When Love and Death Embrace - Comments

  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    OMG!Nooo!I don't want it to end!I have enjoyed this story so much,through everything,it is most definetly one of my favorite stories on here and you are for sure one of my favorite writers!AAAAAHHH!!!!Oh my gosh I am so happy for them! They are going to make fantastic parents!And it was so cute how excited everyone was for them!I'm excited for them as well!Such a wonderful ending to a wonderful story!I would love a third!It's really up to you,but I would so enjoy a third because I am so sad to see this has ended!Great work hun!I look forward to another installment in this series!!
    October 18th, 2012 at 11:57pm
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    I don't know about a third one.. I'm pretty happy with this ending.. But of course that also depends on what you're thinking number three should be about? ;) hehe... Good chapter, good story and thank you for it. :)
    October 18th, 2012 at 09:57pm
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    Well hdjdifjrntofifn sick and homeless? Damn.. I hope your alright. Hmm.. So they're married and she might be pregnant? Cool. I re-read this part of the story again, but I think this is still worth reading and stuff... Hmmm... Good chapter. Smile
    October 13th, 2012 at 12:26pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    It's been such a long time since you updated!I had forgotten just how much I loved this story!It's awesome and I am so glad you updated!I am so happy that Alaina & Ville are doing well & enjoying thier honeymoon!Missy & Bam <3!Love them!OH!What is it?I'm excited!What is she so nervous about?U-ultra sound?!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!Is she preggnant?!I hope so!That would be so incredibly aweosme & sweet!Oh!I really hope she is!I'm freaking frusterated now because I wanna know what the hell happens next!!Pleeeeeeaaaasae update soon!I really am happy you updated this.It's been too long,but hey,what counts now is that you did!I's so great & you are such a fantastic writer,one of my favorites!Update soo ma dear!!
    October 10th, 2012 at 01:24am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    ARGH! I had fogotten that this had to end on purpose and now you have reminded me.. *sad sigh* I guess I'll learn to deal and enjoy what's left. Yeah! they got married!! that's so sweet, I'm just hoping that that feeeling her her stomach (or whereever, whatever it was) is calming down so there won't be too much drama before the end... hmm... maybe she's pregnant again? she might be super fertile or something like that. I don't know.. just an idea... hmmm... Other than that I'm glad you updated, it has yet to fail on making me smile ^.^ Another good chapter and I can't wait to read even more of this, even if it is part of the end =)
    February 25th, 2012 at 07:23pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Again hun,awesome!!
    February 25th, 2012 at 12:56am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Aaaaaaaah!!!!My favorite story has been updated!Omg!All of this wedding talk has me so excited for my own!THREE MONTHS LEFT!!!!!Enough about me!!!!This story fuckin rocks!Aaaaawa hunny don't be sad.Couples go through this sometimes and it hard but you have to know that of you two are still together that means you can work on all of your issues .Ville will forgive you.O he hasn called off he wedding then obviously he has.He loves you.Aaaaaw that was so sweet of him to give her that necklace.The dress and everything was absolutely beautiful!!!I bet Ville looked amazing as well!!oh I'm just so happy for them.They been through some things and ya know they just deserve to be as happy as they can be.They reeeeeally do.They are like my favorite fictional couples!!!!I love it so much!And AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I LOVE RIGHT HERE IN MY ARMS!!!!Great fucking song!!!!Love it hun so freaking much.Sad that it will be ending soon.But I guess All good hints do!Can't wait for more.BEST STORY ON MIBBA!!!!!LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!Update soon hun!!!
    February 25th, 2012 at 12:18am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    I can honornestly say that I did not see that one coming.. at all... aka a surprise... and a good one =) I like surprises... in stories that is x) Anyways, I'm wonering how she will be acting after this and if she is going to share the reason of her hatred to this fake bitch of a person.. hmmm.. Also, I couldn't help but smile even wider when I saw that you had updated... I kind of half feared that you were going to lose inspiration for this and end it after another two chapters.. so I'm a bit more calm now =) Uh and if I haven't told you, I'm a very patient woman when it comes to waiting for updates on stories I like... I don't know if I have already told you this.. but I guess telling you twice won't hurt ^.^ It was a good chapter and I hope you keep being inspirated to writing more to this.... and this comment is seriously long.. yep... and it's ending.. NOW!!
    February 15th, 2012 at 10:00pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!YAAAAAYY!!!!Finally an update!So excited,you just made my day!Ok sooo,aaawww that's a cute idea to have a Valentines Day wedding.I agree,I think it will make that day more special in more ways then one. That's quite a romantic idea.Miss <3!Aaaw that gown was BEAUTIFUL!!!I loved it!!!Bam and
    Ville..Yep figured there would be a swarm of girls.Idk..If she's nervous,that's understandable,hell i'm nervous too lol..Oh crap..Well I'm sure he will forgive her..he loves her.Your NOT a bitch,everybody has bad days!So freaking happy you updated!So glad you are feeling better and that you had a good birthday!I seriously can't wait for more!Bring them on!! Lol
    February 15th, 2012 at 08:43pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!YAAAAAYY!!!!Finally an update!So excited,you just made my day!Ok sooo,aaawww that's a cute idea to have a Valentines Day wedding.I agree,I think it will make that day more special in more ways then one. That's quite a romantic idea.Miss <3!Aaaw that gown was BEAUTIFUL!!!I loved it!!!Bam and Ville..
    Yep figured there would be a swarm of girls.Idk..If she's nervous,that's understandable,hell i'm nervous too lol..Oh crap..Well I'm sure he will forgive her..he loves her.Your NOT a bitch,everybody has bad days!

