Lost - Comments

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    I read this story on my own time but it was given to me for a comment swap, so I'll tell you what I think about it. The entire story was just plain amazing, I could definitely tell you spent a lot of time working on it and trust me I know how hard it is when you're trying to plot out fictional characters with nonfiction ones.

    Either way. the ending was still having me on the edge of my seat. I wasn't sure if I was going to be thrown into more drama, I wish there had been more closure for some of the characters in the store but I guess not everyone can have a happy ending.

    When Val announced she was pregnant I was totally shocked, I had expected it to be Gena out of the two but it's cool. I loved this story, it was probably one of the better ones I'd read in a long long time. It didn't feel rushed, or too wordy which is what happens sometimes. I felt like it was left open for Gena and Zack though, as if it was obvious that they were going to have a family but it just wasn’t necessary to write it out.

    Keep up the good work!
    December 11th, 2014 at 01:13am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    I read this story on my own time but it was given to me for a comment swap, so I'll tell you what I think about it. The entire story was just plain amazing, I could definitely tell you spent a lot of time working on it and trust me I know how hard it is when you're trying to plot out fictional characters with nonfiction ones.

    Either way. the ending was still having me on the edge of my seat. I wasn't sure if I was going to be thrown into more drama, I wish there had been more closure for some of the characters in the store but I guess not everyone can have a happy ending.

    When Val announced she was pregnant I was totally shocked, I had expected it to be Gena out of the two but it's cool. I loved this story, it was probably one of the better ones I'd read in a long long time. It didn't feel rushed, or too wordy which is what happens sometimes. I felt like it was left open for Gena and Zack though, as if it was obvious that they were going to have a family but it just wasn’t necessary to write it out.

    Keep up the good work!
    December 11th, 2014 at 01:12am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    I read this story on my own time but it was given to me for a comment swap, so I'll tell you what I think about it. The entire story was just plain amazing, I could definitely tell you spent a lot of time working on it and trust me I know how hard it is when you're trying to plot out fictional characters with nonfiction ones.

    Either way. the ending was still having me on the edge of my seat. I wasn't sure if I was going to be thrown into more drama, I wish there had been more closure for some of the characters in the store but I guess not everyone can have a happy ending.

    When Val announced she was pregnant I was totally shocked, I had expected it to be Gena out of the two but it's cool. I loved this story, it was probably one of the better ones I'd read in a long long time. It didn't feel rushed, or too wordy which is what happens sometimes. I felt like it was left open for Gena and Zack though, as if it was obvious that they were going to have a family but it just wasn’t necessary to write it out.

    Keep up the good work!
    December 11th, 2014 at 01:12am
  • Dinosuarslippers

    Dinosuarslippers (100)

    United States
    Hello, this is for the comment swap :)

    Holy cow can you write! Your plot is phenomenal, you set the tone perfectly, and the deep emotional insight you have into the main character Zacky is flawless! I will admit I've only read chapter one, but it was fantastic, keep up the good work! :)
    August 17th, 2014 at 03:12am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    I bet you didn’t think I’d be back again, since I kinda disappeared and never commented again. Truth is, I’ve been busy beyond belief but Lost is probably the story I committed the most to as a reader and I couldn’t just let go of something that got me so emotionally involved. Besides, you’re still my favorite writer here and leaving you behind doesn’t sit well with me.

    This story was brilliant. I just read the last five chapters in a row and I was mind-blown. This is definitely your place, you know, in the creative writing world. I’m not the best judger and you must possibly have some flaws because no one is perfectly assertive, but virtually you are perfect. The character and plot development were amazing here. Most times you don’t see people, even those with great writing, move along the plot as smoothly and effortless as you do, not to mention that (and I think I’ve told you this before) your characters are the best ever because they feel just so real and true it seems like you’re telling a veridical story.

    I loved that ending so much. I am a sucker for drama and so the amount you put in this was perfect to me, but alas I’m not the biggest fan of sad endings. You couldn’t have ended it better, in my opinion. It was the kind of ending you can see coming in real life, you know? I liked that you didn’t put too much detail in the last scene with Alfonzo. I feel like it would’ve felt too cinema-like after you’ve mentioned about how they were just kids with guns. Then again, it didn’t surprise me at all you did it the way you did. You’re just so good at this.

    I cried like a baby at some point, though. Despite not being too drastic with displaying your characters emotions and doing it a lot subtly, you know how to play it and make your readers sympathetic with the situations which I find especially amazing. That interaction between father and son was so sweet and precious; the fact that they weren’t reticent with loving each other really got to me. Not too much love, not too little. And I’m not even going into detail again about Zacky and Gena’s relationship again, because I’ve already made it clear one time too many about how wonderful it was.

