Lost - Comments

  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    As always, I absolutely loved this chapter!
    I wasn't really expecting questions about Dakota, much less of Lysander! That caught me by surprise but Zacky handled that in a very professional manner. I'm really happy he respected Lysander's decision to not be introduced into that world yet.
    But, I can honestly say I was fuming when the interviewer asked Zacky if he was ashamed of Lysander. Had that been me, some punches would've been thrown.
    I think my favorite part about this chapter was the last bit. The way Zacky freaked a bit when he couldn't find his family. The way Gena and Lysander have come a long way from how they were when they first met. It was all just too perfect and it made my heart swell with complete happiness for them.

    Also, I'm really looking forward to that song for Dakota! =D
    June 28th, 2013 at 10:43am
  • ThePiesEndure

    ThePiesEndure (115)

    This story is on my 'to read' list. I know I did start reading it ages ago, but because of my studies I stopped reading anything fanfiction and was only writing mine a little. But, I will start again soon, once I've written a bit more of mine, then I'll be able to give this story the comments it deserves :D
    June 25th, 2013 at 02:58pm
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    I am so sorry I haven't been commenting! I feel terrible. For some reason, all the emails I'm supposed to be getting on updated stories were turned off. I only thought of going to look a few minutes ago and got upset to see I had missed three updates.

    As always, I adore this story to pieces. From the way you describe simple things to the obvious time and effort to get all your thoughts across. It's lovely and wraps it all together perfectly. It's like I can see the scenes before me like a movie. I just love your writing so much, if I could marry it I would. c:

    Anyways, onto the actual story. It really made my heart swell to see how concerned Zack really is about Lysander after Dakota's passing. Having a love one die is one of the toughest things I've ever experienced so I can relate to how Zack would be worried for him. But I'm also really happy to see how strong Lysander is trying to be and how willing he is to not sit around and mope, but to get out and live his life. I just hope he learns to not get so rattled by rude fans and I really hope Zack can write that song like he wants. I think Lysander would appreciate anything he would write for Dakota. It'd probably mean the world to him.

    I cannot wait for more and now that I fixed my stuff, I will know when there is more. *thumbs up*
    June 24th, 2013 at 05:21am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    So much to love about this chapter. Not that I expected any less but I was pleased to see Zack put the interviewer (whose name made me giggle, assuming Gary Styles is played off of Harry Styles) in his place. Sometimes the media needs to realize that famous or not, these people are still human beings with feelings and when they're going through tough times, it's not anyone's business but their own and those who are personally involved.

    I also love the idea of Zack (and the band) writing a song about Dakota. For some reason, that never crossed my mind until you mentioned it and then I was like YES. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. I hope Lysander is up for it but of course I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't. So Far Away is such an amazing piece of work. I adore it even more knowing that Brian worked on it with Jimmy before he passed and then turned it into a tribute piece for his fallen friend. I have no doubt Zack could write something just as amazing, in real life and in the story. I wish he had more confidence.

    I'm forever sappy about this band's friendship and I love when authors bring that into fanfiction. The convo with Matt was something Zacky needed to hear, I'm sure. To be reminded that his brothers will always be there for him through everything and help him in any way they can. And of course, the scene with Gena and Lysander at the end was the perfect way to close. At the same time, it keeps me wondering what it would've been like if Dakota were with them, how much more complete they would be. :[ Gah, I'm too emotionally invested in this story!

    I just love the way this chapter flowed. As always, can't wait for the next one. Crazy
    June 23rd, 2013 at 11:02pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    First of all, thank you for this. Reading this was the perfect distraction and made my day. Second, I loved this update. I'm glad that Zacky didn't speak about Ly in the interview, and I hope his wishes are respected. The one to one with him and Matt was sweet; he probably doesn't realize that his brothers can see through him so easily. Great update. Sorry if my comment is crappy.
    June 23rd, 2013 at 04:00am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    That girl, oh my God. How dare she! How friggen' dare she. I wanted to slap her in the mouth. As if he isn't going through enough already, now he has to worry about "fans" attacking him and accusing him of being a fraud? And the sad thing is, I can see this happening in real life. We are in one crazy fandom, aren't we? :P I'm so proud of McKenna for standing up for him though. I seriously love her. And now I'm wondering if Zacky will find out about this, and what he'll do or say if he does. Thank you for the update! <3
    June 4th, 2013 at 04:29am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    i've been slacking in the mibba department lately, but now i am finally getting a chance to read and comment on everything!

