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  • WeepingWillows

    WeepingWillows (100)

    As previous comments have mentioned, definitely try and find a layout. Just something to give the story colour and tie it all together.

    I actually really really love this story. I love the characters and the suspense and above all, the mystery. You do a very good job of keeping the reader engaged. However, I think you get so caught up in the dialogue that you skim over the details of everything else which takes away from the story just a tiny bit.

    I hope you update soon!! I'm dying to see what happens next!! :)
    November 15th, 2016 at 03:02pm
  • arye.tyler

    arye.tyler (100)

    United States
    Woot, woot, comment swap!

    So, I like the general premise of the story, as far as I understand it. You have a pretty good grasp of characterization and suspense-building, which I appreciate a lot. The story could stand with a little more fleshing out and detail, though, and I agree with the last commenter that a custom layout and a description would do it wonders.

    Overall, you have an interesting story and no issues that a beta reader couldn't fix. It needs a bit of polishing, and it'll be great. B)
    August 31st, 2014 at 08:11am
  • SadieJBlue

    SadieJBlue (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Firstly, I would suggest getting a custom layout, from experience I know stories that are amazing don't get justice unless they have a custom layout. I really think you need a description as well because I don't really know where the whole story is going.
    However, you do have some talent which is good and I think the story itself is getting better as it goes along. The idea of the party seems really fun and I finished reading the first chapter with a smile.
    Just keep it up and make improvements and then you'll start to notice that people are starting to notice you <3
    Sadie Jaye Blue xxx
    July 6th, 2012 at 12:33am