Winter's Touch - Comments

  • Commiserate

    Commiserate (105)

    United States
    *Lets go of breath* Uh, wow. My initial reaction is pity; I feel insanely sorry for Anna (pretty sure that's what the main character's name was?) because not only was she raped once by her cousin, but repeatedly - rape isn't a subject to be taken lightly, by any means. My second reaction was just absolute anger - how could she have just lain down and let him do that to her sister? Not that I have ever, by any stretch of mind, been in that situation, but I can't see how even (if you consider yourself to be weak) you can let something that horrible happen to you own flesh and blood when you can prevent it. Besides the few grammar errors, you succeeded in creating a very well written I hate Christmas story.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 11:04pm