitchen to pretend that you were getting a drink and instead get some ice and

    quickly shove it down the front and back of the blanket to make him yelp in surprise - that would of

    have had me laughing for hours!

    Can't wait to read more of this absolutely amazing fiction, it is without a doubt one of the best CSI

    fics on Mibba, and I'm not lying, I'm saying the truth here so don't argue with me when you read this


    Hope you update again soon!
    January 1st, 2012 at 08:16pm
  • Me? Reading and reviewing books? How did you come up with that, Miss Humphires?! I know that

    you said that you were going to have a think about what sort of favour that Anna was going to ask of

    me but I honestly would not have guessed that in a thousand years. It's kind of cool though, I have

    sort of had some experience with that though as Ady kinda asked me to review a band for his

    website (though it mustn't have turned out good enough as he hasn't asked me to review anymore).

    Hmm, Greg with a kid in the apartment...I'm not sure that that's going to work out well, BUT his

    childish attitude has FINALLY come in handy, hallelujah!

    You getting two more weeks off - I can tell you now, that you will become bored after five minutes

    unless Brandon is making you run around everywhere, or making a loud noise to annoy you XD!

    Nick will need to watch his language around little Brandon - I will not have the little darling, picking

    up any fould language - that's for Greg to slip out so that I can hit him!

    Absolutely amazing update sweetness, hopefully another one will be up soon *Hint hint* :D <3 xx
    December 31st, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • N'aww, Greggy looks worried, my poor baby - though he would look adorable pulling off any

    expression, or so I would think anyway :3

    I can't help but feel a little disappointed that Anna didn't want me at that meeting I not good

    enough? Can I not be trusted enough? Though...I would have probably been dead to the world (not

    exactly a good way of wording that in a CSI fic...could mean something entirely different though!)

    I can't wait to find out what happens next, it should be exciting and to have little Brandon about

    the place, let's get him one of those little kids guitars and microphones like in the photo that I

    showed you of him XD!

    This is an outstanding fic, you inspire me to write some of my own (though mine never turn out as

    great as yours!) Hope you update this soon my dear! <3 xx
    December 30th, 2011 at 07:08pm
  • To start off this comment I would like to know where me and Sara was during all of this update; Greg,

    you and Nick with Grissom went to the Crime Scene, Warrick and Nick were making a bet, and

    Catherine was crawling around in a dumpster so that begs the question - where was me and Sara?

    I need an answer to this as I won't be able to rest (or write my own) without it being told to me!

    To the update though, I thought that it was good, curiousity shall be creeping up on you Miss.

    Humphries in the form of that email. Though again, I have been left out - it's like people don't seem to

    trust me, consider me an outsider!

    That case seems to be an interesting one - would be cool to see them actually make an episode

    involving that - unless they already have?!

    I can't wait to read more of this, it's interesting
    December 22nd, 2011 at 12:20am
  • Forgot to add to the end of that comment; Uh-oh, I wonder what Grissom wants to see you in his

    office for...hope it's nothing bad :)
    December 19th, 2011 at 11:50pm
  • I am going to start off this comment by apologising for the lateness of me reading this - had a bit of

    a move around today (the little room looks completely different from the last time that you saw it -

    you may even be a little bit surprised!)

    Nick is absolutely going to get his ass kicked for waking you up by practically jumping on you - even

    I know not to wake you up by jumping on you (though I would probably crush you!) it was nice of my

    big bwother to let you sleep some more :3

    Me and Greg working on a case? Are you sure that's wise? We wouldn't get any work done! We'd

    either be kissing or competing against each other (just like what Nick and Warrick do in the first

    season) though...he would be something adorable to look at whilst 'working' :3

    I really love this update, I'm subscribed to it and can't wait to read more :D
    December 19th, 2011 at 11:50pm