Lost - Comments

  • unbound.

    unbound. (100)

    United States
    This was such a cute chapter and I'm pleasantly surprised at how Eliza Beth just pounced on him. Getchu some, Lysander. ;] But in all seriousness, I'm glad he opened up to her and told her everything. Lying and/or avoiding it would've just caused more problems later down the line. The fact that he went so far as to introduce her to Zacky and Gena goes to show how much he cares about her and how important she is to him. Lysander seems like the kind of person who doesn't gravitate to just anyone, there always has to be something about them that stands out. Jack was bullied and Eliza Beth reminds him of his sister. Will that make his grieving process easier or more difficult? Hmm.

    So far he seems to be handling Dakota's death fairly well. I fully expected him to fall into a deep depression and shut everyone out. Maybe it won't be smooth sailing for long but it's nice to have some peaceful chapters after all that emotional trauma you put us through! Just kidding but seriously. I hope their relationship (or Eliza Beth in general) plays a bigger role in the story from now on. I totally ship them as of today. Lovely update as usual!
    April 26th, 2013 at 12:19pm
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    Reading this at five o'clock in the morning, woot! But I really liked this chapter. Gave a much better understanding of how important of a character Eliza Beth really is to the story. Sometimes, at least to me, it seems like writers say the significant others are an important aspect but don't make it feel like it. So kudos to you. I just hope Zack and Gena do realize that she's not what they think. Lysander should kind of emphasize in depth on how she isn't just using him, like explain how much he hid the details about it, if anything just for their benefit. But as always, I adore this story and will patiently await the next update. c:
    April 25th, 2013 at 12:29pm
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    This is seriously one of the best stories I’ve ever read here (if not the best). I actually think that comparing this piece to any other is kind of outrageous. I think I’m gonna un-recommend (?) it so I can recommend it again. :3

    Lysander has the most amazing friends. Kieran is beautiful. I actually never expected him to be so strong-willed and selfless; he’s this kind of character you can’t help but admire, something that I find amazing. And he’s completely right. Memories will remain forever, but Lysander needs to allow himself a new start and for that he needs to move on. Columbus is like limbo on hearth to him right now. He needs out of it fast. I’m just glad Kieran is so amazing he can let his best friend go if that means he’ll find happiness again. That thought is heartwarming.

    I like how Ly is reacting to the whole thing, you know? He’s not doing well, of course, but no one could expect him to be even mildly happy in the current situation. But he’s not completely closed off nor going around throwing tantrums, so I can only hope he’s silently coping. Hopefully his moving back to Cali will do him the good he needs.

    And yet again, Gena and Zacky’s relationship. It’s just perfect, how she’s such a normal, kind person and doesn’t mind staying in Columbus for Ly, and how Zacky seems to love and specially respect her so much. Like I said many times before, I applaud you for the realism in this story. Not many can do it.

    Oh, and can I just say Zacky is an amazing dad in here? Lysander is lucky he was faced with a true man instead of a prick. I love how concerned he is and how he thinks he made a mistake and that he’s totally not prepared for this father role, but he’s trying so hard to make things right anyway. Even when it isn’t his fault he hasn’t been in Lysander’s life from the beginning. Beautiful.

    You’re such a good writer. I know jealousy is an ugly thing, but damn... :3 Ha, I love this so much! I hope you manage to update really soon. This is perfection at its finest! <3
    April 7th, 2013 at 06:26pm
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    I just love reading this story! It's so amazing!!! I love it! Love it! Love it!!!
    April 7th, 2013 at 09:33am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    I definitely agree that it's best for lynsander to go back to california. i can say from personal experience, it is really difficult to get through a loss when you are constantly plagued by memories, even when they're good ones. I think it's good that he's had kieran to lean on during his greiving, so it's too bad that he won't have him when he goes back to CA... but hopefully they will be able to keep in touch more often now. I like that zacky offered to have him come stay with them, because i think that will be really good for him. I can't imagine how hard it must be for lynsander to lose his sister (who was really even more of a sister in that they were twins) so shortly after his mother, so i feel like he's doing as well as anyone would be. it's normal for zacky to be worried, but i think that lynsander will be okay... like they say, time heals all wounds.
    April 5th, 2013 at 05:24pm
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    I agree. Lysander has a great friend. This poor boy has been through so much hell lately, all because of one asshole :( And it touched my heart when Zacky made the decision to give Gena her dream after they got better. She's going to be so happy :) that touched my heart ^_^
    April 5th, 2013 at 04:31am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Lysander is lucky to have such a good friend like Kieran to look out for him. I really, really like that kid. He's sweet, smart, and seems to know just what's best for Ly. I think going back to California is a good idea; no more memories of his sister and mother haunting him in every corner. But I am worried about those guys that were giving him hassle before. I have this terrible feeling that things are just going to get worse back in HB, like Ly's going to start fighting or acting out. Not that I could really blame him, but still. And Zacky! Absolutely perfect in this chapter. Love this chapter so, so much. Thank you for updating! <3
    April 4th, 2013 at 10:38pm
  • mindblind

    mindblind (100)