    So freaking happy you updated!So glad you are feeling better and that you had a good birthday!I seriously can't wait for more!Bring them on!! Lol
    February 15th, 2012 at 08:43pm
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    nooooooooooooooooooooooo *takes in deep breath* ooooooooo!! I had blocked out the fact that this was seeming like it was coming to an end... and now *sigh* it just hit me again... damn.. I know it's for the best. because the author usually knows best... so I'll learn to deal before it gets to that point.. I hope x) hmm... awww they are so cute and now they are engaged too =D I think the best way to summon up my thoughts are : awwwwwww.... good chapter.. and (hopefully) there will bemore soon... please ^-^
    January 20th, 2012 at 02:32pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    AAAHH!!!An update!!!!Made my frickin day!!!!Ok,so uumm droool! That picture of Ville! Yum! Lol, anyways,I'm glad that her and Ville are doing so well and that she doesnt really think about the miscarrige that often anymore.I mean of course it's normal,every great once in awhile,to wonder what could have happened if she hadn't of lost it.BUT dwelling on it would only make her misserable and so I'm glad she didn't.That outfit was cute,I loved the bleeding heart necklace and the HIM shirt.Hhhhmmm..Idk I have a feeling something is up...Lolz Jewlery store??And a ring!Btw it's beautiful.I think I know whats up!!!And also a dinner?? Hhhhmm..Wonder what it could be?;).That dress is just too cute! I bet she looks beautiful in it. AAAHHH!!!!HE PROPOSED!!!!OMG THATS SO FREAKIN AWESOME AND ABOUT FLIPPIN TIME!!!! She's gonna make a GREAT Mrs. Valo!Oh I'm just so happy for them!!I really am.But aaaww..Sad that the story is coming too an end.But it was such a good story,that I will enjoy every last minute of it!!!So are u going to put the wedding in the last chapters or maybr write another sequel about planning the weddinh and how much of a pain in the ass it is!!!!Lol speaking from personal experience lol.This was really probably my favorite chapter so far.I LOVE it!!Can't wait to see how it ends!Update soon hun :D
    January 20th, 2012 at 10:40am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    I always feel so behind when I see Avenged foREVer's comments on here.. they are like huge ass comments and then there are mine.. damn.. respect to Avenged foREVer for that..

    anyways, back to the story... I'm sort of in a blank mode about what is going to happen in this story next.. but what i do know is what I think about your lastest updates.. want to know?? .. argh.. I'm going to tell you matter what so.. here: yeah she's back on solid ground... uuh.. ouch stomach pains.. HA! I knew she was pregnant! .. it was actually pretty good she had a miscariage (I don't know how to spell it xD ) hmm.. awww.. Ville is being sweet... and then finishing my reading with another look at the picture of Ville... mmm....

