Forgiven - Comments

  • *to me
    March 25th, 2012 at 10:40am
  • oh my god i love this.
    i almost cried cause this brought some stuff that happened tome but.. this was beautifully written
    March 25th, 2012 at 10:40am
  • KAAAAAAAYLA Arms Arms Arms

    oh my gosh, this was so perfect it should be illegal, okay. seriously. i am at a loss for words... let me take a few minutes to get my thoughts in order. *tick tock tick tock* okay. okay. i think i'm well enough now to tell you how fucking amazing this story was. gosh, amazing.. that isn't even the right word. brilliant. stunning. astonishing. perfect, wonderful. magnificent... just so damn good. okay. *sigh* first off, the beginning was just... you know me too well, i swear. because this is exactly how my relationship/s go. so it was like this entire thing was real right off the bat. and that just made it that much more amazing. and the dialogue was just... so me! you got my personality spot on. hence, making it even more real feeling. i just loved it so much. so then, after the intro, i was all upset and then matt left and i was just like, "nooooo, my love, come back!" lmfao and then he came back and i was all, "success!" and then.... kfdkgjfdkh... and then we get to that part (tehe) and it was just so beyond perfect. gahhhh. Happy face i was just soaking up every second of it and reread it about eight thousand times, okay. and nooo, i didn't let b read. tehe but anyways!! yes... gosh, kayla, you're just so wonderfully talented. your writing never ceases to amazes me in every way. you are the greatest wifey a person could ask for because you know just how to make someone feel entirely special and happy. <3 i love you and thank you immensely for this. it means the world to me in one million different ways. and this comment is probably filled with a bajillion typos because my mind is still racing in so many directions because of how fjgfkdksjf perfect this story is. you're the best person on the planet. thank you so much. <3

    Arms Arms Arms
    December 25th, 2011 at 09:57am