    I’m sorry about this huge ass comment, but I truly believe everything so I had to say it. I expect you to let me follow your stories for a long time and one day (soon c; ) your books too. You’re already better than like 90% of the published writers I’ve come across; I’m no longer hoping you’ll get published – I know for certain you will. With that talent and dedication you cannot be refused.

    This was such a fun ride. Thank you for sharing this story with us! I’m so glad I came back here and finished this treasure. :’) <3
    February 26th, 2014 at 01:24am
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    As soon as I clicked this story and saw the "complete" at the top, I swear I died a little.

    I was trying to hold off on reading this for a few days because I refused to believe it was the last chapter. But I just couldn't wait any longer.

    This was the perfect last chapter. I don't even know how to type everything that's going through my head.
    I realize that I get so emotionally invested in your stories and I just end up crying over every little thing.

    As always, I absolutely loved it. Everything about it is perfect and so happy. You have no idea how glad I am that you gave Ly a happy ending. He definitely deserved it. I'm sure I've said that before, but I'm just so happy right now. I can't even.

    When Loralie was first introduced, I didn't think much of her. I was sort of indifferent to her character up until a few chapters ago when she and Ly had that conversation at school. I'm still not sure if I'm surprised about them being together now or not, but I'm pleased about it and she's already better than Eliza Beth in my book!

    I liked the idea of Kieran moving to California, I really hope that happens in their future.
    And Baby Sanders!? What! I was thinking maybe Gena would be pregnant or something. I wasn't expecting it to be Val, and with a set of twins! Oh man, I love it!

    This is such a bittersweet moment. I'm glad that it's all wrapped up with such a happy ending, but I'm sad to see this go. I think I'm still making myself believe there will be another update just so I don't drive myself insane.
    You definitely have every right to be proud of this. It was such a wonderful story that I'll never forget.
    My heart is breaking right now, but this was just so perfect. Thank you for writing this! <3

    I'll see you over at the new stories! =D
    September 16th, 2013 at 07:21am
  • StarxDust

    StarxDust (100)

    I'm so happy Ly is happy :) what a perfect ending :D
    September 15th, 2013 at 08:38am
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    I love happy endings! & this was just perfect!!! Great story! I really enjoyed it!
    September 15th, 2013 at 08:23am
  • BlackdownHills

    BlackdownHills (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    HOW can you end it there?

    I think I'm gonna cry D:
    September 14th, 2013 at 11:10pm
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    Oh. My. Goodness. Ya know, even though the last chapter ended on a high note, I was still holding my breath on the off chance that you would turn around and throw in something horrible at the last minute. But now I can breathe happy and know that everyone is okay and everyone got their happy ending... well, not everyone, I suppose. There's Alfonzo and his goons (who had it coming) but there's also Ly's sister and mother. Sigh. Forever upset about that.

    Loralie, hmm. Pretty sure I mentioned trouble when she was first introduced and I thought she'd come between Lysander and Eliza Beth but after they broke up, I saw her in a different light and started to think maybe they'd be good together. So that was nice that you put them in a relationship at the end. I hope this means no more crazies!

    Val's announcement, didn't see that one coming. I for sure thought you would write something like that about Gena and I would die of happiness but leaving the window open for the reader to assume it'll happen without having to write it works, too. I can just picture it now. Zacky, Gena, Ly and a little baby. Even though we never got to see him and Dakota reunite and interact, the way you described them in the past showed that Lysander was a wonderful brother and I think he'll slip back into that role fairly easily whenever the little one (or ones) arrive(s). I'm happy for Matt and Val, though! So many twins. Dakota, Lysander, Val, Michelle, the babies to be. It's like a theme, lol.

    Overall, this was a great ending to such an incredible story. I love how family oriented the band is and how welcoming they've been. God knows Lysander needed that after all he's been through. I'm just going to convince myself that the rest of his life is picture perfect because I can't stand to think of him dealing with any more tragedy.

    I'm going to miss this story so much but I'm looking forward to growing attached to your new ones. You should be very, very proud of what you accomplished here. It was fantastic from beginning to end, every chapter pulled me in further than the one before, and it will always have a special place on my list of favorites. Well done [:
    September 14th, 2013 at 11:35am
  • ThePiesEndure

    ThePiesEndure (115)

