Human After All - Comments

  • spellbound.

    spellbound. (225)

    United States
    This is a huge chapter. Seriously, it's like overwhelming, even compared to most your chapters. I might suggest splitting it in half.... It's very tedious to read the entire chapter once if you're busy, or wanting to get through it quickly. Personally, I read it at 4 AM while trying to sleep.... The sheer size of this was just very surprising.

    Also, and this is just a personal opinion, this line seems to stand out and not really match well. " Perhaps it was the amazing scenery that grew around the town now that the sailors weren't wrecking it constantly, or the fact that three months had already passed and Rowan had called him just last night to say that the process would be finished a bit earlier, that distracted him from paying attention in class."
    It just seems to interrupt everything. Probably just a personal opinion, however, and it's not that big an annoyance.

    I like how Beau went to leave Joshua roses. Despite being such a tiny action when Joshua is as injured as he is, it really reminds you of the situation. It seems like in the third chapter, though, that the transition into the present isn't very smooth. It seems a bit jumpy. The third chapter itself, though, I feel is excellent. It highlights how much pain Beau would be in. I feel like even if he had taken his medicine, he'd still be in a bit of pain. Medication can take the edge off, but it won't ever fully solve anything. I'm really glad that you showed that in this chapter.

    I love how the girl in class is very cliche. She just asks him all the questions you would expect. She's so typical, but it just adds to the situation as a whole. I'm not how sure I like that you had the characters point out the president's mysteriousness.... It makes it a bit unreal. Although obviously, humans are always fighting for a rebellion and questioning high authority's decisions, I don't think this was a great way to explain her actions. They could mention the upcoming election, like you had them do, but I personally think if it were left up to the readers to figure out, it would have been a bit better.

    This is the part that I absolutely do not like. When Beau tells her all those things, getting angry and explaining the whole situation that happened to him.... I'm going to be honest. I hate it. It just seems like you couldn't have come up with a different way for Beau to explain his thoughts and emotions. Those lines, if he wouldn't have spoken them to that girl in those exact words, would have given such a dramatic and impacting effect. In the way that you've used them here, I think it just... fizzles. Badly. But perhaps I'm making a big deal out of this. Either way, this is my honest opinion.

    Also: Beau realizes he went too far with the girl. She was just another curious person. You changed the verb-tense there. I think it should be Beau realized he went too far with the girl.

    I love how Aberdeen has the personality that she does. I've been in health science classes (for potential nurses, doctors, etc,) and it seems they instill into your brain that every single patient should be treated the same regardless. It fits with a nurse perfectly. I just love that. She's easily one of my favorite characters just because of how you fit this with her. I do like how she treats Beau and tries to calm him down without babying him.... It really fits her very, very well.

    Also, although insignificant, I love how when Beau goes to stand up in the nurse's office, his bad leg gives out. Having had experience with a minor injured leg, I know just how crippling it can be when you have one. It's debilitating. Even if Beau has seemingly barely used it in this chapter, it works very well that you've done this.

    The part when Beau is going home, I love. It really shows Adrian's "shell-shock," if you will. He's still very mentally traumatized from his experiences and this is reflecting those post traumatic stress symptoms. It's great that you added this in.

    The first few paragraphs right after Beau's fight with his mother are great. I love how he hears the nightmares after he sleeps and how you describe the pain he feels. The paranoia bit (Beau knowing anyonle could hurt him after his experience with the Capitol, when he opens the door,) is also a favorite of mine. It really makes his feelings stand out, much like previously stated. The bit showing how lazy Beau's gotten (the take-out food, lack of drinking coffee, etc.) is also a good example of this.

    I feel indifferent about the part with Ethylon. The dialogue is very fitting and shows how both of them have changed as characters so far. You do amazing characterization. (:

    I'm not so sure I liked the ending of this chapter. It was dull. There isn't much of a hook to keep you hanging for the next chapter. It just ends. Granted, since with all the drama with Joshua, readers are dying to know what happens. But I feel like this is the kind of situation where you know he'll come out okay. Perhaps that's just the way I feel, but I don't feel much of an edge.

    I was also disappointed not to hear from Drew. With all the things going on thus far, and with Beau's horrible physical, mental, and emotional state, I would think Drew would be quite concerned. Although Drew and Beau don't have a very personal relationship, I still think adding him in would have been very fitting.

    All in all, this chapter wasn't one of the best, I don't think. It was good, yes, and parts of it were brilliant - but as a whole, it was a bit disappointing, especially since I think the chapters spent as prisoners under Mr. Rager were some of the best. Still, I'm anxious for the next chapter, and I can't wait to read it.

