Lost - Comments

  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE LSJWGFVYEGVWHFBE NO You truly are evil!! That has to be the most painful cliff hanger I've ever read!! If that gunshot came from Alfonzo and was aimed at either Lysander or Zacky, I will not survive this story. Please tell me Zack brought backup and these sons of bitches are gonna get theirs. (Even though I know you won't actually tell me, gah!!) I can't. I cannot. I have lost the ability to can.

    This needs to be updated again now.
    Like, right now. Twitch
    September 1st, 2013 at 12:13pm
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    I haven't commented in forever and I'm sorry about that, but right now I just can't get pAST THE END OF THIS CHAPTER? I don't know that I'm exactly surprised with how this story has turned, knowing you, but it doesn't mean this cliff hanger is any less terrifying! praying that part of what zack was saying was a lie, and he did call the police after all. that gunshot had better be directed at that asshole, I swear to god
    September 1st, 2013 at 05:19am
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    WHAT IS THIS!? Why! I need the next chapter up like, now! I really hope that gunshot was from one of the guys hiding somewhere in the warehouse or a cop. I'm just going to make myself believe that for now because I can't deal with this! This is too stressful for me. So much suspense!
    On another note, it was nice to hear that Dakota put up a fight when she was taken. I just hope that Ly and Zacky don't have the same outcome she did..
    Why do you do this to me? D=
    August 31st, 2013 at 10:59pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    WHAT THE CRAP KIND OF ENDING IS THIS?! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE IT THERE! LYSANDER CAN'T DIE! NEITHER CAN ZACKY! No no. I bet Zacky had a gun hidden in his pants right? Or that there was a cop hiding around the corner. Right? RIGHT?! I CAN'T TAKE THIS STRESS DUDE.
    August 31st, 2013 at 02:45am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, this is so suspenseful! I feel like I can't breathe properly until I know what happens! I hope Zack did bring in the police. Alfonzo might just be a little punk, but you have to assume he's gonna be trigger happy. And if anyone has to get shot, hopefully the shooters have bad aim. Ahhh, I can't wait!
    August 31st, 2013 at 02:03am
  • Kaaren Nafar

    Kaaren Nafar (200)

    Wow, that was very sophisticated. You’re one hell of a writer. You so obviously care about your writing and it’s obvious that you spend a lot of time on it to make sure it’s perfect. The characters were very real. Even his friends, the supporting characters are real. And I loved the fact that there was almost no error in there. I love reading a clean and clear text. Good job on that. There was no unnecessary background info and the story was not confusing, distracting or boring even for a moment. Zacky was having all the right reactions and thoughts when he found out about the new trouble. I say, you know what you’re writing about and you’re not just making stuff up like a lot of people. I’m gonna message you now to tell you more 
    Very very good job.
    August 30th, 2013 at 03:54pm
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    OMG... WHAT IS HE GONNA DO????? What a cliffhanger! I hope you update soon!!! Punk
    August 26th, 2013 at 09:40pm
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    So, I've been a horrible commenter. Please don't hate me.
    I swear I've been reading, but you know I like to leave nice, long comments and I just haven't had the time. D=

    Let me start by saying that every chapter has left me at the edge of my seat. Especially these last two.
    I really loved Lysander finally being able to release some of his anger during that fight with Masters.
    But, after reading chapter 30, I don't know. I kinda feel bad for the guy. I just can't really hate him as much as I used to. And Masters having a murdered twin as well was completely unexpected for me.
    Now lets get to the end of chapter 30. I was sitting here saying "nope" for about 20 minutes, not being able to click to read chapter 31. I was hoping you would leave poor Lysander alone now with everything he's been through but no, you couldn't do it. =P
    I seriously love the drama. I wasn't expecting Alfonzo to make an appearance. It's a nice twist and I'm absolutely loving it. I can't wait to see what Zacky decides to do. I'm obviously leaning towards Matt's suggestion, but I never know with this story.
    Just answer one thing for me. Does Ly die?
    You need to answer this for me because if he does I need to know in advance so I can mentally prepare myself. I don't think I would be able to handle that if it's just sprung at me!