    United States
    Let me just start off saying, happy early birthday! I hope you have a good one. c: now to the story~ I really like Kirean (I probably spelled his name wrong and I had just saw it but I'm on my phone and much too lazy to check), he's already such a strong person in Lysander's life but I enjoy how we're just getting to know him. I'm weird and just really enjoy getting to know a very complex character that we, the readers, don't really know. And I'm really glad , as always, to see inside Zack's head and see how he's taking in and interpreting all the information he's given. Another strange interest of mine, seeing how people process information.

    Wow this comment is really filled with useless babble. In short, I still adore your writing and the story just never seems to stop captivating me. I really hope Lysander's friend continues to be a big part in this story too. <3
    April 4th, 2013 at 10:09pm
  • avenging angel

    avenging angel (100)

    United States
    Lysander has a pretty good friend who looks after him that's awesome!!! And I think he's right zack has to take Lysander off to Cali for him to get better. (: great update!!!
    April 4th, 2013 at 05:01pm
  • garrett hedlund;

    garrett hedlund; (100)

    United States
    Holy shit my emotions are running high after that one!
    March 30th, 2013 at 06:03am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    Your mother is an angel, you know that? Only the heavens could have created such precious thing like you.

    I’ve been sitting here for so long and I still don’t know what to say. Can you imagine that? Me? I always have a whole speech prepared for you, but now I just feel so out of words I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this. At least not properly. But I will try, because you deserve it more than anyone in this website right now.

    Tu és perfeita, princesa. You are perfect, princess.

    The way I see it, the world stopped for some long moments after this chapter. The whole thing is so heartbreaking. From beginning to end I felt my heart breaking into tiny little shards and I don’t remember the last time I’ve ever cried this much in a story. I’ve had people laughing at me for being so into a story that I feel myself crumpling when things go bad, but it’s just people like you, you know? Writers, true writers. We, readers, can’t escape you no matter how hard we try to be composed. And there’s just something about you in particular, the way you word everything and how you can make the little things feel like knifes to our hearts when you want them to and just… everything. It’s incredible and I don’t think I’ve ever loved you as much as I do right now (and I hope you know how much of a fan I was of you before).

    I’m just… overwhelmed. So much so I don’t think I can make much sense right now. You know, just yesterday I was talking about you to a friend. I remember how I said to her that you were amazing and that you weren’t published yet, but I was downright positive one day you would. I’ve never been more certain about it as I am today. It seems impossible you won’t; completely ridiculous. You are bound to go so much further and higher in this world, it would be a crime to even try to hold you back. I feel for the people who ignore you existence now; they are losing sight of so much talent it becomes depressing. But one day it won’t be like this. One day.

    I’m sorry I’m not commenting properly on the story, love, but I still feel devastated. And the fact I’ve been crying because I just want to cuddle Lysander in my arms and make it okay doesn’t really help the situation. I’m sorry still, really. You deserve so much more than this…

    But always remember, somewhere great awaits you and your brilliance. Just keep heading there. <3
    March 30th, 2013 at 02:44am
  • Beautiful Mistakes;

    Beautiful Mistakes; (100)

    I feel like I just died, I can’t even… god, I need to compose myself. I can’t even write this comment right now. I’m sorry… I need a moment to digest it all.
    March 30th, 2013 at 02:08am
  • rarelytiredlights

    rarelytiredlights (100)

    United States
    this chapter was amazing. you never seize to amaze me with your writing. i think the most amazing thing about writing is that it can make you feel things - you're just reading words on a page (or.. on a screen in this case) and yet you feel everything. in my opinion, the best writers are the ones who can write emotion so beautifully that you cry or laugh or smile and fall in love with characters in a story because they feel so real. so bravo. there are some amazing writers on this website for sure.

    i think this chapter is relatable to most all of us. most of us have unfortunately lost someone very close to us and understand what it feels like to attend wakes and funerals, and just to grieve in general. and i definitely felt all of that reading this. i feel for lynsander so much, and the very end of the chapter was just heartbreaking. really interested to see where you take this story, since it is already so different from what i expected.
    March 18th, 2013 at 09:08pm
  • Steph V.