    i think it's normal for zacky to be overly-concerned right now about lynsander, given all that he's been through. i don't think he would hurt himself, but it's better to be overly cautious, and zack is a great father for checking up on him like that.

    lynsander doesn't seem to have any trouble meeting new people and fitting right in. he's deifnitely not much of the shy type. it's good that he'll have even more friends now from different places, thanks to mckenna. ugh, that fan! i can't imagine having to deal with that at all times just because you're a relative of a celebrity. it has to be the most annoying thing - and extremely aggravating when it's a nasty fan like this girl. it's clear that dealing with the fans isn't something lynsander enjoys in the slightest, and i can't say i blame him. i'm glad he had lots of people behind him in this situation.

    great updates! :)
    June 3rd, 2013 at 05:18pm
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    What a bitch!!! Seriously...

    Great update though.
    June 2nd, 2013 at 08:14am
  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    I was going to gush about how happy I am with Lysander's progress since being back in California, especially during this chapter, making new friends and whatnot. Then some rude little fangirl had to ruin it. So glad McKenna was there to put the chick in her place! On another note, I don't know how I feel about this Loralie character. As an official Eliza Beth/Lysander shipper, I don't like the way he was looking at her. Not one bit. Maybe he was just a guy being a guy but I smell trouble... I am not looking forward to this story being over, I'll miss it too much. But I am excited to see what you have in store for the rest of it and how it all comes to an end. Can't wait for the next chapter!
    June 1st, 2013 at 11:22pm
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    Whoa, it's been so long since I've commented. I promise I've been reading it. I don't really have an excuse for not commenting except I was on vacation for almost a month and since then work has been killing me. Anyway, I'll try keep this short since you probably hate me by now.. :|

    These past few chapters have been nothing short of amazing. I really loved ch 22. We finally got to see just how important Eliza Beth is to this story and to Lysander. I was a little skeptical when it was first mentioned that she liked A7X, but she doesn't seem like the type to be a crazy, obsessive fan. Hopefully..

    This chapter made me feel really bad for Ly. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that some fans probably do act like that. It's ridiculous and I really hope that if Ly has to encounter another fan like that in the future, he'll be able to handle it better. Thankfully McKenna was around to help out this time :)

    Anyway, wonderful chapters and I'll be patiently waiting for the next update!

    By the way, CIM's non-existent sequel banner tug at my heart strings a little harder than it should've. Why do you do this to me!? D:

    Wow, I forgot how much I missed leaving you comments. Please don't hate me!
    June 1st, 2013 at 10:34am
  • Madam Shadows;

    Madam Shadows; (100)

    United States
    Aw, poor Ly, why did he have to have a bad encounter with fans? :( I like how McKenna handled it! I can't wait to read more soon! =)
    June 1st, 2013 at 05:26am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    I can’t believe I’m only doing this now, but my computer crashed and I couldn’t bring myself to read on my phone since that’s always an horrible experience, so I’m only doing this now on my brother’s computer. :x I’M SORRY! mrgun I still love you Hug

    Anyway, the chapters now? :3

    I really like Eliza Beth. :) She seems genuine. I just hope she continues that way until the end, because Ly deserves the comfort she gives him. I also find it refreshing that you made her like the band without being a crazy fan. I don’t know, but it seems to me that in most fanfiction stories people here tend to make the minor characters that like the band/artist completely obsessed with them. It might be just me, but I’ve caught a lot of that. And let’s be honest, not every fan acts like a dog on heat when being with famous people. Like, honestly, mrgun Of course, it could add drama if Eliza Beth was that kind of girl, but it just doesn’t feel right with her nor with the way you build up plots. I think. The way you bring out drama is much more subtle, unexpected, and I really like that. :) I can’t wait to see how you make their relationship evolve!