    Anyway, I promise not to take so long to comment next time! I love this story too much to stay away for too long! <3
    August 24th, 2013 at 09:26am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    So my heart was pounding pretty much through this whole chapter. I can't even imagine what Zacky must be going through, the fear, not knowing what the hell to do. But Matt's right, I think going through the police is the best bet. There's no way of knowing that Lysander won't be hurt or killed any way - especially since it's impossible for Zacky to get so much money out at one time. If he shows up with less than what was demanded, someone gets hurt. It's really a lose-lose situation. At least the police are trained and will do everything they can to help. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REST.
    August 23rd, 2013 at 02:20am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    Y'know, in reality, I think Zack is taking this a lot better than a lot would in the same situation. But what I still want to know, why bother with Lysander? I get it, he wants money, but someone was going to end up getting him whether Zack fully cooperated or not. What does he really have to gain? He's a dumb shit and I hope he "accidentally" gets shot before the story's over. I think my favorite thing about the kidnapping news arriving is just the fact that everyone reacted in their own ways. Sometimes when these kind of things happen, people just make their characters react in some generic way that doesn't seem to still have their personality in it. I dunno, I just feel like you made it more complete with having everyone do their own things, even Majesty. Can't wait for the rest! c:
    August 23rd, 2013 at 12:22am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    It's almost four in the morning and I have no idea what I just read. The smart thing would be to go to bed and comment when I'm not sleep deprived but... Lysander... and Eliza Beth... and Ethan... and Jacob motherfucking Alfonzo?! Where the hell did he come from?! And why did he just kidnap Lysander?! I'm feeling very conflicted about my decision to read this story. It's amazing but I didn't sign up for this. And there's only four chapters left?! That's not enough time! Someone needs to die and I'm thinking it's the dude who ended Dakota's life. Did Jacob also kill Ethan's twin?! Does he have a twin murder fetish? Where the heck is Zacky?! What did they throw at Jack?! Who are these masked men?! And where are they taking Lysander?! What do they want from him?! So many questions and none of them will be answered until you update. I hope that'll be sometime soon because right now I'm just mrgun I am not okay.
    August 21st, 2013 at 09:57am
  • Madam Shadows;

    Madam Shadows; (100)

    United States
    I just caught up on this story and I have a lot to say. Lol. First off, I love the whole kidnaping thing, because I know it's going to change this whole perspective on things. I like how you showed the reason why the bully did that. It shows people that even the tough guys are hurting on the inside. The whole thing with Eliza Beth, bravo! That's all I really have to say about that! I mean, I really did NOT expect that! I'm also kind of happy Ly got in a fight. It was bound to happen. You can only keep it bottled up for so long, I know. Now I am very anxious to see what happens next. I have an idea on what's going to happen, but i feel like I would be totally wrong, because you're very unpredictable when it comes to your writing. Anyway, sorry I haven't really been saying much. I'm excited to read your new stories too!
    August 20th, 2013 at 01:44am
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    WHAT A CLIFFHANGER!!!! Are you kidding me! I almost had a heart attack. I didn't see that one coming!!! SO GOOD!!! I can't wat for you to update again!
    August 19th, 2013 at 08:26am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)




    THIS. NO. LYSANDER. I CAN'T EVEN. HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THIS?! Oh my God. I had this really cute comment all planned because of how proud I am of Ly for how he's taking things now and how adorable I thought he was for worrying about Jack and how the talk with that JERKface took me by surprise but then Alfonzo showed up and OH MY GOD LYSANDER. He better not hurt that boy, I swear to God! Zacky, poor Zacky is going to absolutely lose his mind when he finds out about this. I don't even know what to say. Only YOU would do this to me! You're lucky I love you and you're writing, you turd. I CAN'T TAKE THIS STRESS PLEASE UPDATE SOON
    August 18th, 2013 at 03:18am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    I knew the second that Masters told Lysander about his sister that something bad was going to happen later. Oh, damnit. Poor Ly just cannot get a break. I wonder what they threw to Jack before they took off? I know Zack is going to probably have a mental breakdown from this when Jack gets a hold of him. Hopefully he caught the tags of the vehicle! I'm already so anxious to know what happens. But only four more chapters? I feel like I'm going to cry. I don't ever want it to end.
    August 17th, 2013 at 04:32am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Thank God Ly wasn't suspended! I thought for sure hw would have been, but it's not like anyone can blame him for getting in a fight. There's been so much drama and heartache, it was bound to come to a head at some point. At least no one was seriously hurt (not that that jerkface didn't deserve a good beating for being such an ASS to Lysander). I think Zack handled the whole thing quite well, considering. Gena, too. I hope thing start looking up soon...though how can they not WHEN THERE'S ONLY FIVE CHAPTERS LEFT. UGH. Love this! <3
    August 13th, 2013 at 02:12am
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    I love Zacky on father mode! It's amazing! He's super sweet. & I hope he can be able to build a really strong relationship with Lysander!!! That kid just breaks my heart!!! I hope everything works out for him in the end.
    August 11th, 2013 at 02:12am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    Look at me being a punctual reader! :D

    This chapter made me sad and melancholic and then it made me kind of happy and hopeful all at the same time. I don’t even know; you’re still playing with my emotions!

    Lysander has been having it so bad; finally reading the things he wrote in class I was shocked to realize that I hadn’t felt as bad for him as I should’ve from the beginning. Idk, I just always went along with what Lysander showed to the outside just like the actual characters in the story and only now that I’ve read the things he has been thinking do I realize how bad everything actually is for him. It’s kind of creepy, I guess, but he actually, honestly feels so real I kind of went along with it and believed he was kind of okay, because that’s how he made it seem… do you understand what I’m saying here? I feel like I’m talking nonsense. But yeah, this chapter kind of got to me harder than it should have… poor thing, honestly. I don’t know what I’d do if I were him, but I probably wouldn’t be half as brave.