    And now I can read it :D
    September 14th, 2013 at 08:53am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    a happy ending. A HAPPY ENDING. I'm not sure I really expected a happy ending with you, but it was perfect (and I love happy endings, in case this wasn't clear.) throughout the whole story I feel like I was saying to myself, "when the hell is Lyndsander finally going to catch a break?" he's finally caught one and I'm so happy that he's happy. I'm all warm and fuzzy inside. he was lost, but now he is found. <3

    amazing story, and you should be very proud of it. you're forever one of my favoritest (I'm making that a word) authors and I can't wait to read all of your future work.
    September 14th, 2013 at 06:04am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    A wonderful ending to a perfect story. I'm happy everyone is content and everything was brought to a close. No burning questions left unanswered and all that. This is still one of the most brilliant stories I've ever read and I'm thankful for you taking the time to write it. Oh man, now I'm getting all choked up and emotional. I'll miss this story, but there's still the rest of the ones you have and possible future ones. c:
    September 14th, 2013 at 05:07am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    A perfect end to a perfect story. I am so damn happy for Lysander; he's finally happy, free of fear, looking forward to the future. He's found peace, same as Zacky, and that's really all that I could have hoped for - you know, aside from not wanting this story to be over. But all good things must come to an end! AND WHAT AN END, HOLY CRAP. I can't stop gushing, but I'll force myself. I loved this. Thank you <3
    September 14th, 2013 at 02:33am
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    I fucking love you so much right now! I'm crying. Oh my God. You have no idea how happy and relieved I am that Zacky got the cops involved. I don't think I could've been able to deal with Zacky or Ly dying. It would've killed me.
    This chapter was absolute perfection. Honestly one of my favorites. From the suspense in the beginning to the heart warming parts at the end. I just love it.
    That father/son moment with the I love you's, Zacky wanting to start a family and Gena wanting to make sure it was okay with Ly. I just... I can't. It literally brought tears to my eyes.
    Also, I'm just really happy that Alfonzo is finally dead!

    I'm really sad to see this story coming to an end, but I'm super excited to start reading your two new ones. Both of which I'm sure will soon become some of my favorites to read on this site! =)

    Anyway, I can't wait to read the last chapter! <3
    September 8th, 2013 at 10:22am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    When I clicked on this chapter, I swear I held my breath up until I read the words "Alfonzo dropped." and then I was like THANK YOU BABY JESUS!!! I honestly had no idea what to expect. I know how mean you can be to these characters and I was fully prepared for the worst but so, so, sooo relieved with the direction you decided to take. Karma is a bitch and I hope Alfonzo rots in hell for what he did to Ly's mother and sister. That father/son embrace, the I love you's, the whole gang showing up at the hospital, Zacky telling Gena he wants a family with her... I mean, ugh, my heart is so happy I could cry. Perfection at its finest. I can't believe I'm only going to get one more email notification for this story, though. :[ I don't want it to be over yet! Seriously one of my all time favorites on Mibba.

    I just subbed to your new ones and will definitely comment when I get the time to read them. I've told you before but you really are such a talented author and I have no doubt that I'll become obsessed with your other stories like I did with this one. I would say I can't wait for the next update but it's so bittersweet now, with it being the last. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. I'm excited to see how you wrap it up. [:
    September 8th, 2013 at 04:18am
  • ThePiesEndure

    ThePiesEndure (115)

    HFHGASGDFSG I Promise to read this all when you post the last chapter. That way I can just sit and read it all the way through. :D Then I'll give it the review it deserves. :D
    September 8th, 2013 at 03:43am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    AHAAAAAAAHA! I WAS RIGHT, THE POLICE WERE RIGHT BEHIND ZACKY! Wow. It feels nice to be right about something for once lol. This chapter, absolutely perfect. The way that Zacky just scooped Ly into his arms, like it was the most natural thing in the world, just warmed my heart. And the first time they both said those 3 words to each other. And Zacky telling Gena he wants a family with her, and when she put Ly first despite how much she wants a baby.

    P E R F E C T I O N

    And as much as I'm looking forward to the next chapter, I'm not. Because I don't want it to be over Sad
    September 8th, 2013 at 02:27am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    Aww. Don't mind me as I slowly get upset. This was just so beautiful. Lysander is fine, Zack wants babies, everyone's happy. Ugh, its just so many emotions. And it makes me happy yet sad to know the next chapter is the last. I'll miss this story dearly but its so perfect. Can't wait until the last one. c:
    September 7th, 2013 at 03:03pm
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    comment swap

    i'm not very familiar with this type of fan fiction, but can i say, i adore the banner as well as the layout immensely. usually i lose interest in the beginning when the layout or anything is off, but this is perfect & i absolutely love it.

    of course, the chapter began with the typical 'i slept with band member' guy, but as the first chapter unfolds, i was actually pretty intrigued by the content of it. your style of writing is eccentric and i have to shamelessly admit how you've gotten me hooked on this piece & i'm not even a fan nor do i understand who these characters are (in the fan fic reference per say).

    zacky's panic as he realizes that he has a son. perfect.
    September 2nd, 2013 at 09:36am