    And, once again - sorry for the huge comment. I tend to overdo reviews.
    February 29th, 2012 at 04:22am
  • Skeleton_kitten1313

    Skeleton_kitten1313 (100)

    United States
    Aww... its sad this story is gonna end but I can't wait for this sequel!
    All I want to know before this story ends is how Joshua is doing...
    I've read some of your stories like Sunday Bloody Sunday and As I'm Pacing the Pews and I'd like to say you are an awesome writer!
    This story is one of the few that I have stuck with since the begining!
    You're a great writer and I hope you don't stop writing :) Can't wait for the next update!
    February 27th, 2012 at 10:55pm
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    This story cannot end! I'm already starting to cry a little bit, and there's still another chapter.
    I hope we at least find out if Joshua is okay or not before this story ends.
    I'm so excited for the sequel.
    You know, out of all the stories I've read on Mibba (and trust me when I say it's a lot) I don't think I've ever stuck by a story from the very begining like I have this one, and even if I have, I know I've never loved a story as much as this one.
    You have so much creativity and imaginiation, and that's something that so many people around here lack it seems.
    Anyways, I can't wait to see how this ends. Keep being amazing Sonshine. ♥
    February 27th, 2012 at 08:20pm
  • A T T A C K !

    A T T A C K ! (100)

    Woah, I just saw that comment and up there and I'm like "I can't top that..."
    But I'll say the same thing I always say, and I think you're gonna be sick of me telling you how amazing your story is, but oh well- YOUR STORY IS AH-MAZING! :]
    I love Beau so much, and how he loves Joshua, not just because of his body but for him. He is so adorable pining away for Joshua, and I was just begging Joshua to be back together with Beau. They just can't be apart T_T
    And I was sad when I read that there was only one chapter yet, but lookie here! A sequel! Yay! You really made my day what that haha I'll be looking forward to it, so please post the final chapter soon!
    And I hope that they reunite at the end of this story- I don't know what I'd do if they weren't together!
    Well, I didn't really beat the previous comment, but I think I just wanted to let you know how much I adore and love your story (and you boys for that matter!)
    You are a really talented writer, so never stop typing on that keyboard!
    Until next time!
    February 27th, 2012 at 10:17am
  • spellbound.

    spellbound. (225)

    United States
    I read every chapter in this story over the course of a few hours. Usually, I'm very critical of the slash that I read, but this one has a lot of interesting themes in it and a ton of potential. Or, the sequel does, at least. This story just has that edge, that element of surprise and that hook that many other stories scattered about Mibba lack.

    There were a few things I thought were perhaps a bit unrealistic, though.

    In one chapter (chapter 26, maybe?) when Beau and Joshua were reunited, it seemed a bit... lacking. As if the characters could have played it off with more emotion involved. Beau has just been scarred, physically and mentally, for life. He's been tortured and beaten down, suffered the worst trauma of his life, and barely shows it. He is the dominant one in his relationship with Joshua, but even in those circumstances I think anyone would crumble. Yes, he's happy, ecstatic even, to see Joshua safe and sound, but I think a little bit more emotion should have been involved in there, showing just how badly that traumatized Beau. Plus, even if his scars had healed, moments before they escaped he was rolling over in pain. It seems like that pain would carry over to the next few chapters as well, at the very least.

    Another thing I thought was odd was when Ethylon saw Yana in the lab. His initial reaction was flawless, exactly how I imagined it would be. But after that night, after everyone sleeps, he acts almost as if it hadn't happened. He was so comatose and dull, so numb when he originally saw her, and then he rebounds that quickly? I understand he might be putting up a fake front or something of the such to hide those emotions, but I feel like the readers should have been told why.

    I didn't like how Beau is so crazy about Dahila, Leslie, and Kiyah in the beginning, and all but forgets about them when Joshua comes along. I half expected him to totally abandon them when he and Joshua went out. It also seemed, to me, that you dropped Drew from the list surprisingly fast and without much explanation. After Drew leaves from taking care of Beau's female robots, I don't think Beau ever even thinks of him again. After having such an intense, raw relationship, you would think that Drew would cross Beau's mind at least once. Even if it were just to reminesce about how he had forgotten him, or how he hadn't heard from him. It seems Drew might try to initiate contact with him once again.

    I also found their escape and a few other elements (trying to rescue Troia in the beginning, for example) a bit unrealistic. An author I used to read stated in his book that there's a difference between realistic and fair. The way you phrase things, it's fair. It could happen, but them escaping so easily with just a handful of encounters along the way? And time and time again? It seems a bit redundant, to me personally. I understand the way you're going. But when they're escaping from the 100 floor building (my apologies, I can't remember what it's called,) no one is even so much as on edge. With their prisoners gone, they should feel especially threatened and pushed to find them. They could reveal things about their little gang that no one else could possibly reveal. But there are no extra guards, no one pacing the hall way. It's simply unrealistic. It's fair; it could happen. But it's not likely. It isn't realistic.

    I also didn't like the president bit. Imagine a fight scuffling out while, some explosions, etc., while the President of the US is flying overhead in a helicopter. The first thing they'll do isn't drop down to say hi, but fly away like a bat out of hell. Especially in a world that you've created with this story, it seems like the president would be inclined, more than usual, to get the hell out of there. Or at least have a huge army of guards for their protection.