    Zacky in this chapter is lovely. C’: he’s so worried and so lost, it’s endearing. He obviously has no idea how to deal with a broken kid, which could be seen as bad, but just the fact that he tries so hard makes up for it. I’m sure deep down Lysander must appreciate it, although that little outburst made it look like Ly is kind of resenting Zacky. It seems like he doesn’t consider his father a real part of his life and more like the person who gives him shelter. I hope I’m wrong. But either way I just hope he knows Zacky is there for him and he’s not letting go. He needs that reassurance in his life right now.

    The thought of a song makes me excited, though. Hopefully Lysander will accept it the best he can. :)

    Oh, and just another thing I don’t think I’ve told you before. I found you through a banner you made for Katrina ;’s story, because the moment I saw it I thought “if she can make such gorgeous, gorgeous thing, then I have a feeling she must be an amazing writer as well” and I wasn’t wrong. So I’d just like to take a moment to gush about your banners, alright? Because they are the best in this whole website and more! The first time I came to this story I spent five minutes just staring at the banner before I started reading, so yeah… you’re amazing! :’)

    I can’t wait for next week, asdfghj! A-maaazing chapter as always! :D
    August 11th, 2013 at 01:10am
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    It makes me so happy to see Zack so caring. Hopefully Lysander sees it as him caring and doesn't resent him for all this. Maybe he'll open up to him more about the bullying and whatnot. And I really hope to song is something that both Zack and Lysander approve of. It makes me sad to know this story is nearly done tho. Make sure to make the last few chapters awesome then! (Tho they always are.)
    August 10th, 2013 at 06:48am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    Here I am :D

    Chapter 26:
    Oh man, I adore Lysander so much! He can be this brave, strong-willed, mature boy and then become this sweet, sweet person that warms my heart. And he’s so genuine, too! He’s like the perfect character because he feels so real and I just adore him! You honestly create amazing characters.
    This chapter was rather cute, we’ve gotta admit. It was probably the cutest one so far. But, Idk, it left a bittersweet feeling? Everything is just too perfect and that thing with Ly admitting his love for Eliza Beth and she not saying it back made my stomach feel tight. I mean, I understand completely the fact that it takes time to learn how to love someone and that they haven’t known each other for that long – it wasn’t exactly the ‘not saying it back’ part that made me nervous. It just seems risky for Lysander to open his heart as much as he did when his life has been so vulnerable (no matter how well he’s been taking everything) and Eliza Beth is just this kid that he just met, even though sometimes it feels like they’ve been together for forever. I don’t believe I’d be able to trust someone as blindly as he is trusting her; I’m hoping it won’t all turn against him eventually. (Or maybe I’m hoping it will XD)
    Oh, and Zacky? This chapter made me act like a fangirl like I haven’t in a long time. I just kept screaming in my head “stop being adorable, you lil’ shit!”. His relationship with his son is just phenomenal. Like I’ve said in other comments they feel more like friends than anything else and I love it. They just click so well it doesn’t even matter the fact that they don’t love each other the way a father and a son should and rather like old buddies. It’s amazing. And the way they seem so comfortable with each other in this chapter made me really happy. :)
    Overall, like always, fantastically well done!

    Chapter 27:
    Oh. My. God. I’ve been expecting something bad from Eliza Beth for some time now, but I’d be lying if I said I saw this coming. Wow. My jaw literally dropped. Excuse my language, but what a bitch. I don’t even know what to say. Crazy fangirls are everywhere after all. He is the one? What the hell?! But, must I say, no matter how angry I am right now, I actually loved the twist! Definitely, you are the greatest with characters. You fooled me so well; I actually really liked her. I’m sure there must have been some minimal clues along the story, but I honestly caught none of them - and we’re talking about the person who comments on every detail possible. Gosh. The way you handled Eliza Beth was sublime, I can’t even… Wow. Poor Lysander, though; after everything he went through and after putting into her all his trust, I can’t even imagine what’s going through his head right now. It can’t be anything good.
    Wonderful chapter!
    (p.s.: to think Brian was the only one who wasn’t fooled… Eliza Beth might be a little psycho, but she hasn’t been dumb – until now)

    Chapter 28:
    I guess, in a way, this was bound to happen. I’ll just come out and say it might even have been necessary. Not the actual fight, because that’s something I would never ever support and it’s clearly not the best way to let emotions go, but clearly Lysander wasn’t about to talk to anyone about it and there was no way he could have kept everything bottled in without making himself go crazy. But to think people like Ethan exist… what a pitiful bastard. Nothing will even justify bullying, especially when it regards themes like the death of a loved one. That boy had it coming, I don’t even care. He obviously doesn’t think twice before tormenting and hurting people both physically and mentally, so I save him no concerned thoughts whatsoever. He can go f*** himself for all I care. I just need Lysander to be okay and Eliza Beth to have her little well deserved punishment and I’ll be fine. All hail Karma, please.

    You better stop playing with my emotions soon, preferably before the story ends, okay? That would be good. Lost has been killing me for so long, I don’t even know… *sigh* I love your writing. I’m sitting here wishing I could be half as amazing as you are at this. Your work has definitely paid off in this story. You may not think so, but to me it is perfect even if it isn’t finished yet.

    August 7th, 2013 at 12:08am