Famous Most Wanted - Comments

  • took forever for me to comment I know I'm sorry.... I read it right away but it was Prom weekend and yeah... things got CRAZY! seriously... some guys were seeing who could eat the most ketchup.... EW!

    Free stories... even cooler! but if you ever change writing sites you must tell me!!! :D

    haha I can but to me it isn't a swear some of them cause no one around me says them so... yup! :D

    YES goal of commeting met! now gonna reread the chapter so I can write a legit comment :D

    Love how he complains he can't go outside when he never wanted to leave the cottage :P

    Vinny is an ass... now that she likes Johnny I want her... GRRRRR

    still said coffee first when asking her out... dude johnny would have said tea automatically... just saying...

    he wants her to call him Vin... so he can get with her again and then drop her faster than last time...

    pecking her cheek... keep your lips to yourself unless you are Johnny Carolina... just saying...

    Vinny doesn't trust Johnny cause he know he will win Tex's heart... just saying... (as you can see I'm reading and more or less commenting my thoughts... sorry if it is irritating... it will only be this once...)

    ignoring your girlfriend outside of work... that is TERRIBLE! but I'm happy you choose something unique for why they broke up, nothing typical, which is always nice and refreshing :)

    He did not fall in love with her, he tricked himself into thinking he did, she can only fall for johnny and he can only fall for some other chick... I totally want to start saying bloke... but I think people would give me weird looks... WOW I digress...

    Ok 2 things, when it comes to love NEVER listen to your heart, 2 if Johnny crosses your mind when a guy is telling you they love you, you love Johnny hands down!

    if someone has more power to hurt you it simply means you are that much closer to them!
    And Johnny isn't perfect and many things will go wrong in their relationship, but I'm sure she's rather fight with him than be with someone else...

    When she comes home Johnny sounds like they are dating or married and she left to cheat on him and was just getting back... :P

    When someone can read your mind and you are attracted to them you take them in a heart beat!... just saying...

    Now I also want to start saying bloody... oh favorite line, "'Oh, yeah. And you're Prince bloody Charming, aren't you?' " (yeah why I made the bloody comment...)

    anger often leads to kisses way to often, way to often in real life I mean... not so much in stories...

    heated kiss push away and storms out,... not the normal sequence of events lol

    no she doesn't need stability, I don't think he would always come home drunk, and love makes no sense, and love says she needs him... and he, more importantly needs her, he will be all the stability she needs... cause from now on, though I don't think they realize it, he is her only, it won't feel like it used to for him to simply have sex with a random girl...

    at least Johnny knows he only loves the chase... but he is stupid if he thinks that all it is with Tex...

    oh johnny you so do love her...

    hey if some guy offered to make me happy I'd fall at their feet to have them try as well...

    second favorite line, "'We have to be happy, else I'll be writing some angsty fucking songs.'" so funny
    May 21st, 2012 at 06:03am
  • *gives huge smile back*
    Well, thank you. I appreciate it greatly.
    Every time I see I have a comment, I know it's from you and I just start smiling. You make my day with your comments...well night at the moment. But you've made the rest of my night nonetheless. :D

    In answer to your question, as much as I enjoy writing, it's pretty much just a hobby. My main goal in life is music and that's what recieves all my focus and energy. Writing is my down time. I enjoy it and would probably feel too pressured if it were a job. But that's okay, cause I intend to keep writing so that way you'll get to read my stories and it wont cost you a thing. :)

    Twat is also one of my favouites, along with bollocks ad the great British C word (though I wont type it incase it offends some) But yes, I get great enjoyment from swearing as you can probably tell by this story. XD

    Thank you for reading, as always, and thank you for even thinking to take the time to comment. It really does remind me why I love doing this and encourages me to write a little more each night. :)
    May 14th, 2012 at 12:22am
  • I'm with StonerSilence! I cannot comprehend how you don't have like a million readers!

    He pleads with her to stay! SO CUTE! and she should go out... that one guy knows what she looks like... but DUDE! she said YES! THANK GOODNESS! her and Johnny are adorable... now I kindof want to reread the Rebel's apprentice... I think I might... then I could write a review and get myself out of a little of a pickle I'm in (I need something new to review and I am coming up short...)

    "His eyes glinted. He loved the chase, she realised, and she gave him plenty of that.
    Johnny knew he was going to have to win her over again, but he was strangely looking forward to it." True Love at it's finest!

