Sugar - Comments

  • I just found this story. I absolutely love it! You don't see very many Brian and Gerard stories out there. It's nice to find one that doesn't suck :)
    June 27th, 2012 at 11:29pm
  • That was really awesome and slightly twisted...just the way I like it!
    March 29th, 2012 at 04:13pm
  • Oh how I loved words could describe its awesomeness!
    March 29th, 2012 at 04:32am
  • Mmm it was great :DDD Brian/Gerard O.o holy fuck, one of the best parings :))) your style is also awesome, it's like mysterious and somehow slow... Idk how it can be slow, but it just is :) it felt like I was in a dark, smoke filled room and someone was whispering this story to me. And those never-ending (why :))) ) "sugar"s... Really awesome :))) and "Pictures" was great soundtrack to this story
    January 1st, 2012 at 02:35pm
  • Firstly, loving the banner, and the song, indeed, any song where Brian Molko is singing such suggestive things is okay by me. I liked the way you threw us into this Killjoy world, no warning, just complete sensory overload. ‘You asked for whales? For water? For my non-existent daughter?’ The flow of that sentence was just wonderful. The voice of your protagonist is delectable, his single minded determinedness, viciousness, selfishness and patronising tones are fantastic, it makes me sort of route for him, and all the delicious things he could do. The repetition of ideas and imagery, and how you wove the characters together, the dominance and the docile, yet still that playful tone in the beginning, were fantastic. And oh, the sadistic undertones are positively phenomenal. And such a wonderful last line ‘Everybody knows not to wander about the desert alone, sugar. Everybody except you.’ I must agree with you, Gerard as a man-man is very loveable, hee hee.

    Thank you so much for entering, I’m glad you had fun writing that, and I definitely think it counts as a kink. Good luck.
    December 31st, 2011 at 12:47am