    Steph V. (100)

    United States
    Despite the many times I've cried while reading your stories, I don't think I've ever cried as much as I have with this chapter. Tears just streaming down my face from beginning to end.
    Needless to say, I loved the chapter. Despite the tragedy, you wrote it so beautifully.
    It still amazes me how real you make your stories, and you already know that's one of the many reasons you are an amazing writer.
    I loved the little reunion Ly had with Kieran. It filled me with joy knowing he had him to lean on.
    I was an emotional wreak while reading the eulogies. You can't help but feel bad for Zacky. Not gonna lie, it would have been nice to see how the story would have been if Dakota hadn't died..
    And having Ly give in and break down in front of her casket was completely heart breaking. It took me a while to recover from reading that.

    I think this was probably my favorite chapter so far. It was so emotional and real...I just...I loved it.

    Big-headed? no way! You're an incredible writer. This is definitely a good idea, I'll go like right now :)
    Now, new fan fiction similar to CIM?? I believe you have just made my year. I'll definitely be anxiously waiting for that!
    March 18th, 2013 at 06:55am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    you're not being egotistical. It's actually a clever idea. Anyway, this chapter definitely almost had me on tears *well, i was crying on the inside*. It's just so sad. I feel bad that Zacky didn't get to know the real her. That he only got to learn about her through stories. Anyway, i'm real excited to hear that you want to write something similar to Crash Into Me. That was my favorite story everrr. Love it so much ^_^ I'll be waiting for the next update of this ;)
    March 18th, 2013 at 01:27am
  • sins-97

    sins-97 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really really did not see that one coming. It was like one minute happy we get to meet Dakota next minute sorry she is gone no meeting. And Lysander at the funeral. I really like his friends they seem like good people. Oh and the crying. Him breaking down totally made him cry.
    March 17th, 2013 at 09:42am
  • Nia_Flores

    Nia_Flores (100)

    I just cried like a baby! Not a wise thing to do with the horrible cold I have, cuz now I have a runny nose again! But what a chapter!!! OMG... the way you wrote it, it felt like... real!

    Great work. I'm a big fan of your work!!!
    March 17th, 2013 at 08:24am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    I cried. Again. From beginning to end. Probably didn't help that Need by Hana Pestle was playing on my iTunes at the exact same time, but that's beside the point - if you know that song, trust me, the irony hasn't been lost. But this chapter...it was really hard to read, for personal reasons. It reminded me of the eulogy I had to read at my best friend's funeral, and when I spoke at my grandma's funeral a few years ago. There is nothing worse than having to get up and speak in front of a room full of crying, expectant people when you're already gutted in every single word. I just. I can't think of anything else to say except this was probably my favorite chapter of the whole story, thus far. Probably weird, considering how depressing it is, and I can't explain it. Maybe because it's so real, like with the emotion? I'm not making sense lol but I'm crying too hard to really care. I love this. Thank you <3
    March 17th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • avenging angel

    avenging angel (100)

    United States
    You have made me cry yet again!!!! You have a way with words that...ugh!! I'm happy that Lysander feels supported by everyone that knew him and loved his sister. And I just hope he recovers from all the big blows he had in life now and looks for the future for better things. Loved the update!!!
    March 17th, 2013 at 02:42am
  • monarockit

    monarockit (100)

    Just going to say that I'm crying like a baby. You're that kind of writer that move people with words, because yes the plot is sad but it's your way with words what has me crying and not only tearing up a little.

    Well, I lied, I'm not just going to say that. When I first started reading the story I never thought Dakota would be dead. I was still looking forward to seeing them as a family, still looking forward to her meeting all the new people that Lysander has met. But then, when I was reading excited the 19th chapter it all crashes down and she's dead. One part of me was kinda angry you killed her but I still wanted to read the next chapter, I wanted so bad to know what came next as if I was reading a brand new story. It's not what I expected but I can't say I've lost interest in your story.

    And in this chapter well, too many emotions are in chest right now. I could feel their pain, Lysander's actual pain. The way your describe the feelings, the actions, everything makes me feel their loss. You're real talented, I've read actual books that can't transmit as many feelings as you do in a fanfiction. So, consider me a real fan of your writing.

    I'm dying to read what's coming next, but there's no rush because —as selfish as it can sound— I want to read something as great as this chapter. I want to feel the story not just read it :)
    March 17th, 2013 at 01:55am