    Ok so dude if you ever become a writer you NEED to let me know and give me you author name because I will NEED to read your books! As I said your stories are my drug and you are the dealer... I would be one of your oldest and most faithful readers :) anyway so you should become a writer and then let me know!

    Alright my favorite smack in the face, "'Taylor!' called a voice. Her and Johnny both looked up at Vinny and Johnny rolled his eyes. He muttered something about Vinny being a twat and Taylor ignored him.

    'Yes?' she asked as Vinny stood at the van's open doors.

    'Come out of there. Norris doesn't expect you to carry on with this. It's fine. Just come out. Maybe we can grab a coffee?' he suggested.

    'Top idea, mate,' Johnny butt in, standing up and reaching for the doors. 'But Taylor likes tea.' He shut the door on Vinny and sat back down, muttering still. Taylor smiled to herself

    'Vinny will be mad,' she said, still fighting the smile on her lips.

    'Like I give a fuck,' mumbled Johnny, opening his pack of fags and counting how many he had left. Only five. He'd smoked about six since arriving at the police station"

    Seriously I saw that and laughed while it warmed my heart because I'm the type of person who really wants people to know her, especially if I am referring to people in a relationship I feel they should know one another inside and out...

    Twat, my official favorite word... just saying :P

    Alright I will shut up now... cause most of my immediate thoughts are gone... I read this yesterday and then didn't want to comment on my phone because then I couldn't give you a solid comment and then I didn't have time later in the day and yeah... now I have time and I comment! *gives you a huge smile*
    May 13th, 2012 at 05:46pm
  • How do you not have a million comments on this!?!?!
    Haha I read the whole story in two or three hours cause it's just that good!

    Gahh that girl needs to get her wonderful priorities straight! Vinny= no! Johnny= YES A BILLION TIMES YES!!!

    I feel so sad for Johnny, he let her in and she just goes and does....does...THAT!
    Ha I feel like i'm being too emotional but eh, that's what the best reads do to ya xD
    May 5th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • Haha. yes, she is pretty daft in this one. But she makes some better decisions in the next one ;)
    I think I'll take your jumbled thoughts as a good thing. If the story can bring out any kind of emotion in people that's gotta be a good sign. IT's when readers feel nothing for it that I need to worry. X)

    Thank you once again for being my commenter. I appreciate every one you give me.
    May 4th, 2012 at 03:57pm
  • She is stupid! The getting him to point the gun at her smart, her kissing Johnny smart, her running to Vinny STUPID, her not going with johnny band hurting him STUPID! I JUST I don't know.... This chapter makes me happy and breaks my heart! Legit come on insist going with him... PLEASE GAH I didn't wanna comment cause my thoughts are very jumbled but I have to comment.... Johnny is now hurt and has all right to be! The second she said the words I was so scared I wanted to scream but I'm in school and classes will begin soon
    May 4th, 2012 at 02:49pm
  • I naturally analyze things, its in my nature, and I like stories because they are generally very deliberate so I can analyze it more accurately because people can be very random :P

    He is breaking her down, and I think he knows it. He is getting closer and closer everytime to kissing her. Also the dog thing was hilarious I don't know why I thought so, but I did :P As well they are lying next to each other under the covers of a bed and they both don't want him to go back. They want to permanently stay together, there is actually something that people do to permanently, well hopefully permanently, to stay together... it's called marriage! GAH! If they were real people I would totally crash their wedding... just saying. Also they are indirectly saying they want to stay together and be something more. They both don't wanna leave both don't want him to go back aka away from Tex... also he has made it clear he wants to kiss her and she clearly is simply trying to not let him, and is gradually giving in! ok this is long... sorry! stopping now!
    April 28th, 2012 at 06:51am
  • Thank you ALLSTARLOVE333. Once again, I love how you analyse every chapter. Like you don't just read it and enjoy it but try to understand it and how the characters think.
    And yes thank you, I had a very good time, though I maybe drank quite a bit more than I intended to. Lol.