    That was a lot of negative for a story I'm so very fond of, but I've got some positives too. The way you phrase things, the characters dialogue, is simply fantastic. You show a great bit of amazing characterization and personality with each person introduced, and everyone seems very unique. I also love how Beau is characterized, and how he wasn't just like SEXSEXSEX the entire time and took it slow with Joshua. It really blends well with his personality, and you recognized that in a way other writers sometimes don't. I found it a tad hard to keep up with what robot was who, however. Beau's little mini doll robots all blended in together. Besides that fact, you phrase things very well. The characters react just like you think they would, for the most part (their dialogue and such.) You've also got a way with words, and everything seems to be worded flawlessly. Your vocabulary seems very impressive for this story.

    Now that my huge constructive criticism is out of the way, I'd like to say how much I enjoy this story. It's very good, very emotional, and it's pleasent to read. I've yet to spot a noticable grammar or spelling error on your part. Mixed within the few errors or things I didn't like of the story (a very minscule amount, considering how long this story has been,) it's a diamond in the rough, so to speak. It's golden. It shows off a lot of things that other stories on here have just failed to do lately. You're a very excellent writer, and I'm glad to have found your story. Keep the updates up! I'm hooked. (:
    February 23rd, 2012 at 02:57am
  • Ace Lightning.

    Ace Lightning. (100)

    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:58am
  • louis tomlinson

    louis tomlinson (100)

    United States
    wait. was the end of that last chapter real???? like i understand wanting happy endings, but i've never seen anything as unbelievable as what happened at the end with the president. or are we going to hear more about this super oblivious president that is supposed to be running a country?????

    it was a nice update, i enjoyed the little "oh hay josh is fine" bit at the end, but yeah.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 07:33am
  • A T T A C K !

    A T T A C K ! (100)

    I almost cried T_T
    Oh, wait, is that tear I see? THAT CHAPTER MADE ME CRY!
    Joshua... noooooo... Joshua and Beau need to be together forever!
    And thank god people know the truth now :]
    But seriously, that chapter was both super sad but really happy at the same time. BUUUUUT...
    Please update soon!
    February 22nd, 2012 at 06:30am
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    I can't even form words right now.
    I can't wait for the next chapter. :3
    I really hope Joshua remembers Beau. DX
    ily Sonshine! I think I've said it a billion times, but I think I'll make it a billion and one, I love this story so much. ♥
    Keep up the amazing work. ♥
    February 22nd, 2012 at 04:54am
  • Skeleton_kitten1313

    Skeleton_kitten1313 (100)

    United States
    I actually was teary-eyed and that's saying something because I'm not a big crier! I hope Joshua and Beau will make it through okay... *small smile*
    Can't wait for your next update :)
    February 22nd, 2012 at 04:38am
  • SingingSinner

    SingingSinner (100)

    United States
    JOSHUAAAAAA!!!! OMG! *home alone face* is he gonna be okay?! thats all i'm gonna be able to think about now :(
    p.s. i dnt hate you and thnx for the shoutout! <3
    February 21st, 2012 at 01:21am
  • Skeleton_kitten1313

    Skeleton_kitten1313 (100)

    United States
    NO! No no no! WHY would you do that! Omg Joshua and Beau :'(
    I swear you better save him by turning him human or something and he better still have his memories...
    I also want Lejend back... Update soon please :)
    February 19th, 2012 at 04:53pm
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    No! No! No!
    How could you do that?!
    Poor Joshua and Beau. D:
    I hope he makes it.
    And I hope Lejend becomes un-solar-sailor-ized.
    update soon? ♥
    February 19th, 2012 at 04:06pm
  • Ace Lightning.

    Ace Lightning. (100)

    February 19th, 2012 at 08:13am
  • shadows_in_shadows

    shadows_in_shadows (100)

    New Zealand
    February 19th, 2012 at 08:02am
  • A T T A C K !

    A T T A C K ! (100)

    NOT JOSHUA!!!O.O *freaks out*
    Please don't hurt Joshua... I don't wanna see him die T_T
    Update soon! I need more!
    February 19th, 2012 at 07:43am
  • A S K I N G .

    A S K I N G . (100)

    United States
    Oh okay! I see what you're doing :D <3
    February 19th, 2012 at 07:32am
  • SingingSinner

    SingingSinner (100)

    United States
    whoa Leighlan's human?! i didnt catch that *facepalm* and what happens to Troia and Jaydin are they escaping too? and is Joshua gonna turn human too? im really curious >//<
    February 18th, 2012 at 10:34pm
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    YAY! Leighlan is back! I'm glad he's human.
    But what about Jaydin? D:
    And Lejend?
    I really like Joshua as a bot, but I'm kind of hoping he turns human. :3
    As you're bestest mibba friend, I shall do everything I can to get this story to ten stars before it's over, okay? ♥
    I love this story more than ice cream (trust me when I say that's a lot of love, I reallllllllly love icecream. lmao)
    Update soon, yes? ♥
    February 18th, 2012 at 05:16pm
  • Skeleton_kitten1313

    Skeleton_kitten1313 (100)

    United States
    Leighlan is back Leighlan is back! I'm beyond happy!
    Hope you update soon!
    February 18th, 2012 at 04:19pm