The Story of Us - Comments

  • a n g e l.

    a n g e l. (100)

    United States
    The layout: I really like it, the color theme is nice. The only thing that I don't particularly like is how the banner picture is smaller than the story area.
    The title: It seems to fit the story rather well.
    The summary: I like it. It's short and sweet. It isn't too long that it gives away too much of the story, but at the same time it isn't too short that it doesn't tell me anything.
    The story: Really amazing. I didn't see any grammar or spelling mistakes, so that's good. I really like how you started off with Swan Lake, it's nice.

    Overall, great job c:
    January 23rd, 2012 at 10:04pm
  • Sweet.Prince

    Sweet.Prince (100)

    United States
    I wasn't sure about the layout but I actually ended up really liking it. The simpleness really fit in with the story. No spelling or grammar mistakes which makes me so happy I could almost dance! I love the way you wrote the story it was romantic and almost fun... but not. If that makes sense at all? It reminded me of being a kid and reading a fairytale. I just loved it.
    January 23rd, 2012 at 04:50am
  • spektor

    spektor (100)

    United States
    I love the way you started off with swan lake, personally I was looking up swan lake earlier today. Which was weird, I believe I was destined to read this all the way through :). The elements you put into the story are amazing, and dress up the normal teenage love story. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapters, because I love the first two.

    Errors, there were none. Finally someone who doesn't insist on spp3lllingz li3ks thizz.
    January 21st, 2012 at 11:27pm
  • nautical.

    nautical. (100)

    United States
    First off, I am really, really sorry that it took me so long to get back to you on this comment swap.

    Now, the story. First off- the layout is simple, nice, and easy. It fits just fine and I quite like it. The content- I love how you started off with Swan Lake story. I never knew the exact story and...your way of story telling is just overall very simple, yet almost fairytale like. I know the Swan Lake thing is technically one, but the way you wrote it was just very, ah, fun and romantic. It could have been boring and just telling, but the way you did it was interesting.

    I think it is an awesome prologue. There were no errors I saw and everything was just dreamy. c: Sorry, I can't really explain how I feel about the tone too well. But it is a good thing, for sure. :)
    January 11th, 2012 at 11:23pm
  • wristbanger

    wristbanger (100)

    United States
    You have a simple way of telling a story, which can be sometimes good, sometimes bad. If its too simple, it gets boring, but if it's too elaborate, it gets confusing. I think you're leaning toward the too simple side, so I'd love it if you add a little more detail and try to enchant us more. Also, sometimes reselling a fairy tale may be too repititve because many have tried it before, and usually it gets awfully cliche so try not to get into that stage.

    So far though, the prologue does give a cute little insight into the story and main girl. To me, its very good so far! :)Good luck on the rest of the story ^_^
    January 11th, 2012 at 07:04pm
  • adam jensen

    adam jensen (100)

    United States
    I love your story-telling abilities. It's very simple, yet I can easily see myself sitting down in my living room, listening to my mother telling me a story like that. Of course, it would probably give me nightmares because I'd be like, 9, and I loved happy endings but regardless, I'm interested in your story. And I'm definitely subbing. :)
    January 11th, 2012 at 06:32pm
  • Manbear-n'-Me!

    Manbear-n'-Me! (130)

    United States
    Ahhh...this is a very nice piece; it kind of had a graceful way of pulling the readers into the story. It kind of reminded me of when I was a wee little kid being read a fairy tale, and being mesmerized from the words "Once upon a time..." (Is this an odd thought? XD)
    Anyways, the reference to Swan Lake works perfectly, and as I read the summary, I could already feel the heartache of the plot line...

    I love the prologue; simple as that. It's personal and as a reader I found myself connecting with her thoughts. I, too, love tragedies...even though I absolutely hate what it does to me. XD
    Assuming that Marlene is the narrator, she does come off as a dreamer. So far, I like how she's portrayed.

    Other notes; no spelling or grammar errors, which is great. And the way this story is being told so far, it's easy to read and I found that I was going along with the flow of the character's thoughts very naturally. This is a very good thing; a lot of times people get so fixated on the details, that the natural flow of events gets choppy. I didn't see any of that here.

    I like what I'm reading, and I'm very intrigued how this tragedy plays out. Subscribed. =D
    January 10th, 2012 at 05:17am
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    This was so sad. I remember that story - I think I had the book or the movie or something. It's awful to think someone could be so terrible as to change someone with a spell for no damn reason. This was touching, and sad, and I love Taylor Swift so much, so of course I'd find a story with a line from her song a good read.
    January 9th, 2012 at 02:47am