    okay that pretty much summons it up ^.^ I was already smiling today, but you updating made it a bit bigger, great update *gives you a piece of delicious cake* especially since you have updated on my birthday! (the 19th) and I can't wait to read more of this and hopefully soon =D
    January 19th, 2012 at 06:01pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    So glad you updated!!!!I love this story so much!I wish she would feel better allthough I understand that it's upsetting her.It makes me a little teary eyes.I just..Idk it's heartbreaking.Feel better
    Alaina.I'm glad she decided to tell Ville.If she didn't I would understand her reasoning,but again I'm glad she did because he deserved to know and actually he didn't seem to take it so hard.He's right.Even though they are in love,and Ville is successful,they need to figure out what they want and possibly get married before they decide to have a child.OOOHH!!!I wonder what the suprise will be!!!I cannot wait to find out.U always keep me hanging on the edge of my chair wondering what the hell is going to happen next!So excited for more!!!!Let me know when you update again.Actually I'l get an email about it lol.But I'm forgettful.CAN'T WAAAIIIT!!!!!!!!Going to bake you some more cookies for all of your wonderful chapter lol *Heads to the kitchen to make cookies*
    January 19th, 2012 at 12:36pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    So glad you updated!!!!I love this story so much!I wish she would feel better allthough I understand that it's upsetting her.It makes me a little teary eyes.I just..Idk it's heartbreaking.Feel better Alaina.
    I'm glad she decided to tell Ville.If she didn't I would understand her reasoning,but again I'm glad she did because he deserved to know and actually he didn't seem to take it so hard.He's right.Even though they are in love,and Ville is successful,they need to figure out what they want and possibly get married before they decide to have a child.OOOHH!!!I wonder what the suprise will be!!!I cannot wait to find out.U always keep me hanging on the edge of my chair wondering what the hell is going to happen next!So excited for more!!!!Let me know when you update again.Actually I'l get an email about it lol.But I'm forgettful.CAN'T WAAAIIIT!!!!!!!!Going to bake you some more cookies for all of your wonderful chapter lol *Heads to the kitchen to make cookies*
    January 19th, 2012 at 12:35pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Just saying again LOVE this story!!!!!!!
    January 19th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Yay she's back in A-merica lol. Missy is just too adorable.I love her <3.Bam,Ik ur just trying to help bud,but I think it just be best if you left her alone.Let her sort things out.Oh no!What's wrong Alaina?Omg whats wrong ?!Oh!I hope she is ok.Hhmmm.I never thought that it could possibly be her appendix.That could be a possibility...But..Oh.. Poor Alaina..Oh I just feel so bad for her.She WAS preggnant but she lost it.Aaaw poor girl.Idk I agree that she shouldn't say anything to Bam and Missy but idk I think maybe she should tell Ville.Then again it might be better if she didn't.Loved the update!Oh my,I've been so damn buisy.This wedding is a pain in the ass lol I have five months left and it's driving me crazy with all the crap I have to do.So if I don't respond right away,I'm NOT ignoring u,I've just been swamped with shit to do. But if I don't answer right away I WILL get back to you just as soon as I can.I'm sorry,hope u don't think I'm rude just been craZy buisy.ANYWAYYYZZZ the story is fantastic and I can't wait for the next update!!!!
    January 19th, 2012 at 06:38am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    that picture of Ville was a mmmm.. or [insert drooling Homer Simpsons here] moment... hehe

    okay, so it was his sister.. phew.. uh maybe she's going to have a pregnancy scare and Ville just freaks out and cheats on her.. but then she isn't pregnant after all.. uh or maybe he thinks she's pregnant.. and gets all weird on her and then he finds out she's not.. uh or maybe she's pregnant but they decide not to have the baby... uh or maybe she's preganant and they decide to have to the baby.. uh or maybe she's sick and suffors from something really rare.. uh or maybe she's just worried about something I have forgotten.. uh or... maybe she was pregnant, but the pregnancy went wrong and she's having an natural abortion... uh or maybe she's simply really sick... or blah blah blah...

    okay..another good chapter, another smile and a hope for more of this story soon.. ^.^
    January 18th, 2012 at 07:50pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Btw that picture of Ville was just..mmm...Lol
    January 18th, 2012 at 12:34pm
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Ville u better not be cheating on her or I will bust your ass!!! Oh...Thank God it was just his sister.Whew..That had to be a little embarrassing though lol.Out fit was cute :P.I bet they had fun ;P lol they did the hipity dipity,so I bet Alaina feels relaxed now lol.He he.Aaw kinda sad she's going back but she's taking Ville with her so I guess its really not that sad. OMG my soon to be brother in law got me the first season of Viva La Bam,and Ville is in the 3rd episode!!Lol,anyway. Wh- what?She hasn't had her period yet?Oh no.No,no,no.Oh please dont be preggnant.Unless thats what she wants..Omg u HAVE to update soon.Sorry really havent been on mibba today so I didn't see that u had told me about the update.Im glad I finally looked though!Aaaaaaah!!!! Great chapter though!Update soon hun :D
    January 18th, 2012 at 12:30pm