Melodramatic (But It Turns Me On) - Comments

  • chemicalkid101

    chemicalkid101 (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ahem, please excuse me while I go for a cold shower to get rid of my girl boner 0.0
    ASFGAHSKFJ.....This was amazing. I'm seriously lost for words.. damn you and you're beautiful writing talent. I loved this, that's all I can say ^_^
    March 23rd, 2012 at 02:53pm
  • robbsdead

    robbsdead (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I’m so glad I finally got round to reading this; it was quite amazingly wonderful. Have I ever told you you’re an amazing writer?
    February 12th, 2012 at 09:00am
  • Alice911

    Alice911 (100)

    United States
    i got hot just reading the title of this story! lol
    theres just something about ptv....
    January 18th, 2012 at 08:48am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    And we are back for round two, ding ding.

    I’m really enjoying how Frank is taking this, unable to be truly ‘mean’ and only lavishing attention on Mikey. The idea of good cop bad cop is very intriguing indeed. Sometimes Jet Star has the best ideas, really. I agree with Mikey, I kind of want to see those two make out too, ha. Of course Mikey couldn’t just watch though, the urge to touch is overpowering. I just have to say, you are amazing for doing what most would consider an unconventional pairing, I don’t think I’ve ever read Mikey/Ray/Frank before, but I think it is utterly brilliant and you have done it so well! I applaud you. Honestly, the descriptions are brilliant, the small things you pay attention to, every hitch of breath and every slide of fingers, it all creates such an intriguing image. It’s very well put together.

    There is also something rather fascinating about the edge of unease you’ve given Frank, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, and his urge to touch is taking over completely, yet Frank still wants, and it is Ray who is completely in control. I adore! I love the intimacy between Mikey and Ray too, the way they know each other so well, that was displayed by that brief rather interesting exchange while Frank was out of the room. I honestly do really adore the dominant Ray you have going here. I have never seen such a character I want to explore so much as this Ray, awesome kudos to you, seriously. There is something wholly appealing about the idea of Mikey Way begging like that. I really do love the dynamic you’ve got going between the three of them, I think it’s wonderful.

    That was utterly amazing, honestly, it was brilliant and perfect. The sweetness of it at the end, that raw emotion, I know what that’s like, that moment where you’re so safe, so comfortable, you can just let it all out. Honestly, absolutely perfect, I just can’t find the words, ha!

    If they survive this… oh Ray, what promises you make! Amazing, I do love dominant Ray so much, he was just so perfect in this. Ah, thank you, thank you, thank you! I don’t know if I can thank you enough for this.
    January 14th, 2012 at 10:30pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    Hotness :}}} Frank is too Frank to resist, Ray had no chances of staying faithful to Mikey, which is kinda sad, I preferred threesome to Ray cheating on Mikey :) but well, I'm concentrating on something less important :D I loved sexy time, it was so well described :D and it was really cool that Frank was so insecure at first and didn't know what to do :D Sadly it's the end :'( I enjoyed every second of it :'D
    January 14th, 2012 at 04:07pm
  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    I love it, it's... Interesting :DDD
    December 31st, 2011 at 01:47am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    [I somehow cut off the top of that comment, sorry]

    A great start, a wonderful way to crack open the skull of the Killjoy world and let the grey matter stain our computer screens. “I thought I was the man with the plan,” Ray says, pouting. That actually earned a full laugh out loud moment, kudos to that. Blunt Mikey is wonderful. Also, ‘Like Brangelina only sexier and with less adopted children.’ earned a full out giggle snort.
    December 31st, 2011 at 12:15am
  • XrayPineapple

    XrayPineapple (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love how inquisitive Frank seems to be, just picking up things and examining them, then the lead up to the line ‘A new item has caught Frank’s interest: Kobra Star.’ was just brilliant. Also soppy Frank is adorable. I really like the back story you’ve created for the Girl, and how you’ve interwoven their stories. I do adore plot, although porn without plot is interesting, porn that leads to plot (predominantly what dearest Gerard’s Game is) is what really floats my boat. Plot is awesome. And especially when its back story that helps build on the Killjoy world. Although, the image of Kobra Kid and Jet Star in the back of that car… *shivers* you have quite the way with imagery, especially when the back seat of a car is involved. ‘Mikey + anxiety = threesome with Frank? No.’ your maths skills have failed you there, lol. ‘having not just Ray, the ruggedly handsome manly man, take him on,’ I agree wholeheartedly with that description. “…honestly infiltrating the BL/ind sounds like foreplay for you.” lol, Frank, no, just no.

    I love the little D/s dynamic you have going between Mikey and Ray, and I adored that Frank actually thought Ray was angry about the kissing thing. I just have to point out, there’s never enough ‘grr Ray’ in fics, I find, I can’t wait to see what you do with this character. “How ‘bout unicorn, you like unicorns,” Ray suggests. the greatest reasoning behind a safe word, ever. Dalek, nice nod there. And a skirt, my, my, my. Of course Mikey would have the legs, and the feminine strut, for a skirt, hee hee.

    I really think Frank’s nervousness and unease about the whole situation helps convey a sense of realism (as much as we can in this situation) that’s not only adorable but also gets Ray to play this rather commanding and… grr (I’ve lost my words, ha) ringmaster (love that line) that I really do enjoy.

    Can’t wait to see what this ‘everything’ in the next chapter will bring us.
    December 31st, 2011 at 12:14am