    Also just thanks to everyone who reads this. Means shit loads to me. :)
    April 22nd, 2012 at 01:44am
  • won't admit it's love, but passion is a start... well I have no idea why, but that was one of my favorite chapter... maybe because walls were taken down... maybe because he admits his feelings are getting closer to love... maybe it's because it talked about him writing music that I feel she inspired and I have a thing for writing music... and songwriters actually.... well anyway hope you had fun at the launch party (I believe that's what it was... sorry it's lateish here and I'm running on little to no sleep...)
    April 21st, 2012 at 05:15am
  • I was hoping she would crack and kiss him this time :/ and awe that is sweet he took the splinter out! I have no idea why, but its cute :D
    can't wait for Friday because it's Friday and because you update! not going to lie more excited for your update than anything
    No one but him and his mom know his actual last name... that is INTENSE and just makes me want to know all the more, not going to lie...
    April 17th, 2012 at 07:26am
  • Hey, yeah I saw it was you. Thank you, it's great. :)
    Yeah I got an inbox message saying that the story had a review, I was like whaaaaa..? and then while reading it I just had the biggest smile.

    Thank you for commenting again and also the review. I love how you know the characters and sort of pick their brains y'know? I just love that fact that you enjoy the story most I guess.
    Cheers. :)
    March 31st, 2012 at 12:58am
  • haha :) I do tend to do that :P but that's me :)

    question do you get notified when your story gets a review? I was wondering..... yeah :P just curious...

    "the media whore" we all know what side he picked and I love it! I actually think Johnny could be a GREAT father if the kid was his and someone else he loves... I think he would be... not the typical perfect father type, but a good father. It bothers me how those two can't see how perfect they fit together.... I mean really... she is the only girl who gets him, is willing to help him, won't change him, won't leave him, and won't let him use her, and that is what he needs. She needs a guy who actually cares about her and treats her well. The fact he calls her Tex proves he cares and if he realizes he loves her he would treat her well... I mean he treats her pretty well now... also he needs someone who won't fall at his feet, and Tex is pretty good at trying to avoid that........ wow thought this was going to be a short comment... I guess not... SORRY! *smiles shyly*
    March 30th, 2012 at 08:30pm
  • Thanks guys for your comments and feedback. I appreciate it. :)

    And ALLSTARLOVE333 you deserved a mention. I love how you analyse each chapter and try to work out how they think or feel. It's great. Thanks for bringing my characters to life. :)
    Love you long time. ;D
    March 23rd, 2012 at 04:11pm
  • Ah! :D I love you for mentioning me! thought it was not needed :D and I LOVE this chapter, not my favorite but I still loved it. She is starting to see what an end means and is realizing she doesn't truly want the end she wants Johnny, not her old dull life :)

    favorite line= "This is Johnny, we're talking about. He's a secretive, resourceful little fucker."
    March 23rd, 2012 at 03:40am
  • And I think I fell in love with Johnny Carolina too.
    March 23rd, 2012 at 03:09am
  • Oh. My. Gawd. This story is fucking amazing. why I havent found it earlier? I've just read the whole damn thing. U made me addicted. Ur writing skills are literally perfect.
    March 23rd, 2012 at 03:08am
  • Haha this chapter was good and the notes were very cute! and her and johnny need together together they are perfect she won't try to change him, she likes him for the actual him unlike everyone else :) and poor Kool Kevin
    March 17th, 2012 at 05:09am
  • She is bitter because she knows she wants him, and he knows as well, that catch is they want each other for more than a night, or a few nights, they want each other for life! :P sorry I had to say it!

    He got inspired to write a song! I'm guessing she inspired him! :D
    March 10th, 2012 at 04:50am
  • I'm sure he'll come around eventually and he'll start to show that he cares even though he's not really sure how to show it. ;)

    I'm delighted that you still like it so much. Really makes my day to see your comment and what you think of the story. Thank you for reading!!!!!!!
    March 4th, 2012 at 10:24am
  • ERG! He just wants to get laid! that is SO IRRITATING! seriously! it bothers me to NO END! I mean come on! you like her like her for her, not just to get laid... I'm hoping :P he serenaded her! that is SO CUTE! I'm jealous :P GAH Can't wait for your next update and for those two to finally get together!

    and yeah bitches are SO easy to write because there is no other dimension to them! and it gets worse :/ GRRR! I hope Tex(I momentarily forgot her name so I wrote Tex kept writing and then remember... fail... I'm sticking with Tex it's cuter!) doesn't read it next time!
    March 4th, 2012 at 04:37am