    I can completely understand Zacky’s paranoia, although I’d probably go insane if I were in Lysander’s place. But honestly, he’s just a kid. It’s kind of creepy the way he’s such a mature character that he makes me think (subconsciously) that he’s an adult and then I remember he’s just fifteen. It’s completely acceptable for Zacky to feel that need to watch over him, especially after everything that went down, and he’s right in his logic about suicide, too. Who knows what might happen? you Ly might think he’s coping just fine and then do something stupid without it being conscious. I’m totally on Zacky’s side on this.

    And may I say that I find their father/son relationship quite adorable? It seems more about brotherhood than anything. Zacky is not just Lysander’s dad; he’s also his friend. It helps that he’s generally a cool character, of course, but the way they kind of act like they are the same age is quite interesting. If Zacky were to be way too father-like his son would probably go crazy. The whole paranoia thing is already too much. But, like always, that’s just my opinion. ;)

    On another note, I’m so excited about Alfonzo’s appearance! I wasn’t ready for Dakota’s death and I’m pretty sure I’m not ready for whatever you have planned either. I can’t wait! :D

    I absolutely loved both chapters! Your writing is so good I always feel like turning the page – you know, book material? ;) Ugh, why are you so brilliant? Forget only hard work; that’s some pretty wonderful natural talent! I can’t wait for an update! (and for your original :D)

    Love this! <3
    May 30th, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Zacky is, hands down, the coolest dad. I don't blame him for being worried about Ly, any parent would be, but I'm glad that he was relaxed about it and don't go all grumpy bear on the kid. But then, it's Zacky lol, he wouldn't do that. I'm glad that Ly finally went into the studio to see what his dad and uncles do, even if he did work on homework for most of it. REGRET NOTHING, LYSANDER, NERDS ARE ADORABLE XD Love the update darling <333
    May 21st, 2013 at 03:42am
  • Madam Shadows;

    Madam Shadows; (100)

    United States
    I'm glad they're okay now. <3 I have a feeling that they're not going to catch Alfonzo. I hope I'm wrong! I love this story so much! Your writing, of course, always amazes me! (:
    May 19th, 2013 at 06:13pm
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    I'm so glad they patched things up. I don't like them mad! I like them happy! & I hope they catch that Alonzo guy!
    May 19th, 2013 at 11:49am
  • garrett hedlund;

    garrett hedlund; (100)

    United States
    Goodness gracious where can I find a Lysander?? He's just amazing!
    May 19th, 2013 at 05:57am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    it must have been hard for lynsander to tell eliza beth what happened... or to have to tell anyone for that matter. but she deserved to know the truth, and besides that, she is someone who will clearly be there for him. she'll listen if he wants to talk about it, but if not, her company alone is the comfort and distraction that he needs right now. also, i'm glad that zacky understands that she's not with lynsander because he's the son of a rockstar, and that she genuinely cares about him.
    May 6th, 2013 at 01:38am
  • Madam Shadows;

    Madam Shadows; (100)

    United States
    I'm so happy Ly has someone like Eliza Beth there for him! Can't wait to read more soon! (:
    May 1st, 2013 at 02:45am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Cute chapter! So proud of Ly for coming clean to ELiza Beth about what's been going on. I don't blame her for being mad about his absence in the beginning, I probably would have been too. But she handled it well. He seems to be doing better. I hope he continues to do well, but...you have more tricks up your sleeve, don't you? I can also understand why Zacky and Gena will be suspicious of her for a while. I just hope they can be proved wrong. LOVED THIS! <333
    April 27th, 2013 at 12:45am
  • ItWasn'tMe

    ItWasn'tMe (100)

    United States
    Wait... You did Camp NaNoWriMo too?
    April 26th, 2013 at 06:28pm